InTheWoods Journal

Yea, In a week or two I should be getting them popped. I have to look back and see which plant it was, The FLC leaner, Did any cheese come thru on the one? I liked Uk cheese back then and also Blue cheese/ bleu cheese however its spell
That #3 sounds like a winner!

Beam me up scotty! :grin:

Nice! I recently found out about Baker Creek last year and wrote it down to try this year. I usually go with burpy or whichever seeds I find at tractor supply.

I’m stoked to get them going, They look really good and tasty!
Are you running any veggies this year?


Look what arrived today!

You’re the best! As I understood it, you sent 2 letters right? So I’ll be expecting another one.

Pz :v:t2:


Ya mostly tomatoes and peppers this year. Have some zucchini and a couple other random things going also.


Good morning brotha! And all the rest of you awesome people! I hope things are great on the homestead @InTheWoods Rain just swooped in here but it’s still beautiful, and it’s spring so it’s expected. Have an amazing day guys !


Good afternoon @InTheWoods, @HomegrownVABudz, @TopShelfTrees1, @m0sirys, and the rest of the crew. Hope all are having a great day. Looks :eyes: like another good one on the east coast! :+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I haven’t blazed that one yet, kinda just letting it cure for a while. I think it’s only been about a month, just filled up my “daily driver” jars that I keep in the kitchen with everything from the last round because I can’t go into the grow room during the day now, since I’m running the lights at night for the current grow and all. So I’ll probably get into that one soon.

I’ll let you know, though haha. I’ve actually never smoked Cheese or any hybrids of it, that I can remember, anyway, so I won’t know exactly what to look for. Other than a cheesy smell/flavor, I guess haha. I’d suggest looking for the non-Cheesy plants, though. Look for the “hazy”-type stretchers. That #3 that I grew is so, so, so fucking good. It’s all I want to smoke.

But I’ll get into the other stuff, too. Eventually… haha.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee taste great! have a releaxed day ! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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Goooood morning @LonelyOC @TopShelfTrees1 @OhNo555 and @m0sirys :coffee:

:partying_face: Stoked to see one land!
You should see that the other one today or tomorrow. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

This weather is wacky, gorgeous out with 70s and sunny one day to rain with temp only in the upper 40s. Looks like next week is going to be full week of sun. Hope your having a great week brotha!

Funky Munster Cheese Is how I remember the UK Cheese. For the blue cheese, this of Blue dream with the funky cheese undertone. It would be cool to see if those cuts are still around.

Haha I will brotha, 3 and 4 were stealing the show! I have been thinking about plants that stretch and I like them more than the stout bushes. It think its because the tent looks empty when the plant dont stretch.

Speaking of stretching, Ill be up potting the sativas into 1 gallons today. In two weeks ill flip them to start the 20-24 weeks of flowering on a couple, 10-16 seems to the average on the majority. Let the Stretch begin :joy:

Likewise brotha.:coffee:
I’ve been burning the candle on both ends lately. I may actually take a nap today since its dreary rainy day. Naps are something I never do since I always end up feeling foggier after a nap or wake up at midnight lol.

Chopped the last two Chem 91 Sk Va x SSDD at day 70- Funky basement scent. Excited to smoke them.
Thanks again @syzygy for the opportunity to grow out these, Sun Ra, and your Triple Sunshine A x SSDD.

I mislabeled Plants in prior updates. #1 not 3

Plant is #4 not 1.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Attention to all who traverse into the woods! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Check out the epic deals @JohnnyPotseed has going on heading into springtime!

A big list to choose from a great member with a big heart!

4/20 sale all month long!


Good morning @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @HomegrownVABudz, @TopShelfTrees1, and the rest of you guys making a journal :memo: entry this cloudy :partly_sunny: morning. Good day to all! :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning everyone! Hope today is off to a great start!


Awesome, we get mail every other day. So I’ll expect them to land tomorrow or on Tuesday :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::fire::fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately, too. Although this

isn’t why haha.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the taller, stretchier, NLD, longer-flowering “Sativas,” whatever people wanna call them, is the smoke I like the best. And it isn’t even because they smoke all “racy” or “rushy” or however people always describe those types of plants. It’s like the polar opposite with me, I dunno why, but the stuff that takes the longest to finish always makes me feel the chillest. They always make me feel totally at ease and,”All’s right with the world,” and whatever else. Just a peaceful, easy feeling haha.

Those short, stout plants with the dense, crystal-coated nugs always make me feel very uncomfortable after smoking them. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even really wanna grow anything that I think (when I consider the genetics involved) is gonna take less than eleven weeks minimum. And even eleven weeks sounds short to me haha.

But yeah, I really kind of wanna just get rid of all of the stuff that I think is gonna turn out more “Indica-ish” than “Sativa-ish” and just spend my time growing the stretchy, longer-flowering genetics.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

I hope you were able to relax and recover a little yesterday, :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:
OIP (1)

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Good morning @InTheWoods and all the rest of you guys on this wet rainy morning! :facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



Good morning @m0sirys @OhNo555 OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Week 8 starts today for the R1 Contangos and Dream Drifters
Most of the Contangos are looking like they will finish at 10-11 weeks. Nice to see a good amount of variation in height, plant structure, scents. Hashy scents off most. Nothing sweet on them.

The Dream Drifters are far from finishing. NLD from the haze dominance are looking like 12-14 weekers. Mostly woody, incense scents, no blue dream hints in there. The short mutant Dream drifter is barely flowering and looks to need another 8 weeks. Keeping her going because it could be the diamond in the rough.

Sour Serenades are not going F2 on this round, culled the males. I have 7 seeds left and will either OP/ Pick one male then bring those into F2 after finding the special ladies in the other 4 crosses to make a more outcrosses with the SS males. Put the cart before the horse on these. Bummer but is what it is.

Silverback Haze, Royally Hazed, R2 of Contangos, maybe one Dream drifter female. I think I got all males on the second run. They’re on week 3 of Flower. Ill do a nice update tomorrow or later on today.

With this week being so busy, I have been slacking and need to give all the plants in the early weeks of flowering some feed and the DD a tiny amount of feed since they will go longer than the Contangos. The Contangos will continue to get water as I like to only run water after Week 7 and let them pull everything out of the soil.

Nice! Hopefully they land today to make it a awesome 4/20 Weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I like both, but the time it takes to grow a big stout indica plant is a pain when you can flip a 4-5 node Sativa dom plant end up with a monster thats hitting the ceiling haha. I think each have their place as everyones needs/wants are different. I would like to find a nice Haze to get me buzzin around during the day like a good SSH or BD did in the past. One of the reasons why I made the Dream drifters, Plenty of seed to find that special lady.

I could understand when you those short flowering plants make you uncomfortable. I’m still going for variety to paint with a broad brush of genetics after seeing which ones I enjoy, and think could do cool outcrosses.



You hooked me up big time brother!

Can’t thank you enough.

Pz :v:t2:


seems like mail came trough!!! :fu:

have fun with it @LonelyOC ! :smiley:


Goodmorning @InTheWoods and folks

Have a good one!!


Youre very welcome brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
The #8 lady in the Haze dom was the one I’d look thru first.

@Weednerd.Anthony Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
If you ever want any beans brotha, Shoot me a message with ones you’d like to try and I’ll get them to ya!

Hope you have a great 4/20 weekend!