InTheWoods Journal

I’ve given my projects some thought and figured out how I can get everything done before Christmas.

Here’s the plan broken down into 3 parts.


3 gallon slim pots
Gorilla cookie punch, Royal Procession, Affie #9, The Sweets, Purple Cake, Purple Crunch,
Lazy Lightning, Odisha(will keep in smaller pots)
Veg all for 4 weeks
Flip to flower on July 12th.
Estimate harvest Sept 13-20

Take multiple cuts from all females for clone run.

Find an Affie #9 male, take cuts and store for revival.
(I just learned about storing cuts for periods of time in the refrigerator on here and will give it a try.)

Cull all males from the flowering room.
Pick best Female Odisha to keep flowering for F1 Hybrid project.

Project Blue Lightning;
Happy to get one LL female. Hopeful for 3 out of 3 females for different phenos of Blue lightning. :crossed_fingers:
Pollenate with BOG Blue Kush on Aug 2nd-9th ( allowing 6-7 weeks for seeds to mature)
Estimate seed harvest Sept 13th-20nd.(will go longer if needed)

Project OV x Affie #9 F1 hybrid;
Best Odisha female would’ve been flowering since July 12th.
Bring Affie #9 male out of storage and try for two cuts to root for extra firepower in the tent as I imagine the Odisha will be a beast.

Veg Affie #9 male for two weeks then stick the two Affie #9 males with Odisha in the flowering room between Sept 27th-Oct 5th to let them mingle until finish.

Estimate OV x Affie #9 seed finish would be between December 6th-13th. :snowman:

A lot of mental power went into how I can do it right and all at once :joy:
I know it’s worth every bit of it. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Let me know what you guys think of the plan.


Sounds pretty good to me bro . Solid plan :facepunch:t2:


Day 61- Drinking noticeably less.

Gelazzi front left, Sundae Batter front right, Sugar Mints middle, Banana Fruit Cake back left, Tahoe Animal back right.


Small Seedling update.

Replaced the fan in the tent, since the other one sucked.

The 4th and final Odisha popped thru the soil. :grin:

Culled 2 Gorilla Cookie Punch as they were ugly. :axe:

I’m now down to 4 GCP which is more manageable for me.


Killin it man :metal:

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Thanks brotha! :vulcan_salute:

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Good Morning :coffee: :sunglasses:


My friends first harvest total is 113.4 grams.

48.1 grams from Banana Fruit Cake
65.3 grams from Tahoe Animal
He is stoked. He doesn’t smoke much, so he’ll have it for a couple years :joy:


Good morning bro! Nice, nothing better than having fire you made on deck, beats the hell out of buying that dispo crap

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@TopShelfTrees1 Good evening brotha, Long day at work. Time to relax and enjoy a spliff.

Yea man dispo bud got too much of money over the years, Time to make a library of my own smoke. :sunglasses:

How’s everything in your neck of the woods?

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Those are looking great man :call_me_hand::call_me_hand: getting down to the final countdown :fire::fire::fire:

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Thanks mang :sunglasses: I’m stoked! The smells are wild haha.

You are really in for a treat with Sundae batter, Tahoe Animal, BFC. Sugar mints. Gelazzi is lack luster pheno.

I might need to get a carbon filter for this next round :joy:

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I’m stoked to see how they do outside. Just let me know if there’s anything you want a snip back off.

I finally got my tent into flower 3 days ago. So excited lol

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Oh yea me too man. Going to love that sun!
I would but I have hands full until christmas.

You hit the switch on your tent? Lets gooo! Let games begin! You tent looks much better with less ladies in there. The ones you moved outside are growing quick. They are in for a good soaking this coming week.


I’m good brother, dogs sick so I’ve been nursing her all day , hate when she’s sick , breaks my heart. Just been chilling ALL DAY


Yeah man stoked to start seeing some flowers.

I know lol I’m hoping it’s just scattered for a few days and not any sustained heavy anything :sweat_smile: I’ll probably bring them inside and keep ‘em by the window for a few days. Maybe see if I can rig up a light to put over them. Would have to dig up another timer though.


Sorry to hear that man. Hopefully she’ll get better soon. Was it a sudden sickness or something that happens from time to time with her?

My minions :grin:

12 filled, 8 to go. I need to pick up another 2 bags of FF OF

Odisha - Last to sprout

Odisha - Look at those wicked thin leaves

Odisha - Looks like Affie really compared to others.( I know this seed came from the Odisha pack)

Odisha - Back to the Thin leaves

The Sweets, Purple Cake Up Front,
Purple Crunch Back Left, Affie #9 Back right.

Gorilla Cookie Punch

Lazy Lightning - one isn’t looking so hot.

Royal Procession Front two, Back Left.
Lazy Lightning Back Right

Affie #9 - I’d say this is a indica leaner :joy:

Affie #9

Affie #9

Long day at work. Back at it again tomorrow. I’ll take some good pictures of the flowering tent tomorrow. It will be 9 weeks from flip and one more to go till I start thinking about chopping.

Rant time.
I just got done placing an order for grove bags. What hell is with the shipping cost? It was 2x what I spend on their product for the cheapest slowest/tier of shipping.

I bought 5x 1 oz and 4x 1/2 oz bags for about 9$ and shipping costed me 19. Not a fan that bullshit.

Rant over. Time to put the chickens away and smoke some frosted mac. :vulcan_salute:




Sudden, she’s been throwing up and dry heaving since very late last night, far from herself , tried rice, cool bath, lots of water, she doesn’t want to walk or anything just lay there. Sad seeing my baby girl like this