InTheWoods Journal

Good morning :sunglasses: :coffee:

One little problem that confronts you
Got a monkey on your back
Just one more fix, Lord, might do the trick
One hell of a price for you to get your kicks

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Good eye :100:


Good morning @InTheWoods :facepunch:t2:

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Yea man. I’m glad I posted it. Otherwise it would’ve spread more. Lucky to on have it effect that one cola and nothing lower on that branch.
I’ve been getting by with only one fan under canopy and the 4inch inline for exhaust. I took some leaves more air flow. I will add additional fan today for above the canopy. (Probably should’ve earlier as preventative measure against bud rot)
Bud rot was the last thing I expected as you can tell with my original assumption of PH or Nute lock.

@TopShelfTrees1 Good morning :coffee: :sunglasses: Thanks again for spotting that!


Just cranked Curtis Loew…. :pray:t2: gracias :pray:t2:
Anytime bro :facepunch:t2:


3 out 3 Royal Procession.
The last one to pop, jumped out of the soil overnight.

3 out 3 Lazy Lightning :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

Greenpoint Fems.

All planted with or without tails.
4 out 4 Affie #9 100% germ with tails
1 of 2 Odisha ( Started two more for better odds later on)
3 out of 6 Gorilla Cookie Punch.

Luck would have it I had a fan lying around.
Added into 3x3 for more air circulation above canopy. No more bud rot :crossed_fingers:
Also got my time mixed up. Today is the beginning of Week 8 and not Week 9.


Little light update.

I stopped by my friend’s house and picked the first Phlizon light for the seedlings since the windowsill wasn’t cutting it.
On Saturday I will pick up the 5x5 and other 100w Phlizon Light.
I’m paying $200 for the 2 lights and a 5x5 tent. The lights only have one grow on them.

New spot until Saturday.

Stopped by the local event and snagged some White Rhino.
I haven’t smoked White Rhino before. Back in the day my sister’s friend was the hook up for white widow. The white widow would blast me into another realm haha.


And we are off…

One Odisha and One Affie #9 are above soil. :grin:

Other seedlings are doing well, Lanky side due to the windowsill. Loving the light now. The other light will help get more coverage and get the light closer. I have the light at 15inches above the seedlings.

I’m super stoked on this grow even with that one sacrificial cola due to bud rot issue. Lesson learned.
Day 70 is right around the corner. I took a couple with pictures with a lighter for reference.

Day 57

Banana fruit cake

Tahoe Animal

Sundae Batter


Sugar mints

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I picked up the 5x5 today, Put the frame together today. Tomorrow I will wrestle the tent around it.

My friend really hooked it up and threw in a/c infinity cloud line series 4inch inline fan (unfortunately I didn’t get the controller so it’s on max haha). Along with a small clip on fan.

I hooked up the new inline for exhaust for the 3x3 until harvest. This new inline really is a beast.

I will post a seedling update tomorrow.


Helluva score! Nice


6 days from Germination.
100% germ rate for all 21 seeds +2 more Odisha I started 3 days ago.

The Gorilla cookie punch are the only odd ones in the bunch. Only 1 out of 6 that looks normal. Other 5 are like tacos.


Odisha #2

LA Affie #9 x AHP

Two others didn’t take photo.

Royal Procession

Royal Procession

Royal Procession

Lazy Lightning

Lazy Lightning

Lazy Lightning

Greenpoint Fems - Purple crunch closest, Purple cake above, The Sweets upper right

Gorilla Cookie Punch only one that isn’t weird.

All others look like this.

The new exhaust fan for the 3x3 until harvest.

5x5 Setup with one light inside. Will move the seedlings into there tonight.




Very nice! What a score I love it


@TopShelfTrees1 Thanks brotha. I just got done cleaning it all the floors and walls with clorex wipes.
After plugging in the light. Oh my. Looks like his cat was climbing on it a bunch. :joy:

I have plug all the light leaks or just throw a big dark sheet over it and call it a day. Throw in some sewing too on a corner or two. :grin:
For what I paid, The lights and fans are worth it alone. Cant complain.


Definitely is, that stuff is worth considerably more 100%


The final weeks are here. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
I started only giving water since last Thursday.
The 20x 3 gallon Slim fabric pots and the two bags FF OF soil arrived yesterday.
I may need one more bag.
In a couple days or so I will up pot the new seedlings.99 % germ rate, Just waiting the 4th Odisha to get above soil.
3 G.C.P look weird and are going to be given until up pot to get their act together. If not, they will meet their maker. :joy:

Here are some pictures of where the Greenpoint ladies are at Day 60.

Gelazzi - Kind of lack luster on the bud development. Possibly my fault along the way as I may have overwatered her. Also, the plant that was affected by bud rot. I will see what if does in the next week. Might give this a go later on after a couple other runs to see if It was my fault.

Sugar Mints - really frosty, smaller buds. Coming along in the later weeks of flowering. I could have done better with this gal, but I’ll take what I can get.

Sundae Batter - I really like this plant, Super vigorous throughout veg and flower. Smaller buds but the bud development has great bud to leaf ratio. Stoked on this one. Will grow this one again.

Tahoe Animal- These are stealing the show. Some lower buds are nearly the size of golf balls. Will grow this again.

Last but not least
Banana Fruit Cake - Big colas needing to be tyed up, Similar golf ball lower buds as Tahoe. Foxtail happening as they continue to fill out. Will grow this again.


Oh yea, I’m not worried on the light leak for veg, but flowering it needs to be tight and zero leaks.

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Looks very nice! I was counting on the Tahoe to be the one and I was right! Nice well done bro

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Man at the 200th post already. Time fly’s when your growing dank. :grin:

Thanks @TopShelfTrees1 ! I’m hyped on all, but the Tahoe is really something special.

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Yes! Love this!

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