InTheWoods Journal

Yup it’s bad here, got the dehu on heating shit up :persevere: 83% here atm


I did something similar with my ladies but with my lobster compost. I put a stronger mix in the bottom of the pot figuring by they time the roots reached there they would be hungrier. Like a dummy though I didn’t keep track of what pots I did did what to do I have no idea if it actually helped :sweat_smile:


@InTheWoods ladies are looking excellent man. That dropping an hour of light should definitely help them ripen up. I meant to start mine on 13/11 and work my way down to 11/13 but spaced on it when I got my timer set :sweat_smile:

How did that hash treat ya?

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@TopShelfTrees1 Ooof you’re in the same boat. I will set my dehumidifier to 45% and try to keep it in check till this nasty humidity passes.

I’m kinda concerned about Doug’s Blue Kush Pollen with it being a constant 70%+ for the past week and now at nearing 90% heading into next week.

Fingers crosses it makes it unaffected. :crossed_fingers:


I’ve been looking for cereal milk for a minute now :joy::joy:


We’re at 88% today. 66 degrees. Mold heaven.

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Still haven’t gotten in yet, gonna check it out here in a minute. I got my bucket filled up at least :laughing:

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Thanks brotha! :metal:
You got a lot of plates to juggle brotha, You’re doing a great job!

I probably should’ve done it at the start of week 8 but really is no rush. The buds are very dense even the little lowers.

The tahoe /Bfc just keep packin and packin. I truly think if I kept it at 12/12 It could easily see 12weeks. :grin:

The hash is very nice but ended up going back to the garlic cookies. I think my blood is 1/4th part THC at this point :joy:

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Try sticking some dry rice in there to soak up the moisture. I like leaving the rice near, but not on or In the pollen.

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Haha the blunt has done it’s job. :joy:

It’s got to be around here somewhere. I can taste it :grin:

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I will once it arrives for sure as precautionary measure, along with it going next into the same room as dehumidifier for a couple days too.

I had a case of bud rot in this run. Fortunate to have @TopShelfTrees1 eagle eye to spot it for me.

Is there a threshold for mold growth? Say above 75 degrees and humidity above 60%.
Or is it just the combination of high humidity and high temperatures?

This spring/early summer has been quite odd so far. Very pleasant for a change with below avg temps and also with unseasonably low humidity. Less than average rainfall for spring too.


Got everything a little wet :wink:. Sitting pretty at 51% on the meter at 81°F


Temps in the 60’s and humidity (60%+)to match is mold heaven. Genetics are everything where I live. Mold resistance is a must.

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Gonna be running with no AC most of the day, it decided to be a dick this morning.

@HomegrownVABudz Make them beg you for that cooler air. :joy:

@Upstate Ok thanks. I’m in a neighboring state from you, It’s the same but unfortunately, I don’t have the laws to let me grow outdoors. I would prefer to have the extra genetic protection even for my indoor grows.

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Our AC does this thing where it’ll run, but not blow any air through the vents. So we turn it off for the better part of the day, and it usually works normally by the end. Idk why it does that, but it’s a pain in the ass.

Depending on the system, if it central air your air condenser unit could be freezing up then when your shut it off, it melts off allowing the a/c to function again. Might need a hvac guy to come out and take a look.

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We have a guy we can call, just haven’t yet cuz I don’t wanna cough up the dough lol. As long as I can have it cool at bedtime IDC.

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Yea everything is so damn expensive. I don’t blame yah for holding off.


Tell me about it, it’s gonna be a cool winter this year cuz the price of fuel went up 25 cent a gallon.