Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Just a school building from the 50s! The sign is still up and everything.


Is it because they’ve outgrown the previous building? The growth here in VA has been unreal the past several years. New builds everywhere in our area.

Pretty good. Right now I’m listening to jamelle bouie clown all over particular presidential candidates. Let’s not get into that though. :joy: I’m gonna make it dangerous in here.

Did a little drywall repair work today prepping for paint. I keep hearing recession being thrown around so I’m tripling my prices for the hard times ahead. So far no one is batting an eye. I’m scared a little bit.

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Check out this roof we did earlier. 195 gal. Of Sher-Cryl


Hell yeah. That’s retirement money! :joy:

Speaking of which, have you ever had to climb around on a slate roof?


Yea , there are some at this location I’ve done dormers. It gets hot as he’ll and we have to sit on drop cloths to keep from getting burned.


Yikes. I bet. But it’s not sketchy as far as walking along and possibly cracking the tiles from stepping on them wrong or something?

Yep, that always possible. Try to step on the ends and on two different ones at once. But no guarantee old ones will break. Don’t take no work trying to repair those. You will just break more haa haa


Fuck. Then what? Put in contract that there is the chance that your tiles might break due to the nature of painters being fat and slate being brittle?

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Well on steeper ones use a hook ladder and stay on the ladder. Price in a boom if there’s room to use it. Slate is not something to just be walking around on . If it’s dormers and you can’t get a hook ladder or boom , consider working from inside the dormer window and out from there. We sometimes drive eyeboltss on both side of the window and tie off a small walkboard and step out onto it.

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You could look closely and take a picture or 2 of broken ones and let them know to feel them out a bit. If you walk them alot you will break one .

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The growth here is not. We are losing and consolidating schools still. We just have been shuffled. The district got some casino money from y’all’s penny slots and they are renovating the 70 year old building.


I’m out for the night y’all. It’s been real. I’ll catch up tomorrow.


Y’all lost me at insurance :rofl: :face_with_head_bandage:

I hope you all are doing well today! Not much to report here. Just trying to make it through summer.

Be safe out there folks. I read that it’s been crazy on the East coast with all those hurricanes

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…People mowing their lawns before it’s really necessary, to get ahead of three days of rain expected from Debbie. I’ll be mowing tonight if the rain hasn’t started yet.


Ooooweeeeee. The mail man just dropped some stank in my mail box.


awwwwww snap!

I have a female from a pack of WD going right now! The plant is stinky as fuck. In late veg/early flower the stemrub had a strong burned rubber and musky cologne smell. They just hit week 6 and kinda switched gears to a plastic chemical and i ‘think’ is lemon in the back. Not quite sure yet. The buds structure is pretty neat. Instead of golf balls, they’re starting to form together into something a little smaller than a mini nerf football. Two things i’m a little uncertain about it. It hasn’t really stacked a lot of trichomes. And I’m sure if this is good or bad, but the trichomes are not gooey, but sandy. I don’t have a lot of experience making bubble hash, but I read that’s good for washing?

In a few weeks I can give you more info on it, but as of now, I would say to pop those bad boys, if you have the space!


Cool. Do you have a thread?


Those are nice


Yup, I tagged you.

I know ya seen but didn’t want to leave you hangin’ over here.