Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Great news Buddy. Get well soon.


Still here. Undetermined if I’ll be riding out of here tonight. They upped my meds and it should take about an hour before the kick in for real.


You feeling ok though now, like good to go ?

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Yeah I took a shit for the first time since Saturday morning. Lol. My new dosage is straight bodying these numbers. I don’t feel light headed walking around again.


Great news albeit too much :wink:


Yeah man. I’m steady making steps in the right direction. That’s all I care about whether I go home tomorrow or I’m here all week.


That’s the spirit ! Respect :facepunch:t2:


@Indicana_Jones did they just have to adjust med levels? Or are they still monitoring functions?

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Nah all functions have been good from the jump. The only thing that was low was my potassium. Ive been eating the shit out of these potassium horse pills. My levels are back to normal on that.


Well that’s awesome. The food out there any good at the hospital?


So I guess they haven’t figured out what went wrong? Why your levels went out of whack? Hope you get out ofthat place soon, there is alot of renos to complete at home… J/K…:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


9 times out of 10, its lifestyle. I know this all to well. There is a reason why they say what they say after someone has a heart attack.
“As serious as a heart attack” take it as serious as a heart attack. Our bodies try and tell us when we don’t treat it right. Exercise, good stuff in, keep bad stuff out. Some people after a scare of high BP or god forbid a heart attack, completely change their lifestyle. Most don’t. I had many signs that I needed to change my lifestyle before I did. Don’t wait. We only get one of these.


He’s hooked on the green Jello :slight_smile:


I have boxes of green jello right here. Makes good added terps lime gummies. :yum:


You know my wife and I used to live at this hospital always here with some one else, taking care of some one else. We only live about 10 mins from here and we used to joke about coming here for dinner. I’m not so hot on the low sodium meals they prepare for this floor. But it is what it is. Their regular food is fire usually.

@Mrgreenthumb I’m so excited to get back to the house. I’m at the point where I’m ready to start hanging drywall. Make this joint look like a home again.

I was supposed to have a meeting with an interior designer we work with tomorrow. I gave her a call today, gave her the run down and she was basically like this job isn’t going anywhere. I need you to get better. That’s such a nice change from most contractors that are like "get better on your own time bitch!":joy:

@ColeLennon ain’t that the truth. I’m starting to feel like an asshole every time some one at the hospital asks why I wasn’t taking my medicine.

After I got COVID, every single symptom of anything wrong with me cleared up. Blood pressure, sleep apnea, I was jumping out of bed at 7 full of energy ready to go. I rode that high for about 9 months before the whole shit came crashing down on my head. My dumb ass was really running around telling people that COVID was the cure for high BP.

Also Ive never had to be on a life long med before. Everything I was ever taking was once you feel better you are done.

I know better now.


Lol. They made something fire for lunch today. I think it was orange jello with a thin layer of orange pudding on top of it. The orange terps on that dessert were outrageous.:joy:



That’s friggin’ hysterical. Jello terps :slight_smile:


Make some new solid routines. Pull your stoner moves with other shit, not your health.


Jello has all kinds of terps. Lime and also Pineapple make the best gummies. Terps.


@ColeLennon you should make a thread on how to make jello gummi’s. Even just candy jello gummi bears sound fire.