InTheWoods Journal

Good morning brotha :coffee:
Likewise! I dont know what I did differently but the coffee this morning is perfect haha.

I like it in the mornings too haha. The taste reminds me of Lazy Lightning.


lol i bet you do ! :smiley: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i hope my ssh will finish soon.


Hippy speedballing [Spliff and coffee] all day :joy:

For the sweet ol time its taking to finish, I bet its going to be really good SSH. I’m lazy and probably already asked you but where did those SSH seeds originate from? Over in your neck of the woods?

I think I have read or heard the better SSH were the 14-16 weekers. Its most likely an opinion than a consensus but I could be wrong entirely.


I got the seeds from JohnnyPotseed . :slight_smile: Yes 14 weeks sounds right, the way they look at the moment. Tomorrow we will be at 12 weeks. Let’s see what the trichomes say.

Otherwise a very uncomplicated plant. No problems of any kind, neither with climate nor nutrients. Next time I’ll try it with just one plant instead of 16. 100 watts is a bit low on light. But it was worth a try to see what happens in the end weight-wise.

I still have 9 seeds of the ssh to go pheno hunting again. But there are so many other great things to try. It’s not always easy to decide what to choose. :smiley:


Some lope shots I took yesterday.

Dream Drifter
Haze dominance reigning supreme in these ladies. Nice amount of Trichs on the flowers but not much coverage on the fan/sugar leaves that extends from the bud site. Hard to judge them as they need more time to develop. Structure on BD was sturdy so really looking for that sweet blue dream terp in these with

Flowering time spectrum appears to be 12-16 weeks for these ladies. It’s only the first round to get an idea of where the average is and find that lady before taking her to F2.

Fox tailing on some, mainly spears as colas at this point.
Frosty, Scents are starting to change. Slight sweetness to the earthy/hashy-ness. Looking for a haze structured plant with some of the robust lemony earthy terps from the Lazy lightning mother to take to F2.

Flowering time spectrum is looking like 10-12 weeks for these. Possibly one or two falling either under 10 or over 13 in this first round.


Are those in flower yet? 23 weeks…
Looking healthy.


Thanks brotha. I was going to do another two weeks of veg to make 6 weeks of veg, but I remember what happens when the stretch is on from the Odisha’s…it gets wild quickly haha. With that said I’m going to let them veg for another week to recover from the up pot and get them a little healthier, then put into flower. All the others will see the full 6 weeks of veg.

Just was looking at your Guadalajara lady at week 12, Shes looking real nice!


Good morning bro! Those contango are looking great! Very nice. You are doing some great work over here! For real :facepunch:t2: don’t work too hard today :wink:


Goodmorning @InTheWoods

Hope your 4/20 was awesome, and have a good day !


Even in flower they’ll veg 2 + months more before flower making starts. These are racehorses in growth, grannies in flower.
Easy to speed up growth, hard to slow it down.

Week 13 now.


Nice brother @Upstate :facepunch:t2:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @Weednerd.Anthony, @TopShelfTrees1,@m0sirys, @Upstate, and friends. I see the journal :memo: is very busy with entries this morning, and a lot of good pictures with some great information. Hope all are starting off this Monday morning well. :facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 @Weednerd.Anthony @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I had to put my masonry cap on yesterday to fix a brick walkway and its borders.
I was beat after work. At least we are back to lawn cutting today. Back in the saddle again lol

I’ll flip tomorrow those tomorrow. It would put the female to finish on Oct 3rd. :grin:
Stoked to try it out.

Hope everyone has a great day! Tomorrow so I’ll do an update on the SBH, RHs.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


Hellooooo @InTheWoods and friends. Looks :eyes:like another great day to be outdoors. I love :heart: this time of year not to hot :hot_face: and not to cold :cold_face:! Get outside and enjoy :wink: the day! :sun_with_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @InTheWoods @m0sirys @OhNo555
Let’s make today a great day!


good morning @InTheWoods an OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is smooth and delicious :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @TopShelfTrees1, hope all the gang is up and enjoying this fine day. I already got a few things on the honey :honey_pot: do list done :joy::joy::joy:, so I can goof off for the rest of the day! :partying_face::partying_face::hugs::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 @m0sirys @TopShelfTrees1 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Coffee brewed and bowl packed to start the day. I took these shots yesterday when I had them out of the tent. My 5x5 has been good enough to get me thru the first couple runs but it has many problems.

The person I got it from didn’t tell me about the excessive of pinholes from his cat (patched 99%], no floor mat, and yesterday I noticed some seams are starting to unwind forcing my hand.
With that said, I bought a new Spider farmer 5x5 to replace it. I’m stoked to get it!

Day 26F - SBH, RH, Contango r2, Dream r2

Silverback Haze r1


A nice ratio for the first look into them. I like the structure on them, node spacing is pretty uniform on all just height difference. Good stank off them.

Contango (r2)
4F:2M this round.

Happy with the three bigger ones. The one smaller plant, It has this mutation or something weird going on. One leaflet on fan leaves will curl and also the lower portion of the stem near the soil to the third node is discolored almost like stem rot but its sturdy, Odd for sure. Letting her freak flag fly haha.

Royally Hazed r1


These are catching my eye, Interesting to see how they look in the coming weeks.

Dream Drifter r2

It wouldve been nice to see more females this round but I’ll take the one instead of none :grin:

Sour Serenades

Day 43F and 36F
The stink is on from them, I like what I see so far.

Contango r1
Day 54F
I’m really stoked on these ladies, Nice spectrum of phenos.

Hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Nice report, have a fine day over there :+1::skunk::footprints: