InTheWoods Journal

Plucked some seeds from Haze/Sk1 #7
Going to take some off #6 now.


Here is Haze/Sk1 Plant #6
Scent on this one is lime/incense. Stands out. #7 was more leathery.

Nice little haul from her


Let me know if you would be interested in trading some of the ((Haze/Sk1) x Sk1) x (Haze/Sk1)?
I like what you have done with the strain.


Send me a PM and we can go from there brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Here is what I bought. Germ unknown from Seedbay.
sakunk sam
The only work I did was seed increase thru Open pollination.
6:4 F/M ratio.


Merry Christmas OG! :santa: :vulcan_salute:

((Haze x SK1) x Sk1) x (Haze x Sk1) #7

(@Tracker) Dream 6 x ((Haze x SK1) x Sk1) x (Haze x Sk1)

Chem91 Skunk VA x SSDD the first to jump out of the soil. :trophy:

Triple Sunshine A was second.

Wifi x SSDD came in third.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!


Merry Christmas Brother!


The seeds on Lazy Lightning and Gorilla Cookie Punch are closer to finishing off than the Royal Procession’s and D6.

All H/sk1 female numbers for later reference.
3 and 1 are Sk1 dominant. 2,6,7, and 8 are Haze dominant.

Took 30 mins before the lights went off to do some more plucking from [[H/Sk1] x Sk1] x [HxSk1] #6.



They Look great! Nice
Hope your holidays has been amazing so far brother


Thanks and likewise brotha! Hope you want a couple haha.

Plucked another 150ish off #6 and about 70 off #2 and #7.

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Lazy Lightning x [[Haze/Sk1 x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1]
Day 65F

Guessing that 60% of the seeds are ready.

Dream6 x [[Haze/Sk1 x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1]
Day 56F

Quite difficult to get the whole plant in the shot.

Royal Procession x [[Haze/Sk1 x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1]
Day 65F

No signs of fully mature seeds. Might need more time than others.

Gorilla Cookie Punch x [[Haze/Sk1 x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1]
Day 65F

Some seeds look to be close to being mature.

[[Haze/Sk1 x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1]
Day 56F




Mother tent is getting a little crowded.

The LL, GCP, and RP mothers are root bound and not happy with me.
All the happy plants are the SB x PR/BV Clones/Mothers.

I’ll do a seedling update when there is more to report back on. Slow n steady.

I hope everyone had a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Well mistakes were made. Damp off and/or tap root was fried from planted seeds upside down.
I thought I had them in the right direction, Some seeds were re planted today.

Kush 4 x SSDD - 3 replanted.
Goji Og f2 - 3 replanted
Bubblegum chem f2 - 1 replanted
Stone sour f2 - 3 replanted

Might need to re plant more in a couple days. Looks worse than it appears, bunch above soil but havent shed the shell yet.


Good morning brotha, shit happens especially with beans! You got those Rez beans to pop…. Like a boss I might add :wink: you were due for some loss .


Stone sour - Tony green ?


Good morning brotha, :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

The old pack was from Cultivators choice (SamSkunkman). I did mention to you that I was looking into a couple Rez packs from seedbay but after that larger additional cost from the first order. I will steer clear unless I win the lotto haha.

Yah true I can’t win em all. Its just unfortunate to waste seeds. I probably should’ve germed all first but it would be hard to do with that many varieties.

Yea @pharmerfil F2’d them. He was kind enough to send me some. He just ran some and they really good, I’m stoked to try them.


Ya my bad, I gottem confused. Nice! I have an unopened pack I’ve been dying to pop! It’s one of those packs that was slept on cuz of all the other karma stuff at the time and the fact it was so diluted. But I spoke with Tony and he told me it was one of his favourite smokes of all time! Like original sour bubble good!


Dang you got some gems tucked away for a rainy day. Maybe you could sneak one or two into a flower run in the future. When you say diluted are you talking about the lineage or the sour side of the market?

Nice! I look forward to trying one at least. If I could see 3 phenos it would be even better.

I wasnt fortunate enough to try that, I dont think it made its way to the east coast or if it did, It wasnt around my neck of the woods.


The lineage. Oh man you never tried sour bubble? Did u ever get any beans, F2’s etc?

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@TopShelfTrees1 I havent but really have too many to grow out first before I want to take in anymore seeds. I dont want them to sit in limbo.

I grew a cross with it I believe from @Ottafish I have to do a smoke report still. I’ve been slacking. It was (Sour Bubble x Lemon Alien) x Ghost Train Haze. Messed up on that plant but still have some smoke from it.


I’ve got like 4 other things here for you, I’ll add some SB to the ITW Tupperware


These look amazing; they’d all be labeled “Piff”. I’m going to order a pack or two of the Haze x Skunk1…they’re on holiday right now I think. Will they grow like these crosses you did?