Info needed on FEEDING clones + seedlings

That’s a great tip, I remember forgetting a clone in a glass of water with no exit and he finally threw roots when there were only a few centimetres of water left … :sweat_smile:

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Very good for seedlings as well. Just water one side at a time.

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@Mr.Sparkle dead clones roots

I think one may make it


That looks good!! :partying_face:

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I really need this to survive lol. Ive been neglecting it pretty bad but im stoked to see some new growth especially a 3 blade leaf!

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2months later and a lower bud has successfully revegged. I lost about 50% the attempts due to them dying off (in used soil with no nutrients) and accidentally snapping them in half.
These are the 2 that made it this far. I MUST make a mother out of one or both of these!

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Once again never give up!

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@DirtySlowToes talk about luck bro lol! The one with the yellow stem died but the other 2 in the first pic are what im taking cuttings off of now

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