Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I was/am also a very selfish person, lol.
That’s how I felt too. But I guess I grew up[a little].
Now, I’d do anything for my son. As if I wasn’t a worrier enough though. I mean jeez, raising a child in this crazy world. It scares me. I have no idea what I’m doing. Literally just shooting from the hip, lol. Hell, I can barley manage my own life half the time. How am I supposed to care for another? How do we afford it? What if something happens to him? These are just random thoughts I’ve had in the past. Yes, I’m neurotic. No where near as bad as his mom though. She’s a helicopter.
What DO know is that we will love him no matter what, and we will do everything to give him more than we had. Bottom line.


You’re a good man. Im sure I would have been the same way. I’m just not sure I was willing to take that chance. Now I’m older and the whole scenario is a big hell no. Haha. Doing the math and being like I’m gonna be 61 when my kid is 18… Nahhh. My wife would have been a super helicopter too. Military grade.


Okay it’s been a couple of days since the pre 98s went into the paper towel/ziplock. Let’s go take a peek and see what we got!


Hah. Literally just got side tracked by a call from Walgreens telling me my meds were ready to pick up, and why is this shit 600 fucking dollars? Apparently my doctor yesterday wrote me out a prescription for 90 days on everything with a bunch of refills. Fuckin why? I’m gonna see you in another month sweet heart. We’ll see what Good RX has to say about all this.



Vigorous little buggers!


You guys have schnucks out there? Also tell them you paying cash and don’t have insurance and they normally adjust the price out here. 600 is wild

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I hit it with the good rx and it dropped down to like $295. The shit that tripped me out was why this guy wrote me out to have to pick up a 3 month supply with 2 refills. Like we aren’t even sure if this is gonna be final form of medicine I’m taking. So the whole thing breaks down to less than $100 a month. That’s cool. Let me do that shit one month at a time bro.

I almost shit my pants earlier when I plugged amlodipine into good Rx and for a 90 day script was $1000 but a 30 day script was like $15. I was like fuck can y’all just fill me 3 30s lol.

All we have around here is rite aid CVS Walgreens Walmart. Main street is dead!


Hey @Indicana_Jones do you know of anyone in your area that uses plastic pallets, and I can steal one or two from?

I’ve checked around town and everyone I’ve seen so far uses broken ass wooded ones.

I want one to put soil on so it’s not on the floor lol

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Maybe try Kroger. I think that where I ganked all of my wood pallets from but I feel like I also saw some plastic ones out back. This was like a year or two ago though. For the most part these companies keep their pallets on lock down. They keep their dumpsters locked up like fort Knox too.

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If you aren’t 100% opposed to wood, I got some clean janks from Sherwin Williams. Their pallets don’t sit out in the weather. They are truck princesses then straight into the warehouse at the back of the store.

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I wish we had a Kroger :joy::joy:, add it to your shopping list next time you’re there lmao.

We have a paint place, idk if it’s Sherwin Williams anymore but I’ll check them out just in case.

Locking up trash smh. I get it but damn :rofl:


I used to be a dumpster diving fool. The best is at construction sites. I’ve found all types of useful shit. Attic staircase new in box. Had very minor damage and couldn’t put it in new construction. Perfectly good excess material that was cheaper to chuck than to move it to the next jobsite. Waste is crazy in new construction.


I could go on and on about our dumpster diving adventures when I was younger :rofl:, before they did all these damn manned dump sites. Can’t do that shit no more, unless you work for the dump :joy:

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Ill never understand it man. Just let me have your trash if you don’t want it. :joy:

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I don’t want all of it lol. I just wanna dig though and see what I can get :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Like a raccoon :raccoon::joy::joy:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I bid $3 for this trash unseen.


I call dibs!


$2.50 take it or leave it

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1.25 and you deliver