InTheWoods Journal

Nothing like that never ending generosity around here, very OG of you @InTheWoods bro :sunglasses:! :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Good morning @HomegrownVABudz :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope that coffee is hitting that spot!
I almost had no coffee this morning, I had to run last night to get coffee or I’d be SOL :joy:


The dog :dog: and I are to scared :flushed: of the thought :thought_balloon: that the wife would wake up and not have coffee :coffee:. I have it on autopilot delivery :package: from Amazon. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:



Im gonna wait until I get back from the grandparents. I wanna sit down and enjoy it lol


More Contango. Day 29F

Some more shots. I noticed a little mutation on the meristem .

Lazy Lightning Mother next to her babies.

SB x PRx BV - A

Stoked to get my Compost soil test results. Its look pretty good to me but I’m not trained so I could be wrong.


Your setup is goals, seriously.


Great diary, thanks for sharing. I’m up to around post 1000 so about 1/3 way through so far, but tagging along. Those are some happy and healthy looking plants you’re producing. Are you still using the same King light? Is it 200w but the model number is 2000w? I’ve just started again after a 15 year break, fark that’s a long time, seems like yesterday. Your pictures are inspiring.


Welcome to the Woods @GreenGenius420 @Igor :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

You will be right there in no time, it didnt happen all at once. Taking it day by day adding when I can. If only I could hit powerball :grin:

Thanks for the kind words and welcome back!
I know that feeling of dusting off the cob webs. It feels great to grow again.

Yes, I run one in the 3x3. I like how it performs without really having to draw a lot of power.
Hope you guys have a great weekend!


Dope brotha! Always nice to be able to do that with LSO, really digging the hues on those LL’s they have that old school look for sure. Hope you are having a wicked good one :facepunch:t2:


Haha DOOR brotha :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And just like that the first Sour Serenade is hanging! :boom:
(@darkillusion Royal Procession x Useful Chocolate Diesel F3 @AzSeaindooin420 )

@VAkish Knocked it out of the park with her. He ran 5 plants, 4 ended up being males.
She did throw some male parts under some lower buds so I will keep my eyes open for that in selection. After found and plucked nothing came back.

We both thought it was unfortunate luck of the draw but now after starting the look thru them myself.
These are heavy male dominant. Recently started with 19, Ended up with 12 males and 7 females. (38% ooof!)

Kushy chocolate scents were his descriptions off her. I’m stoked!

These were not the only plant in his garden, Every plant he grew hit on all cylinders!
Check his thread out and his epic green thumb! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Hope your feeling better brotha and almost at the point of sit back and relax with the gardens.

I’m a sucker for her so I must flower out more. You can see the sour serenades on the bottom of the SB/A clone. I know you like the leaf shots. Ill be doing a leaf update on them soon, along with some others.

Spinning plates for another couple weeks here and then hopefully on cruise control for a couple weeks to get the outdoor garden going. The weather hasnt been great for planting, still the occasional frost so Im not stressing… yet. :grin:

Haha what DOOR ?


Sour Serenade

Dream Drifter


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @m0sirys and the rest of you guys hang out in the journal :notebook:, got up late and just getting coffee :coffee: and what not. :+1::facepunch::sunglasses::ok_hand::v:


good morning @InTheWoods and friends! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning @OhNo555 @m0sirys and OGs :coffee:

Yea same here I started watching The Boys series on amazon. Pretty good so far in the season 1.

Flipped the first round of Silverback haze, Royally Hazed also the Second round of Contangos and Dream Drifters. It’s funny jamming it all in both tents. I’ll continue looking thru them and saving cuts/testing/selecting the best from each run. After Run the best side by side of each before making the final selection of what traits I want to try to take forward in the lines.

Two sour serenade males are isolated, Staggered flip dates. One closer to dropping pollen than the other.
I’m in a pickle where I didn’t take cuts yet off but nearing week 3 and week 2 {staggered plants}. The plan was to run these out pick the best two and pollenate those clones.

It may not be possible if the lower branches on the ladies don’t grow out more. I have reversed late cuts in flower before, not a problem, but need a decent branch to do so which may be the problem. I will have to make the decision.

Also I up potted all the sativas that germed. Some casualties, I will germ a couple more seeds of the plants that didn’t get multiples of to increase odds of a female.

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


That show is awesome. Can’t wait for the next season.


I’m hooked, Ill be bingeing it when trimming day arrives.


It’s whacky, in the best way ever.


Yea it has a great balance so far, The most Machiavellian show I’ve seen since House of Cards lol