InTheWoods Journal

That’s a fact! Getting tougher and tougher every year!


Me either😁
Not til next year. I jumped the gun…32 years ago lol

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Haha absolutely epic!


Just got back from a family brunch celebrating my grandma 80th birthday.
Her birthday is the day after mine.:vulcan_salute:
Stuffed off all the food that I had.
Good times Making memories. :sunglasses:


@Upstate Love that haha. I’m just too paranoid to do it. Mainly because I’d end up making 16ft monsters because I like to go big or go home. No half measures here. :joy:

@TopShelfTrees1 Quality is lesser than while the price is doubling or tripling in price. Breaking point incoming soon.


Hey bud did you get your ac looked at yet? I’m a Hvac tech or rather was until forced retirement recently. Based on the brief description @InTheWoods diagnosis is pretty accurate. With Freezing coils the culprit is usually low refrigerant or a return air obstruction. (Dirty coil, filter or something physically in the duct.) They’re are other causes but in residential those two are the big ones. If freezing is the case it does excessive premature damage to the unit which may cause further failures. Only mentioned this cause that gets more expensive. It’s summer and hot so I’m sure you’ll get it looked at just thought I’d say something.

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@NDNCHILD not yet, we’ll probably break down and call at some point, but it’ll have to be for right now. Just not in the budget. We’ve got it comfortable in here with fans and whatnot. We have a portable AC unit we could bust out if we really need it.

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Understandable. When you’re ready if you have a guy you trust that’s great. Nice to have a guy! If not feel free to holler at me if you want to ask any questions or get more info so you don’t get tech talked into buying a new system for 10,000 when you really just need a leak patched and a recharge for a few hundred. I’m not there could need a coil if it’s leaking those often get replaced not repaired. Anyway if ya want to talk about or want a second opinion before you shell out…I’m around.


I appreciate it! If I have any questions I’ll reach out! We do have a guy, but I’d like to have a guy I can pay with edibles/flowers :rofl::rofl:

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If I was closer bro. You’d have that guy. Like I said though I’m always good for info in this respect if you need. Have a good one man! Try and stay cool!

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You as well! Beat this heat! :muscle:

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Your birthday was yesterday?

My buddy sent me this chart awhile back

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Mine was the 23rd and my grandmas is the 24th. Family brunch the day after.

That’s awesome! So many birthdays this month, you and I are 5 days apart! Very cool. I hope your day was epic!

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Good Morning OG :sunglasses: :coffee:

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Morning @InTheWoods :coffee:

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Good morning bro.


Hope the coffee is extra good this morning for you guys @HomegrownVABudz @TopShelfTrees1 :coffee:

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Yezzir, one thing I don’t play about…. My coffee :coffee: same to you @InTheWoods