InTheWoods Journal

Gotta keep them working haha. At this point just have it delivered. :joy:

Depending on the coffee, a black cup of coffee isn’t bad. Great with dark chocolate.

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I don’t have to have coffee, the only thing I NEED is a bowl to smoke in the morning and I’m good :rofl:

I do drink black coffee, but milk is awesome

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Nice keeping it simple.
Coffee is must, the rule is one cup then we can talk. :joy:

Nothing better than a hippie speedball in the morning.(Spliff w/ a coffee) :coffee: :sunglasses:

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I like infused caramels/chocolates with my coffee. My mornings at the dispensary used to be lit :joy:

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Thats sounds like a great combo. pow pow.

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We had five boxes of damaged edibles come to our warehouse, they sampled them out, and I went home with 20 pieces of chocolate on a spoon. 10mg each piece. It was fantastic

I drank coffee religiously when I was there :rofl::rofl:

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Day 68

Sugar Mints


Sundae Batter

Banana Fruit Cake

Tahoe Animal Lowers are wild.

Tahoe Animal

Sugar mints

Tahoe Animal

Sundae Batter

Sundae Batter

Sundae Batter

Sundae Batter

Sundae Batter

Tahoe Animal

Banana Fruit Cake

Banana Fruit Cake

Banana Fruit Cake


Sundae Batter

Sundae Batter


Good morning brother man! It’s budapalooza in here! Nice :ok_hand:t3:

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Tahoe and Sundae Batter look GREASY! :drooling_face:

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Great scott :joy:
I’d volunteer to dispose of all 5 boxes.

That sounds about right haha. I love my 2-3 pots of coffee a day :grin:

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This is me, my yeti mug is basically superglued to my hand lol. I drink coffee morning, afternoon and night. My wife as well .

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@TopShelfTrees1 haha thanks! I can’t stop taking photos. :sunglasses:

The S.B, T.A and BFC are kicking ass. I don’t want to stop them to stop flowering haha

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They got split between like 6 people and still had a ton left :joy::joy:

I’m liking the sugar mint, got me excited for mine. :laughing:

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Nice looking plants in here! If I drink a cup of coffee I feel like a tweaker. Stuff gets me way too amped up. I’ll do English or Scottish breakfast tea if I need some energy. The coffee smells soooo good though.


Thanks! :vulcan_salute:
Welcome to the woods :grin:

I do enjoy some tea from time to time, Albeit its very few and far between.
Are you a of PG tips? I used to have to get it for the tours all the time as most preferred tea.


Nice! Everyone on the team must have been zombies hugging the keurig machine :joy:

I like the sugar mints as well but it was sandwiched in the middle and I didn’t separate the branches with stakes for better light distribution like I should’ve since it’s the shortest plant in the tent. I will do that on the next round.

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Never a bad thing… Liking the look of that Sundae Batter!

I too am hopelessly dependent on coffee…

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PG Tips is good tea. I just have Taylor’s and Twining’s at my house mostly though. I live in the sticks, so selection is limited.

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It’s all over when I bust out the D60, I’ll never leave the tent. Well maybe for a coffee refill.:joy:

I’m really happy how the Sundae is turning out.
Definitely will run her again. Interested to see how long she takes to get some amber going.

Nice, As long as they have what you like that’s all the matters. :sunglasses:

When I drink tea its usually the basic Lipton. Nothing fancy. It’s usually when we get some local honey then I’ll have a cup or two.

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