InTheWoods Journal

Good Morning OG :coffee:

It’s been a very busy start to the year. I still have to deep clean the 5x5 and 3x3 after all seeded plants are harvested. Then move the seedlings into the 5x5 and the clones to the 3x3 to flower.
I decided to flower out the GCP after making enough seeds with her and will need more room later on for some keepers out of the SSDD run.

Here is a quick shot of the seedlings. 80% or 85% success rate. Not my best but staying positive.
I’ll give the ones that haven’t popped one or two more days before calling it on them. Reorganized and tally up the numbers.

Royal Procession x H/Sk1
Chopped and trimmed.

Finished Haze/Sk1 drying and shucking #2,#6,#7. #1,#3,#8 left to chop and shuck.

Gorilla Cookie Punch x H/Sk1

Lazy Lightning x H/Sk1

Dream 6 is still alive and will come down soon to finish all the juggling all the tasks above.

Off to work soon, I hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Happy new year @InTheWoods

I got way behind on your thread but it looks like you’re killing it like usual…

Always nice to see your work, and you have a good day!



Nice brotha, killed it on that one! Looking forward to what’s next!


@Weednerd.Anthony Thanks brotha, Happy new year! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Easier part is over now the hard part of looking thru them. I try not to think about it because I’m a couple month out lol.

@TopShelfTrees1 Appreciate it brotha! :mechanical_arm:


the seed fairy must have struck :slight_smile: looks great! The Lazy Lightning x H/Sk1 and the Gorilla Cookie Punch x H/Sk1 look so delicious! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:
can’t wait to see what you conjure up next! what’s your favorite so far.


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Fighting off a chest/sinus thing but still moving things along. I chopped 8,1,3 LL and GCP.
I finished trimming the LL and GCP. 8,1,3 still left to trim and shuck. Dream 6 still alive until Wednesday after I went thru a small nug to check where the seeds are at. A little over half were mature/slightly brown with tiger striping forming. The extra couple days should finish off some more before it comes down.

[[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] #8

[[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] #3

[[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] #1

Lazy Lightning x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]
A couple seeds on the bottom left that fell out of the buds will trimming.

Gorilla Cookie Punch x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]
Seeds are snug inside still. Waiting to be shucked.

Moving along to the Mother tent.
I put the GCP out to pasture in the 5x5 to flower out along with sugar belts clones.
The Lazy lightning and Royal procession were root bound in the poly bags so I took them out to shaved an inch off the bottom and sides, Up potted them into 3 gallon fabric pots with fresher soil, fed with some grow big and LPF. I need them healthier since I was slacking.

After their little spa day, I trimmed them back to get them to fit under the light again. When the newer shoots should come back healthier, I will get both RP and LL clones going, to replace these mothers. The cuts if taken before were unhealthy would be extra finicky. When these both get flipped. It should have 20 top colas.

Made the decision to keep SB x PR/BV A ( green pheno) and C ( purple pheno). Flowering out both (D)
The small little stunter is a lone LL clone I’d hoped to get growing but looks like it’s a lost cause. If nothing happens in a couple days, it will be pulled.

Cleaned up the 5x5 a little bit before putting these SBx PR/BV clones in. On Wednesday when Dream6 comes down these will go into the 3x3 to finish flowering and the seedlings will into the 5x5 to continue to veg.


Seedling Update

Watered the ones that needed it after the photo.

Well its much worse than I thought. 37 out of 64 (not counting the replants). Frustrated with all the casualties. I should’ve germed them all but I thought this would be easier, since I’ve had good results in the past.

It not pretty but here is where we are at:

2 Kush4 x SSDD @Kyumonryu
3 Triple Sunshine A @syzygy
2 Sun Ra - syzygy
4 SSDD BBS F1 - syzygy
2 Wifi Dream - syzygy
4 Chem 91 Skunk VA x SSDD- syzygy
4 Deadzone x OGC/CJ @VAkish
3 SSDD x OGC/CJ (Berry) - VAkish
3 SSDD x OGC/CJ (Coffee) - VAkish
2 Stone Sour F2 @pharmerfil
3 Punchline bx1 -pharmafil
1 Goji Og f2 (2nd one may not make it) @Uprangewilly
4 Bubblegum Chem F2 @JAWS

My bad guys.


They grow up so fast, eh?! 🥲
Congrats on the harvest!


Thanks brotha. I now understand why other members on here make the seed shucking contraptions lol. Once it all this processing is over, I can really focus on getting these seedlings in tip top shape and relax a little bit.


Don’t worry about it with any of the seeds I’ve sent - I wouldn’t send anything I’m not 100% good with losing. The fact you even made the attempt to germinate them is more than most people do, so that’s really cool you’re doing this man. I’ve had my share of seeds dampen off - I lost a few of my Triple Sunshines even on last germination. Happens to all of us, don’t be hard on yourself! Also it may be a blessing in disguise - the numbers are probably going to be a lot easier to manage at least haha.

Looking forward to what you find out of what is still standing!


Doing it by hand is such a timesuck…so bad!!


oh brotha i’m sorry to hear that! but don’t be too upset! i’m sure the remaining plants will do you some good, :slight_smile:

what you have harvested looks great! :slight_smile: and also the crosses will definitely produce something hot!
i am definitely curious and will continue to watch :slight_smile:


Friggin seedlings, being so tender and delicate…hurts watching numbers get slashed from seedling aborts…then chopping males. Such a numbers game.

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I was thinking “shit, everyones time or money sent just damped off”

Appreciate it brotha. I tend to have this problem. damn monkey brain of mine.

Your probably right about the numbers being blessing in disguise.
Hope you have a relaxing sunday brotha!

When you see the total amount after I hand shucked you’ll get a good laugh.

Thats why I feel gutted, I wouldve liked to have numbers on my side but for some its double finger crossed for the single plant to be a female.

Thanks brotha. I’m trying to decided what to explore alongside the Sour Serenades.


[[Haze/Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze/Sk1] seed increase is now complete. Going back on to their plates to dry another week or two. Humidity in the drying room is between 40-45%. One more week will be suffice.






Chopped the Dream6 (@Tracker) x [[Haze/Sk1] x Sk1] x [ Haze/Sk1] at Day 69F.
I will shuck in a couple days after she dries a bit.

Both 3x3 and 5x5 got a nice deep clean with bleach/water spray. After they aired out I swapped the clones and seedlings.


Seedlings will be getting up potted over the next couple days into 2-gallon poly bags, To get them in their final pots sooner than later. I’m still debating on if I want to top or not. I have time to decide.


2 SB x PR/BV ( D ), 1 SB x PR/BV ( C ), 1 SB x PR/BV ( A ), GCP.

The GCP was the mother but decided I did enough with her. I may have to up pot her into a 3 gal fabric pot since shes been in a one gallon poly bag for a couple months.

Almost on cruise control here again, look forward to it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thanks for hanging in the woods and hope everyone has a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Congratulations on your seed run, you have a lot to search through for more :fire:.


Thanks brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Did you harvest your BOEL Hawaiian?


Awesome work bro! Stoked you did so well, shit happens with seeds, that’s why OG is so awesome! Almost always replacements


Not yet, in week 16 of flower and still going strong.