Indoor / Outdoor 2024

That’s a pretty setup! Looking southish? Should be able to get some neat shots with the moon.

And sativa…well, you know, that’s sorta right up my alley!


Camera is aimed ~ NNW @FieldEffect.
the North Star is Not visible to the right, In the viewfinder.

Sun has almost set, its right behind my camera and the wall. Then the fun starts

Home now, camera battery performance was the weak link, but it was still a success, first go.
Way more vehicular stray light, and maybe I did not take the Moon’s strength at 50%, serious enough lol

Definitely a return trip is already planned with a New Moon.:new_moon_with_face:

I’ll get these figured out; exposures covered 1:45-50 minutes. Could not switch batteries cuz its a trampoline in the Hay Loft… (hey…?) lol

Time for a wonderful noodle and a shot of whiskey. Very Worthwhile roadtrip @George @ An hour each way


B I N G O @OriginalDankmaster96
3 out of 4 popped in this shot, ~ 30 hours afloat


5 for 5 on the Black/Dark Creme autoflowers @ the 48-hour mark
Into Dirt on Monday

3 for 3 with the Pressure Skunk

The Dark Creme Autos are having fun

Looks like one of the Tails (L) is developing a little further at the Tip


A couple of RTBs in 2 gal. pots on the left and a Charlotte Dementia x Blueberry on the right in a 1 gal. pot. They will be going outdoors when they start to flower.

RTBs are three weeks from sprout.


Hey @503BudMan its great to see the RTB up!!
Best Wishes on your Plans Bud, All 3 look Healthy ! and Thanks for letting me know !!


Off-Topic…. but Here is the final-image from Friday nite.
Almost 700 separate images, combined to make 1.
(110 minutes of actual exposure)

So many things were Wrong, and outside of my Control, and I still think I nailed it lol

Played Spiderman up in the loft. I was Only walking on the edge beams, there was no way the floor would support anything.

Another visit is scheduled, with No Moon. I’ll start in the actual Dark, and then let morning approach.

Definitely an old Ontario Barn, and Yep, a Tornado took the End of the Barn and the Roof-off 4 years ago.

Farmer is not worried about it one Bit…
Its a first time for me, truly, seeing a star-trail through a Barn lol.

As a photo, it Needs to be bigger, there is a lot of information in there… enjoy !

This ladder was My own LST training and the Only way to the loft

There was a little wait once I had recon’d & was set-up; Nobody seemed to mind. Ticks are bad 2024, this agri-gig = no issue. Still, i kept the cuffs of my geek pants tucked…

Steel Shanked boots.:hiking_boot:


Did you set it up in the morning? The shadows have/had me confused AF, it could be the Panalawi candy kicking in too :rofl: Your camera is pointed NW but it looks like the shadows are right-left

Edit. I’m an idiot. NVM.

Edit one more time. Panalawi edibles are working :upside_down_face:

The picture is fantastic!

Really amazing. What did you have in that little stash box?


Thanks @FieldEffect, i appreciate the questions. The colour version shows the Porch-Lighting, and that nice amber colouring… it was subtle and visible, AFTER it had gotten Dark lol

And it did Not matter for the Monochrome version @FieldEffect

the 50% Moon, well it just lit that lower right Wall perfectly… there was nothing I could do about them.

A mix of Panama Red and Russian Tzar Bomba… were my guardians.
Talk about in the moment… Actually walked a few km while waiting… up n down the field.


Amazing pictures that take some effort to create.
I love old barns, they are disappearing in Ontario and will never be seen again.
I’d like to repurpose some old barn board someday. Beautiful rustic wood, cedar I think.


I think it’s going to spur a few more Gravel Road moments!!

Not sure of the wood that was used on this Beater… but I did hang-onto some still secure things

And Thanks for the compliment @Tuned


Just blabbing on a different thread…todays highlights lol

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Dark Creme below x3. Tails exploded last nite. Planted today @Tlander

Pressure Skunk below

Mr.@OriginalDankmaster96’s CRIPPY B4

So here they are now, watered-in with Worm Castings tea. Soil: 33%promix 33%wormcastings 33%ricehullhusks

This was 4 complete days… of floating.


Looking good :+1: Can’t wait to see this get underway. I still can’t believe it took from Feb to June to get this all done in time :sweat_smile:


Its in motion… lets see if we can get some results.


I see you are in the XXI century frech|nullxnull, I wonder if kids nowadays understand roman numbers icon_e_confused|nullxnull, that’s a good start … beer3|nullxnull


Gamers do, most sequel titles are denoted by Roman numerals. Especially Final Fantasy series


So 96 hours? If they all have a tail sooner, do you put them in paper towels? Or right into your “soil” mix? Pre-labeling the bags with a Sharpie. Genius.


right into the soil at that point @crownpoodle.
Thats what has been working to this point…
15ml worm tea to welcome it and say get busy


That’s simple enough. I normally make a real specific recipe for AACT. I still will, but I had a bag of worm castings get chunky. I threw some in a sock, then into 30 gallons for the yard. I have most of a bag, so the yard will look good.
Now that I have plants in the yard, I make tea every week to 10 days. Plants love it! I also pinched my 1st bud worm. Dang. Saw a moldy spot and there he was. Here we go!