InTheWoods Journal

Morning man! As ready as I’ll ever be for 2024 :laughing:

Finally I was able to get on to old laptop and get some old pictures from when first visited CA. I thought it was in 2010 but was in 2011. Here is a couple now and I’ll post more later on.

First half of the trip was mainly in and around LA with Ballray. He bought a house out in Lancaster a year or two after the 08 crash. It was gnarly house before he fixed most of it up. Very fortunate to have him offer a spot on the couch to visit. I wish we still kept in touch, but he did have some issues later on after I left. Reached out many times but still no luck. Miss the brotha and hope he is well.

The first time I heard about Kilimanjaro was in 2011. It’s nostalgic smoke for me.Looking thru my old photos reminds me of the good ol days of wake, bake and skate all day.

The second half of the trip was up in SF. Meet up in the Mission little noon, hang and skate Potero till lights out then make our way up to the top to start bombing hills with the locals. Our friend Waldo just moved out there a couple years before and had the hook up since he lived outside the city in Marin. For a 3 day trip we had him get a half of hash and an oz of bud, which was some dank Deadhead OG.
I wish I took more photos of this part of the trip, but at this point we were having too much fun. SF was wild then, I can only imagine now.


I want to say this is Sour D from 2012. Not 100% positive.


Impatience is setting in. I want to chop and begin shucking. Must resist one more week.

First seeds from the Lazy Lightning x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1].

The seed on the left is beefy. :grin:

Also plucked a couple off the Royal Procession x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]


Good Morning OG & Happy New Year! :coffee:

I couldn’t resist ringing in the new year without some shucking.
Chopped #2,#6,#7. Left #8,#3,#1 to finish up a couple more days instead of another week.

The generosity and community here is unmatched. Very thankful to call this place home.
Hope everyone has a safe and prosperous year! :green_heart: :vulcan_salute:

Here is H/Sk1 #2

Where I’m at this morning.


Good morning bud! Happy New Year!

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Happy new year to you @InTheWoods! Excited to see what you are going to grow coming year.

Pz :v:t2:

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Wow, that’s a busy start to 2024! Looking great!!!

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Weeeeeeeee!!!+! Can’t believe I missed this!!! LFG!!! :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:


Good morning @VAkish @LonelyOC @Jpaul. I hope you all had a great new year’s eve!

Over the past couple days, I’ve been giving this some thought. Most of 2024 I will look thru what I’ve made this past year to see what inside to see. Nothing is guaranteed to be special, it’s fun is exploring.

Crosses Ill look thru;
Sour Serenade
Lazy Lightning x Chocolate Diesel F3
Lazy Lightning x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]
Royal Procession x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]
Dream 6 x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1]
[[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] 1,2,3,6,7,8

I have a couple semi ripe SbxPr/Bv x [[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] from A,C,D,E.
Ill try to get some to pop if not, The chickens will enjoy them.

In the fall I will start the seed increase of Kilimanjaro. Hopefully by then I will have made some worthy selections from the crosses and new keepers from the SSDD run to get pollinated by Kilimanjaro.

Much later on I want to try to make a builders block;
[[[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] x Kilimanjaro] x Maruf red
[[[Haze x Sk1] x Sk1] x [Haze x Sk1] x Kilimanjaro] x (Maruf red x Hindu Kush)

Time for a coffee refill after all that rambling :grin:


Morning mang,
I believe you sent me some extra seeds with that Hammerhead order…I know they’re Royal Procession, but that’s all I can remember. Were they crossed with something else of yours too? Help refresh my memory.

Looks like you’re going to a busy man. Lol…growing cannabis and making seeds is so much fun!!! I swear this is the best hobby/lifestyle ever.

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Good morning brotha

Yea the Royal Procession (@darkillusion ) was pollinated with Useful Chocolate Diesel F3 I received from @AzSeaindooin420. @VAkish Just popped 5 and look forward to seeing what he gets. He said the seeds had hard shells and helmet heads was common. Assistance was necessary.

I think making seeds is more addicting than running out flowers :grin:


Good to know, I’ll watch for this, just in case.
Was thinking of starting those with next round if space is available.

Lol…100% man… :100:!!


No worries if you have others to run first. I’m sure you have a bunch on the pending to pop list lol.


Happy New Year Brotha Man!


Haha Thanks brotha!
Hope your year is epic and filled with success!

that is looking great my friend! quite some seeds you got! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

wish you and your fam a happy new year!!! :innocent:


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Shuckin , got my chips cashed in, Keep shuckin the do dah man. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

H/Sk1 #6

Nice amount finger hash from plucking of #6.

Starting on #7 now.


Aww shucks :laughing::laughing:

Morning man! Looking good there!


Thank you @m0sirys! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I hope 2024 is an epic year for you brotha!

@HomegrownVABudz haha Good morning brotha, Its shuckin awesome. Wild what 10 seeds can produce. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: