Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

At least they’re running tests looking into it. A lot of hospitals don’t give AF, will give you some crappy RX & send you home.

Hope you’re all good man. Maybe it was something you ate?

Lmao @ColeLennon ahahaha


oh man , gett well soon!


@Indicana_Jones did everything turn out ok?


You ok bud? How high’d you go?


Holy shit brother! I hope all went well, thinking of and praying for you right now. :pray:t3:


Thanks everybody. I think it’s mostly stress induced. I drove myself to the er 291/165. They are still working on getting my numbers down but I’m doing much better floating around in the 140-150 range. I think I’ll be going home tomorrow if everything pans out. Get me back on my medicine and don’t get off of it this time.


Take your meds. Work on your diet. Toss caffeine and booze if you drink it. Lower your sodium intake. Exercise. Watch those #'s drop like it’s hot. :sunglasses: :metal:


That’s what I like to hear. I drink zero sugar soda like it’s going outta style and never considered the caffeine aspect of it.


Caffeine Bad. Just tossing it and excess sodium will lower your #'s. Caffeine treat it like booze. Just don’t drink it at all. :100: #'s drop.


I am an absolute coffee addict, and I can tell you firsthand that caffeine will raise your blood pressure significantly. I’m still a coffee freak, but I used exercise and healthier eating to get it back down. I don’t even need to take the meds anymore.

Glad to hear you’re getting a handle on it.

No flirting with the nurses either :wink:


I know I worry more about sugar and salt. I do drink coffee, limit 3 cups in a day. But it is black no sugar. I try to walk a mile every day and I drink plenty of water. I do take my blood pressure pills too.

edit- aspirin was driving my blood pressure up. had to be desensitized when mine got over 200


Holy hell dude. That’s not good at all. You were probably bout to stroke out! :grimacing:
I hope they’re takin care of ya buddy. With a BP like that, make sure they got your medications correct and that they take a look at your kidneys.
You’ll be in our thoughts and prayers friend.


I’m so glad you got there in time brother :pray:t3: I agree with @blowdout2269 you must have been close, please take care of yourself, I’m gonna be on your ass now! I know all too well the letting your health go shit , as you know as well. Just glad you are good :open_mouth:‍:dash: we’re here for ya :facepunch:t2: in my thoughts and prayers

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I’m still here. I had kidney work done. They are perfect.
I had a chest x-ray. Came out perfect.
They loaded me into a cat scan to check out my brain and they said that shit was unremarkable. Lol. I was like what the fuck does that mean. They said that means nothing is wrong.

They are pumping me full of meds to bring my numbers down slowly. I was down to 144/100 earlier today. Then they had some kind of security breach here and were yelling danger shit over the loud speakers and I spiked back up a little. They are working to bring it back down again right now. I’ll probably be here all day tomorrow too.


Just chill and let them get ya where ya need to be, probably use the down time too, wish I was close I’d come keep ya company for real. Thinking of you bro, truly just glad that you went when you did, way too young to be stroking out on us. Mad people thinking of you brother, you’ve got this. Keep us posted


Did they give you any idea of what could have caused it to spike so high?

At least we know their equipment is functioning properly (kidding) :slight_smile:

Keep us updated, bud.


Well now, they better have another look.
There’s no way these people know what they’re talkin bout!

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Glad you’re ok man!

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Thanks for the well wishes everybody. It means a lot. We are working towards getting discharged today!


Great news! Much love brother ! One of my first thoughts as I awoke today for real :pray:t3:

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