InTheWoods Journal

Sure, but I’m not worried about anybody else’s needs other than my own haha. I’m growing for myself, not other people. I do always kind of mix it up and plant a variety of things, but what I’ve noticed is that those “Indica” jars rarely get opened, to the point where after seven or eight months I just dump them into ziplocs and throw them in the freezer because,”I’m gonna make hash out of it, I swear!”

I never do, though haha. I actually straight-up threw I dunno how much weed into the garbage a few months ago, but it was multiple freezer bags-worth. It felt sooooooo wrong, but I wasn’t gonna do anything with it. I’ve still got a few bags from the last couple grows in the freezer and I really am gonna make hash out of those. I swear! haha. I’m gonna do it!


Thanks for actually growing them out! They would have just sat in my fridge so you put them to good use. Hope something in there is desirable when it comes time to consume. Plants look :fire: , :laughing: !

Ya that test really doesn’t lie. What you actually want to consume at the end of the day.

I just gift them to people who aren’t as particular or sensitive to the nuances. Still feels a bit wrong but not as painful as putting them in the garbage haha…


Oh, I give away a ton of weed. But everybody I know is fucking flaky as shit. I saw my next-door neighbor over the wall in our backyard a couple weeks ago and told her,”Hey! The new stuff’s all trimmed and jarred!” and she was like,”Oh, cool, yeah, we’ll take some!” So I put together a bag and texted her like an hour later and got no response. The bag just sat on the kitchen table all day and I finally texted her the following afternoon and was like,”Uh… I’m not gonna BEG you to swing by for a bag of free weed or anything…” haha.

She and her boyfriend finally came over, but it’s just like… You know… Fuck you haha. You don’t want free weed? Fine, I’ll throw it in the garbage.

Bitch… haha.

I do wanna make hash out of the stuff that’s still in the freezer, though. I really do.


Good morning bro!


good morning @InTheWoods and all OGS :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is smooth and delicious! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

happy 420 brothas and sisters have a great day! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Day 50F

Dream Drifter
Day 50F

The mutant but stoked to see what comes out of her. Very different then the other three.

To see the heights. Dream Drifter on Left , Contango on the right
Shorter ones behind them.


Sour Serenades
Day 38F for most, Day 34F for a couple.

I’m enjoying their ease of growth and frost this early. Nice differences in them. Nice stank.

Canopy view of the Sour Serenades. Nice different leaf morphology, Running the spectrum from Narrow to broad. Also, a couple Silverback Haze, Royally Hazed off to the ride side beginning the 4th week of flower. Recovering from the later transplant nicely. Lite feed of LPF and Tiger bloom.


Morning, plants look great, enjoy the 420 weekend.


Good morning my friends! Happy 420 I hope today is great for you all, fire em up!


Another cup of coffee and a taste of the SSDD F2 BX1 x OGC/CJ - Coffee 1 @VAkish

early report on her.

Scent is semi sweet earthy/funk, hard to describe.

Not much on the inhale for taste as of yet, needs more time to cure. although its almost a Dark chocolate after taste. Interesting and enjoyable smoke for sure with more time mingling in the grove bags.

With my coffee intake it’s hard to tell the effects lol.


Good morning @m0sirys @Cartwright @TopShelfTrees1 :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Right back at ya brotha! Happy 4.20 brotha!

Some of the Dream drifters aren’t up to par for me. I missed a feeding day and upset them when they dried back more than they should’ve. Also, It could be the BD in the genetics which is a Nitrogen hog. Going with the flow at this point haha.

Happy 4.20 brotha!

Likewise brotha, Hope you have some sweet plans with dank smoke lined up for today!
Happy 4.20 brotha!


Happy 4/20 @InTheWoods and everyone!


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @Weednerd.Anthony, @TopShelfTrees1, @m0sirys, @Cartwright, and all the rest of the gang making them Happy 420 journal :notebook_with_decorative_cover: entries in the woods on this GR8 Weeddepenence Day to free the weed! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



Happy 4:20 bud! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


Good afternoon OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone had a blast yesterday!

Day 27 Veg.
Plants were neglected a bit and overstayed their welcome in the smaller pots.Up potted most into 1 gallon poly bags. Watered today. In two days they will get feed some grow big along with a drop or two of Super thrive to give them a boost. Moved from the 2x2 into the 3x3 to continue under 18/6 lighting.

Maruf Red F2 and Hindu Kush x Maref Red not included in this update. Need to sift and mix more soil to Up pot those later on today or tomorrow. I will continue vegging them for another two weeks to take cuts, then flip them to 11/13 lightning. Will go down to 10/14 if needed for longer flowering ladies.

MMHxSDC99 both didn’t go anywhere, Culled. I will try again in the future.

Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Malawi Gold @Tejas

74 Snowhigh Punta Cometa Oaxacan (purple pheno) @Tejas
Interesting Mutations on this runt, was slow to start but picking up speed now.
Not sure whats going on with the one offset node then self corrected.

68-70 BOEL Hawaiian @Tejas

Maui Mango Haze F1 @Guitarzan

Pablos Two Times @Guitarzan

Acapulco Myst @Guitarzan

Willie’s Myst @Guitarzan

**Metal Haze x Dragon Energy (Doc D) - @boatbum325

F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread @Upstate

Quicksilver @Elpolloloco


You have a great mix of cultivars going at the moment.


Looking :eyes: pretty busy bro :sunglasses:, nice selection of strains. I would have to say the are off to a GR8 start. :wink::+1::facepunch::blush::crossed_fingers::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Little bit of bad news, I put the TSA 1 in the grove bags a little too soon, Mold set in on the big buds. A bummer but not trying to get sick.

After going thru with a scope to see which were salvageable, mainly small buds didn’t have any mold on. It was mainly the colas that weren’t broken down off the stem. Stem moisture retention is double edged sword which I fell on the wrong side. Forcing my hand to pull the cuts out of fridge to root them ahead of schedule.

Triple Sunshine A x SSDD 2 @syzygy
Earthy kushy slight lemon, Love it! :yum:
Very stoney effect, heavy eyes after a couple pokes of a bowl.


@Tejas Only possible with the help of this awesome community,Thanks again brotha!
I’m stoked and hopeful for a good female ratio to see at least one of each. Odds arent in my favor for the Kilimanjaro and MMH f1 with only one plant of each but I still have faith in them to be females. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Its a little hectic but in a week or so Ill adapt to it haha. Thanks brotha!

Hope you guys had a great weekend!


good mornning @InTheWoods and OG !! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

enjoy your morning coffee and have agreat day! :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

that sounds like something amazing for the evening ! :smiley: the shot of the bud looks great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: