InTheWoods Journal

Good morning bro! Awesome news on the babies! Look at you go :facepunch:t2:


good morning brotha! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

wish you a great start into the day and a nice weekend! :vulcan_salute: :slight_smile: :vulcan_salute: :slight_smile:


Mornin all


Goodmorning everyone @InTheWoods @m0sirys and @Cartwright

I already had one mug of coffee but I think I’ll have another, it’s not even 6 yet here central time US lol


What’s up weednerd have a great day


Good morning y’all. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Good morning @m0sirys @Cartwright @Weednerd.Anthony @VAkish and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Slept in a little bit and feeling refreshed.
Hope everyone’s coffee is strong and delicious this morning!


Since the weather is weird and in the 50s this weekend. I started to get all that black gold from the chicken run.

Starts with free woodchips from local arborists looking to drop for free and close to the job site. We got about 30yards worth. The other pile is much bigger.

Over the next two years it will break down from the help of the chickens. Joel Salatin calls this a carbonaous diaper for the chickens. Their manure is the best fertilizer with the highest NPK ratios. Only a 1/4 of the chicken run in the picture.

A nice pile of black gold already but will grow as I fully clean out the run. It will sit for another couple months before I sift. The rough big stuff will go back into the run to continue breaking down.
I’m looking forward to this year’s garden :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


This is awesome dude :grin: This is how the soil food web works :microbe: This is nature is action!

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I remember my friend was really into that guys talks years ago. Seemed to have interesting ideas as many in the regenerative AG realm do. Always love seeing these sorts of things documented as well, thanks for posting about it. Looking forward to seeing your garden this year!

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Good morning! Love the looks of that! Wish I had those resources for my journey into LSO

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@Loggershands Appreciate it brotha, I know your big into the compost game. I’m going to bag up some sifted soil to use for my indoor garden. I will have to add some perlite or vermiculite to make it a looser soil for the roots and avoid compaction which could lead to an anerobic soil. This should help with soil cost.

@syzygy Nice, Joel is a great listen and many others. He brings the experience to the table while keeping it realistic. A great backstory about his family’s farm too. I got big into regen ag a couple years ago. Although I didn’t do too much last year I’m excited to get back into it this year.

We feed the chickens, the chickens feed the soil, The soil feeds our gardens, our gardens feed us. Cycle repeat. Eggs throughout the whole process is the added bonus.

I have some cool pepper varieties to try out this year from @ix3u. Thinking about what to plant this year to have a plan of attack. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

@TopShelfTrees1 Good morning brotha,:coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Slap some free pallets together, 3 bin system and you could have some great compost in no time.
Whats LSO? I’m shot haha


Living soil organics…. Ya good call, I’ve got space under my back patio…… :thinking:


Oh haha. Heres a little video. Keeping it simple. nothing fancy.

Or something like this.


Cool , definitely check it out. thank you :pray:t3:

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Yeah buddy! I love your setup. Post as much chicken and associated poop/compost updates as you can!

I’ve been using rice hulls lately. They are cheap from the brew shop and they will eventually break down into plant available silica.


I’ve been trying to find rice hulls locally, both grow shops don’t carry though, never thought of a brewers place. Thanks @Loggershands good call :thinking:


Brew shops are sweet for rice hulls and two row malted barley.


Barely is where it’s at. I love that stuff.

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Even gypsum has been hard to locate, the local farm supply has been out for 45 days :man_facepalming:t2:

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