Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

No, that’s Johnny Knoxville! Lol
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Sure, I’ll take some beans.

How you feeling bud?


I’m good. Thanks for asking. Went and saw my doctor today. He’s referring me to a kidney doctor. Blood pressure is high by most people’s standards but for me is awesome.

My hand doesn’t hurt at all anymore, which I find weird. The bottom side of my thumb doesn’t have any feeling in it. I was worried at first but I talked to a homie that’s been stabbed up before and he assured me that shits normal and it’s gonna be numb for a while.

I’m gonna take a look through my sack of beans tomorrow and see what I got for ya. Give you a choice of prizes!


You need to get that BP shit under control buddy!
As for the hand, do ya think your gonna eventually have full range of motion back in your thumb?

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Oh yeah. Thumb will be good to go. Stitches come out in 8 more days. They had me do dexterity tests while my shit was still open and they were super happy with the results. I completely missed all tendons and all major veins and arteries even though I went clear through my hand.

Blood pressure is steady dropping every day!


Great news on both accounts! :+1:

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Yeah. I got super lucky all the way around.

Aside from the $7000 ER bill…

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8 days and the stitches out, that’s kinda impressive!

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Lol. $7000 just got you closest. Shit was almost 15k and that was after they gave me the poor discount of 50%!

Yeah that’s what I thought too. I didn’t want to be an asshole and be like “are you sure doc? Lemme see what Google has to say!” :rofl:

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Oh, wow. I was just reading back cuz I was sure someone else was closer. Guess @Foreigner was just trying to sneak that end in on us, lol.
Still a ridiculous cost nonetheless.
Wanna guess what it cost to have a child at the hospital five years ago? No complications.


Oh shit I know this. My home girl had her twins 5 years ago and it was a mess. Holy shit I wanna say it was like 80k.

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Well, we both have excellent insurance through our employers. We still paid 11.2k out of pocket.
I ran all the numbers before the insurance adjustment. $29,870. Wtf?
How do poor people keep having babies?!?


They don’t. Significant amount of the population that work full time jobs yet still live under the poverty level have chosen not to have babies or start families. You can see this in the decline of births in this country.


This made me think of the opening scene in the movie Idiocracy. :laughing:


Holy smokes. That’s wild man. I got a whole respect for people that have kids. I couldn’t do that shit full time. I get to play big unc to a couple of the single mothers with dead beat dad’s. I get to step in and course correct when they are fucking up and be an outside cheerleader when they do right. But I don’t think I could handle that day in and out.


Oh, it changes you. That’s for sure. :wink:


The 18 years my kid was in my home. Best years of my life. :100:


Yeah I can see that too. When I was younger, I dated an older chick that had 2 kids already. I think they were 5 and 8. We lived together for a year. The kids got attached to me and she and I parted ways under the most ridiculous circumstances.

I was also selfish when I was younger. I could see myself resenting my kid for being in the way of what ever self gratification I might have had going on at the time.


That’s great

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