Into their 9th week of Veg, these 2 sisters are beginning to show distinct differences in their leaf patterns.
The largest of the Reg. Acapulco Golds; “A”, has developed a plant-wide droop and claw-leaf, all the while appearing really truly healthy. fyi she’s 55cm tall
Here is a quick Side by Each from this morning, with the B plant in front of the A plant.
Not being familiar with Landraces or Heirloom plants from this region; am I looking at anything specific, unique or LoL, truly fucked-up here ??
nothing to hide, here is where they live; 28c 62%rh ppfd 1000 1.5L/36hrs 18/6
(good tent picture 1 post up, acapulco’s in front row A left B right)