InTheWoods Journal

Good morning @OhNo555 @m0sirys @Cartwright and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Yesterday I took down the last four Contangos and the one Mutant Dream Drifter at day 80F.
Three Lazy lightnings too on day 66F. Couple more LL remaining one week behind with the Sugar belts x PR/BV clones.

The remaining Dream Drifters will most likely see 90 days of flower. Maybe more. Truckin along.

Sour Serenades on the day 69F today. A couple look ready to chop, although most are Sour leaners will see 11 weeks. maybe 12 if they still are throwing white pistils.

SBH, RH, C, DD are a couple weeks after them.


Dream Drifter

What mutation didnt this lady have. :grin:

Lazy Lightning

Day 21F

3 Willie Myst @Guitarzan
2 Malawi Gold @Tejas
1 Kilimanjaro @Kidete
1 Quicksilver @Elpolloloco
3 Metal haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325
1 Hindu Kush @SF0
1 Maruf Red f2 @SF0
1 Pablos Two Times. @Guitarzan
2 Lambsbread @Upstate

They are now in the 5x5 with all the flowering ladies. Photos in a day or two after I catch up on some trimming.

Hope everyone has a great week!