Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Happy Growing has begun!
Sorry to hear about a Bud muncher…

Straight ahead @crownpoodle we got this


No fooling, 12 hours after planting a Dark Creme Auto, she has broken ground.
Go baby Go

@Tlander ( dark Creme! )


Cool! Hey, I found another vial of the Dark/Black Creme Auto beans I set aside! And clearing out the drying tent I discovered another 8-10 bags o’ beans I’d forgotten about! :joy:


Booooonus !!!
Don’t you just love that !
Lol wonder what you are going to do ? Lol

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Its been a week since the last visit.
15 gallons of Worm Casting Tea made for a mid-day gig.

Great News @Ottafish, the Hawaiian Snow x tent cross is a FeMaLe !! Great way to start the visit. And it only got better. Really windy today, next visit will be quieter ie: pm.

Red G.S.C., below

Blue God on the loose ! below

Dragon Blood Hash Plant

Apollo Ape, below

Acapulco Gold; NukeHeads

Acapulco Gold MSNL below

Pine Tar Kush

Nefertiti, below

Durban Poison

Chem Fuego

Super Diesel

Chuckle Chuckle

Russian Tzar Bomba Photo-Period, below

Rainbow Belts 2.0



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Definitely a motivating visit today @defharo. I do believe, It’s one of the most efficient years, physically.

My situation made for some easy decisions. And its been a string of consistent growth… (fist-pump)


Yeah bro! Quite the lineup! And they all are looking very happy with what you’ve been doing for them, wind or not! Tha ‘black tarp’ background is a great way to make the plant form visible! I need something like that to shoot pics of the Peshawar Joe’s - too hard to even see them against the background of the palm grove…but rigging up a 3 meter tall background would be pretty rough! :upside_down_face:



Super-sized is OK in this Market @Tlander
From the beginning Peshawars said Tall, Good Luck. Tarps are easy to drag around… I don’t do it enough. You would need someone from Broadway @Tlander to hang tarps at your Garden

And stepping away from High-Noon is going to help my photos, anywhere !

Go get’m today T, hope you share some laughs with your Crew !!


Where did that Durban Poison come from? Looks like a great specimen :sunglasses:

Lovely to see your season off to such a great start! Exciting lineup of energetic weeds :wink:

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That Durban Poison was one of my first Treasures here on OG. And you are right, its hit 3’ already, week 11

Today a 2nd Durban ID’d as a female!! so its durban poison for a few cobbs this Fall.

Stepping right in and replacing Panama Red for 2024. Thats OK with me

@misterbee shared it with me @FieldEffect


So res GSC is what a guy said my Passion Fruit cross tasted like. An original cut he hasn’t been able to duplicate.
I love growing outside! The plants look great. The bigger they get the faster they start to grow too. It’s amazing. Worm casting are the bomb. I have some really good ones that I top dressed about an inch around some plants last week and those plants just took off. Insect frass is really good too. Especially during flower.


Yes, grow marijuana or die trying!
Seeing plants in a home garden makes me dream! :heart_eyes:


I agree with you totally @defharo .
One of my Highlights this season is that largely, these are all New strains for me, (except 4 plants.)

Fantastic to see how different they are from one another


Thanks for that Confirmation on the Castings.

I am seeing a new player being used this Summer! My grow-buddy has left me to feed OG Row as I see fit, and thats a heavenly gift.

But this Summer he has thrown all his NRG behind feeding Vegetables and our Herbs, w/ Chicken Shit, only feeding once in Veg and once in Bloom.

And things are exploding !!! Its a first-use for me and the results look impressive after 3-4 weeks of outdoor growing

Have you any experience with “Poulet Guano” @Ottafish


Thats a good question George!

I’m sure there will be. Few things that get left behind… and not given a 2nd thought

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Some of the support group need to be called-out this a.m.

  • dragon blood hash plant #2, is at the Top Left and cannot make-up her mind which sex she wants. Then L-R, durban poison and chem fuego, females.
    Then its the Tall russian tzar bomba and a Blueberry Pie & a Blueberry Cheesecake

The 3 plants in front, closest is Blue God, then Red GSC (red rona) and finally a Zamaldelica

Lots of Hot Peppers as protection


And my Good Friend @vinu58ster,
Your package has been unveiled and I am deeply Thankful

What an amazing slice of time you have sent me. And its ALL New strains for me! I have heard of Kashmir, never had the pleasure of tasting it.

This treasure is going to be Grown.

Myself and others will See that these plants get recognized and placed where they belong… right into some Soil or a Sump… its going to happen Sir

Thank You, once again, you know I’ll be in touch.


Rainbow Belts 2.0, weathering a raging Sun.
And showing off her Huge fan leaves