Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Happy birthday @MissinBissin ! May you have many more, with a joint in your hand! :heart_eyes:

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Happy belated!

Watch this till the end… makes my hair stand on end every time!

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Thanks for the Big Smiles guys !!!

We are watching the Pressure Skunk @OriginalDankmaster96 do the “PoGo” without her supports.

And that’s the Chem Fuego @anonymous4289 to her left, both are coming down tomorrow! The Chem Fuego has clouded-over with Full trichomes

Thats the Apollo Ape, completely pressed into the DBHP by some Big Winds again. pst, Zamaldelica top left and Hawaiian Snow further back

Barney’s Farm and their ACAPULCO GOLD below, is shifting trichome gears really quickly


Double Grape 87 in 1-gal air-pots, are enjoying all this Light.
Middle of week 2 in Veg and theres activity on the crown



I already knew you were cool Doug!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


Does anybody know if purple punch strain is convenient for green house or not?

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They’re shaping up really nicely. :fire::+1:

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I don’t see why not. I’d say just about anything is better off in the greenhouse than inside.


I’ve no experience with it @polina


Week 6 of Veg closes tomorrow and the KASHMIR’s are doing well.
Actually they look Great :+1: @vinu58ster “A” plant below x2

“B” plant is charging along

ACAPULCO GOLD’s finish week 8 as well. “A” plant below x2 (fyi plant a is 51cm tall, others are close to it)

A.G. “B” plant is showing a slightly different structure

And the big picture… A.G. @ 9 & 12, Kashmir @ 3 & 6

Double Grape 87 auto’s getting
B U S Y, day 5 week 2, in Veg @rasterman

Acapulco Gold “A” below


Those Kashmir are beautiful :heart_eyes:

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Thanks @tuned. Other than abusing their shape, I’ve not touched them lol

Treading on new ground with this Strain! They all (4) appear to be Females. Could be Recreational after all, dang lol
Tried to make some seeds here.


Fantastic! You got a female. :fire:

Edit: Hopefully.

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It’s not too late to order the spray…

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Took the Tent to the Barber today :barber: getting rid of the obvious excess only

Week 7 and 9 of Veg begin today

KASHMIR “A” gets a little
Defoliation (week 7)
Tent-shot from the doorway looks great today. Meals tonight, Haircuts today and the Soil was Dressed.
*Coming-up to Show-Time ie: F L I P

DG 87 Auto @rasterman Start of Week 3 beyond Germination, (day15) perfect timing for a flip next weekend

KASHMIR “B” below

Acapulco Gold “b” and then “a”, below @SativaKid (week 9)

Tweeked all the YoYo’s, opened the plants up to new sizes. (Not pictured)


“Sitting here Burpin…
couldn’t help Churpin”

Thanks @defharo lol hahahahahaha


That is perfect timing! They should be pushing out pistils in another week or 10 days.

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What’s the PPM of the Coloidal that You recommend @rasterman