InTheWoods Journal

@TopShelfTrees1 Thanks brotha ! I hear ya, those seeds got the best of me. I will go back to germing before planting next time, still working out the kinks to find the sweet spot. :vulcan_salute:

@Tejas Shes giving all she can. How long out you think? Do all BOEL gear lean towards longer flowering?


I am not sure, the first run was strictly for seeds. This run is for bud, but what I have learned is this has Thai in its pedigree, so that may be where the longer flower comes from.


Finally finished up potting all but 2 SSDD f2bx1 x OGC/CJ (coffee).
Those will get up potted after a couple more days. These are in a variety of sizes, 1-3 gallons. Poly and Fabric pots.

Tomorrow I will do a close up on each one. Hope everyone had a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


that looks like another tent full of fun !!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Nice, dont be shy to share that lady in here. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

@m0sirys haha my ambitions have me wanting a 10x10, my wallet laughs at the thought.


I understand that, which is why I’m trying to live on nothing right now to afford saving up and relocating to get a room running again close to that size…

Back in Southern California I had a 10x10 with 10ft ceilings and 4K HPS mini split dehuey separate electric panel split from my main house one, those were the days! I think it was around 2013 but it seems like yesterday :sweat_smile:

Have a good day!!


Hell yea, Thats an epic setup. I dont have experience with the larger grows. My current setup still feels clunky so I have work out the kinks to make it easier.

I lived out in Lancaster for a year 2011-2012. Since you were around Southern CA in that time. Do you remember Skywalker OG?(tatooine cut they called it back then)

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Yeah I definitely remember Skywalker I’ve been on the hunt for it for a while now…

And very cool you were in Lancaster, that really wasn’t very far from me maybe an hour or something like that I was in the inland Empire, not the high desert worked on grows all the way from Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga to riverside area! San Bernardino county was where I grew up but I was born in Whittier in La county…

I’ve seen a few folks say they have it so maybe I can verify it’s legit I will share it with you as well!

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Nice! The farthest north we drove was thru Death valley to get to Mammoth Lakes. Stopped for Jerky at that white shack out there in the no mans land.
Its gorgeous up there. Here’s a couple shots from our trip up there.

Silver Lake, CA

A little story about this day. We pulled off and it was a decent walk to the water’s edge from the road.
In this first photo you can see a storm is just passing thru and rainy. As we made it closer to the lake and crested the little hill down in, We saw a truck stuck on the shore of the lake since the storm moved in quickly. Once we got down there all four of us happily helped them get off the shore. :vulcan_salute:

Right after there truck was back on solid ground, the weather turned back to a nice day.

This was the next stop after and you can see how nice of day it was. I forgot the name of this lake. This is shot of my friend Ballray.

I know that the Star Warz reference could’ve of been a problem and might have had to switch the name of that cut. Not 100%.
Appreciate the offer brotha!


I’ve been all the way up to Emerald Cup myself back in those days, and I used to hang out in the bay area quite often both SF and Berkeley were awesome usually it was in between harvests and sometimes right after me and a couple friends just take some fresh hash and weed up there and just have fun!

Those are some awesome pictures, what a gorgeous place…

Talking about these things makes me want to go back lol I just can’t afford it… parents still have a house there, so once they move out to something smaller maybe they will let me pop over there that’s the house I had the 10x10 in.

But yeah, anytime I can help anyone here on OG I definitely will. This community is very special and rare, I want to spread the love as far and wide as l can!


Sounds like a great time and great memories. I wanted to go those cups but to be honest I didn’t make the effort to make it up there, ended up coming back east.

Nice hopefully it all works out and youre back in your setup again.

Likewise brotha!

Hope you have a great weekend!


Happy Friday OG!

Day 22 from direct sow. Day 8 on those resown.

I fed them a drop of Superthrive, 7ml Grow Big and 15ml LPF in one gallon mixes. I hope since getting up potted, they will take off.

Deciding on weather to top all at either 5 or 7 nodes. I have time to decide, in my notes I plan to flip in a month but could change.

Chem 91 Skunk VA x SSDD - @syzygy

Bubblegum Chem F2 - @JAWS

Punchline BX1 - @pharmerfil

Kush 4 x SSDD - @Kyumonryu

Triple Sunshine A - @syzygy

Sun Ra - @syzygy

SSDD BX1 F2 x OGC/CJ ( coffee) - @VAkish

SSDD BX1 F2 x OGC/CJ (berry) - @VAkish

Goji OG F2 @Uprangewilly

Deadzone x OGC/CJ - @VAkish

Stone Sour F2 - @pharmerfil

Waking Dream - @syzygy

SSDD BBS F1 - @syzygy

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Great start, I’m following along.


@Tejas Thanks brotha, Hope you had a great week!


Good morning OG
I made some Bubble hash with only the 4 SBxPR/Bv trim.

Ran 220,160,90,73,25 bags. Washed only twice.
Shockingly a decent amount from such a little amount of trim.

Start with Ice on bottom of bag,
Add half of trim,
Apply another layer Ice

Add the rest of trim.

Add another layer of ice.

Fill will water to submerge all plant material.

Final layer of ice added for the 20 min soak before starting to hand mix.

Most return was in the 90u bags. First wash here. Second wash behind the crease in parchment.

This morning after 12 hrs in the freezer. I will break up that chunk to increase the evaporation of any remaining water.

I couldn’t hold off, tried some 73u this morning and it was delicious. :yum:


Great looking hash! It always nice washing in the winter when the tap water is super cold :cold_face:

And I really appreciate you trying out the stone sour and punchline. I’ve got your sour serenade on my list for my next run.


Nice! 90 is always the giver as it’s the size of the trichome heads. Oh man I can’t wait to make some more bubble! As far as a 10 x 10 that’s what I want again bad! We used to run 10 x10 or 12 x 12’s you could really pack the tables in there ! And if needed you can run a partition and have a full setup clone/Veg/flower . I miss those days ! In some ways legalization took the fun out imho , I truly believe that. But I wouldn’t have it any other way as it’s nice to not have to bury cash, tear down in the middle of the night, collect funds and all that crap.


I didnt even think about that. Such a benefit! I will say at first when I started to fill up with water, It was on luke warm for a minute when filling before I realized I wasnt on full cold. Doh!

Thanks for the opportunity to grow them!

Just a heads up, The shells were hard and helmet heads were prevalent when @VAkish planted them. I look forward to seeing what you got going next. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I actually wash outside in my garage in the winter, always the best yields. And you can leave the water till it just about freezes, almost don’t need ice even. I bet my yields are 1/3 more in the winter


Man I bet you have a freezer chest of trim waiting to get bubblefied.

I bet the BOO will make some epic tasting hash. MB15 too! :yum:

In a sense I get that, but for me I just like not having that paranoia. They always say the illegality aspect of whatever is a draw for some or most people. Maybe it was the rush factor or adrenaline dumps. I’m rambling at this point lol.

Damn thats a sweet setup. I would need a bigger space to really get that 10x10. Something for me to look forward to and work towards, Although for the meantime I need to focus on dialing in on the current setup. It feels clunky but getting by. Ill figure it out eventually haha.