InTheWoods Journal

Thanks for that, I’ll try that in the morning 100% good call @blowdout2269 i appreciate you.

@InTheWoods AWESOME! It’s mine in 6 days too! June 28th that’s very cool we are so close, if only we were close geographically I’d smoke you out like a king bro, for real. Hope you have an amazing day


Still outta likes from this morning btw

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Good call on the pumpkin, I forgot about that @blowdout2269

@TopShelfTrees1 Thanks brotha. Really appreciate it! Wild how many people on OG have birthdays in June. Haha that would be an epic sesh. One day I’ll find my way up into the great white north.

No likes?


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The emoji bank can never let you down though!

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Bahaha Never any likes it seems I’m much too frugal with them, but I still haven’t beaten 16 mins!

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True that! :facepunch:t2:

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Cannot wait! I’m gonna plan something epic maybe next year right here since I’m a border city and invite tons! Like a cannabis cup/meet and greet for OG over a long weekend or something and somewhere we can accommodate everyone. I’ve been thinking about it for 2 years now, it’s time to start putting the wheels in motion. There’s a ton of guys within an hour or so of me too that I’m sure would be down to help put it together

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That would be wild and very cool to meet some OGers while enjoy some incredible dank of all sorts. I’d be up for that. :metal: :sunglasses:
A year out gives me plenty of time for me to get a passport and be set to take the trip up across the border.

Time to brush off the production cobwebs haha

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Yezzir it 100% is, it’s funny you say that as I already messaged two of my previous partners asking for venue ideas etc. and was actually thinking about entertainment as well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Good Morning OG :sunglasses:

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“I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe
But at least I’m enjoying the ride, at least I’ll enjoy the ride.
Ride Ride Ride

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Good morning @InTheWoods

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Good evening @TopShelfTrees1 :joy:
What a long day. Glad to be out of work.

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Tahoe Animal

Tahoe Animal

Tahoe Animal

Banana Fruit Cake

Banana Fruit Cake

Banana Fruit Cake


Tahoe Animal

Sugar Mints

Sundae Batter


Banana Fruit Cake

Banana Fruit Cake


Will up pot all into slim 3 gallons this weekend.

Two troublemaker’s in the bunch. One of the Lazy Lightning, maybe soil is a little hot for her liking.
The other is one of the Odisha, which is very indica dom leaf.

Let me know what you think. You’ll see her.

Gorilla Cookie Punch

Greenpoint Fems.

Affie #9

Royal Procession

Lazy Lightning



Great looking buds and the seedlings are doing great also.

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I’m happy with how everything is turning out for this first run back. A couple hiccups along the way which was expected. From my close ups, No amber anywhere. It looks like some of my flowering plants can still go another 1 - 2 weeks. I’ll check the trichs more in depth in 5 days.

I’m excited for this new batch of seedlings. Fingers crossed for an Affie #9 super stud and great female ratio for my head stash and other side of the projects. Ideally two females of LL, 3 would be incredibly lucky. :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Ice Cream Cake. I’ve been vaping it for months and it never stops working.

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@CocoaCoir Its a solid smoke. Appeasing to the eye, Smell is addicting, and the taste knocks your taste buds around.

I can honestly say I’ve only vaped a couple times in my whole life haha. I do remember when my friend first got his volcano vape. I was toasted after a couple bags :joy:

When ICC first came out I got this batch from Hierba from a friend, a 1/4 I think, stuff was hands down best I ever tasted so much I drove 2.5 hours to grab the only two ounces I could find…. Hoarded that shit for a year plus only smoking here and there. I was with my mentors brother who is so anti cookie he loses his shit when conversing about it almost every time no joke. Anyway I pulled out a nice 1.5-2g joint I had twisted up and fired it up in his navigator, he looks almost instantly at me “TF is that shit” Oh it’s some samples I got from headwater (lying of course) “smells crazy terpy, sweet! Not like you” I said “I know but there’s something about it idk what it is” a few mins later after we shared the joint I’m like “what u think ?” “Well I’m high AF, stuff is lingering in my mouth it’s so good! lemme see” he looks over it completely, “wow it’s fire looking too” then I’m like “guess what numbnuts you just smoked some GOOD cookies” after he freaks out and calls me a liar and an ashole and a few other choice words he says “shits straight fu!&ing fire though isn’t it” lol still to this day I remember that specific batch as top 15-20 smokes flavour wise of all time. No joke