Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Dark Creme auto and the Red-Stem is
Living right-up to the reputation

Green-Stem is still Making its mind-up! But growing like mad

Red-stem, whole plant below

Hawaiian Snow

Pressure Skunk below x2

CRIPPY B4 below x2

Morning Catch? Snail was taking his time thats for sure.

Acapulco Gold NUKEHEADS

Acapulco Gold BARNEYS FARM, below

she is bursting with new growth

Chem Fuego, 2-plants below

* not much of a difference between these two; in-ground vs Bin

Durban Poison, below

Russian Tzar Bomba photo-period

below; Dragon Blood Hash Plant left and BlueBerry Diesel in the background, right-side

Red Rona (aka red gsc)

And of course; Blue God below

After this season I think its only Fair to say; plant in these Bins, as MUCH as possible. Its a 20-25 gallon Pail, and with a Hundred drain holes (on 5-sides) in them, each and every plant here, is getting pretty massive, pre-bloom


@Kyleromero94 don’t
Listen to this guy @FieldEffect… it gets expensive !!!

But I do agree with Both of You, Thanks.
It WILL make a nice Card !!

Don’t know why I waited sooo long to grow Acapulco G


BTW milk doesn’t do shit to mildew. If you are worried about mildew, eradicate the colony and move on, it’s easy to kill.

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Yep, we’ve been through this Joe…

And in 2022, with my back against the Wall; this worked Bud.

I accept all your sharing, so legit Sir; but you should have been there !

This worked for 7 weeks throughout Bloom bro

ps. I’m ALREADY following your Sulphur routine; leave some room for actual history

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ugh I don’t want to seem riddled with frustration over this but the fact we are still talking about how mildew is threatening your crop… isn’t good. Considering it should be extinct by now.

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Time to Move-on @JoeCrowe, I don’t do attitudes

Do YOU see ANY comments on my page here mid-summer re: WPM.

Your practices are already being followed

yah yah, I’ll move on, but I’ll just lay out the truth, then I’m outtie. It’s entered the PTSD phase of mildew infestation sigh It affects each person differently. Take care!


Not sure if I was just slapped on the face or patted on the shoulder @JoeCrowe .

What’s missing? I use your goods with a successful outcome.

Make a single reference to 2022 and you become agitated. I don’t need that.

2024 is an amazing place Joe


lol, no no that’s not why I’m frustrated. It’s the post traumatic mildew treatment of milk that’s frustrating! yarrrrr I read that and I just face palm because that was one of the tests I did complete with microscopic imaging. nyarrrr!!! Then my friend calls me up and is like hey I use skim milk on my mildew. I’m like yarrrrrr!!! arrr!!


Calm down boys, guess the best solution is a sulphur milkshake … frech|nullxnull


I cannot add anything More Partner, and I understand your palm to the forehead with general WPM awareness.

Check 3.25% milk when you have a chance… it did not Kill WPM, thats been accepted… what it did do Joe, was get me to Harvest with No Loss!

Thats what I achieved

The two Sulphur treatments worked perfect this Spring

Thanks for this information @George

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I think it works better as IPM, I read somewhere it has to be non pasteurized milk, sulphur is a killer anyway so guess you’re both right… beer3|nullxnull

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I’ll try and find the reference to 3.25% as well G!!!

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I just hope you understand why I have to call out items on the fail list right? It’s nothing personal. You too @George google won’t solve your mildew problems. Instead my promise is: I will fucking crush that parasite into extinction.


Hey Joe, it is Not on the Fail list bud
Please take it back to your page. You’ve made your point.
And your not accepting mine


Apollo Ape below



That to me, is living the dream!


Not doing much harm at all is it @TrichomesToStun

My buddy does a walk-by every morning. No neighbours for two More summers…

Definitely a good slice of that dream


and here I am fogging with H0Cl for all pathogens and :man_shrugging:


PLANTS LOOK GREAT @MissinBissin !!