InTheWoods Journal

I have to run and get some milk before I make my coffee, I drank the rest of it last night lol


Go go gooooo @HomegrownVABudz id be jonesing



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That’s perfect!

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I bought coffee this morning as I was too lazy to make a pot. :joy:

Good ol Dunkin Donuts. Its like your Tim hortons over there.

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I used to be the worst for that, every day to Timmies, but a few years back found three sisters from kicking horse…. Now I’m absolutely hooked! So much I buy my brand by the box of bags lol. Now almost every time I buy a cup of coffee I hate it . Guess I’m a coffee snob now


Update on the little ones.

Whoops forgot to rotate.

Any opinions on this one Lazy Lightning that seems the troublemaker. I really want to save it as the definition in the leaves are incredible compared to the other 2.

My first thoughts were hot soil. I continued to water. Continued growth with no signs of stunting. Just progressive wilting/taco/yellowing/one or two brown spots on first set of leaves.

Yesterday I gave it 1ml of Cal mag mixed into half gallon of water and feed only a little bit not the full mix.
I don’t its a PH as it’s a fresh bag of FF OF and growth is still continued. I didn’t feed Nitrogen because I the soil has plenty in it.

Also put it on the edge of the light thinking light stress too.


I’d flush her, go very minimal anything afterwards to start let her catch her wind


Ok Ill do it that.
With flushing this early. Will I have introduce feed earlier and possibly a slight stronger due to flushing out some nutes out of the soil?

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Day 67
I’m just blown away every morning when the lights go on.


Flushed the LL and also an Odisha that I noticed having some tacoing just starting.

Kinda kicking myself for changing to 100% FF this run and not using my own compost to cut it 50/50 like last run.


That’s why I started adding some coco to it, it’s way to spicy sometimes. :fire:


See what happened when I get lazy and cut corners :joy:

I didn’t want to screen the compost but I should’ve.


It be like that sometimes lol


Should be good bro, just slowly reintroduce


Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:


Lights on… as that old saying goes
“Don’t change something that isn’t broke”

I went with 100% FF OF soil instead of 50/50 with home compost. The dreaded Fox farm nute problem is beginning with a bunch of plants in the veg tent.

Today I will have to sift and do an emergency repotting. Some plants will get stress but best to do it now before it gets out of hand and have to play nurse. I just want to water them :joy:

Flowering tent trooping along nicely. Thursday will be Day 70.

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Morning @InTheWoods I woke up at like six and said fuck it and when back to sleep :joy:

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Morning @HomegrownVABudz I wanted too but the chickens must be let out :joy:
About to get another cup of Joe then upload some more bud shots.

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Always the chickens :rofl::rofl:

I still haven’t went to get milk :see_no_evil:

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