InTheWoods Journal

Man, I hate to hear that nothing seems to be working for your girl.
Maybe time to see the Vet if she doesn’t show any signs of improvements soon.

Fingers crossed she pulls thru and is nothing serious.

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Day 63


Sundae Batter

Sugar Mints


Banana Fruit Cake

Tahoe Animal


Definitely next step, I just despise it cuz EVERYTIME it’s something simple and costs me a fortune that I don’t have and I leave with advice , or maybe a few pills , but she’s my baby girl so the money is a moot point tbh.


Plants look great bro!

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Hope to hear that it passes over it a couple days and back to her chirper self.

I was just thinking, She might have been bitten by a tick. Can dogs get lyme or a form of it?

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They can definitely get something from ticks, not sure if it’s lime . I give her the frontline stuff that’s supposed to kill them in contact though…. Idk I hate research on the internet cuz with my anxiety it’ll have me in the fetal position once I start tripping out… :weary: hate this anxiety shit

Yea I hate the rabbit holes of the internet when researching and getting misinformation on critical questions.
Frontline is a good preventative measure for sure. I’d check her just in case one snuck by the defenses if you haven’t already.

Ticks have been brutal where I’m at and continue to get worst since we really don’t get long periods of cold in the winter anymore. It’s been 50 degrees in December for a good 3 years in a row now. Very little snowfall too.

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Here as well, they even have signs up at parks where kids play etc now, things gross me right out. I’ve got some nasty stories. Including one involving hundreds and hundreds of those bastards on one dog! :weary: that was traumatic to say the least. Thanks for the advice and concern bro. I really appreciate you :facepunch:t2:

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Sugar Mints looks like a super villain.

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Haha right out of the darkness.
I wish I gave it more love by staking out the branches for more light to lowers/three other branches.
Stoked on all of them :sunglasses:

Back from the local event for a couple birthday supplies for tomorrow. :sunglasses:

After browsing nearly all vendors, I ended up with some dank Ice cream cake and Garlic Cookies.

Also stopped by the hash vendors and surprised me with new types. I picked up some Moroccan hash and Afghani hash. I haven’t tried yet either kind before. I’ve always heard about Moracco and the hash culture there. Excited to try them in a little bit.

2 grams of Moroccan, 1.5g of Afghani.



Time keeps on slippin…


INTO THE FUTURE….Nice! Your bday tomorrow?

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Great plan and schedule @InTheWoods. Watch out for Murphy though! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry to hear about your puppers @TopShelfTrees1. That helpless feeling in itself is enough to give me an anxiety attack. I hope she feels better soon.

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Thank you bro🙏🏼 yes I know the feeling trust me. She’s cuddled up beside me right now , still not herself though.


Is she eating or drinking?

Drinking lots, Not eating much , little rice, some treats but it’s to be expected when her stomach is upset I suppose

I did notice her run today which she hasn’t done in a day or two though, she booked it across the grass when I said treat lol

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@TopShelfTrees1 Yea brotha :metal:, I have work then going to enjoy the rest of the day. I’m glad to hear she ran today for a treat. Slow n steady back to normal.

@blowdout2269 Haha :sunglasses: I couldn’t resist and tried everything. About to try the Moroccan hash.:yum:

Those are definitely good signs. Probably just a stomach bug. Not getting dehydrated is a good thing. Ya know, pumpkin is good for a dogs gut. You can get some of that canned pumpkin(the stuff used to make pie). She’d probably like it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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