InTheWoods Journal

Good morning @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, and any one else up at this ungodly hour. Just came in with Cooper Morgan from a walk. I forgot to put his leash and collar up last night so he brought it to me at 4:15 and drop it on my head. Kinda got the message at that point :joy::joy::joy:! I wanted to chock his ass. Well got to put coffee :coffee: on and make his breakfast :fried_egg:. Boy do I need to get stoned now. :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Morning everyone :coffee:

It was pretty damn good. Had me thinking about going to grab another bag while it’s on sale lol. Super smooth and delicious :yum:


This is how good coffee should be! I’m glad it tasted good! :yum:


Good morning @HomegrownVABudz @m0sirys @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Draggin ass this morning after a long day yesterday. After work I planned on starting to root the stored cuts from the SSDD run. Well it turns out I waited too long and 90% of the stored clones grew mold from excessive moisture. Kicking myself because I wanted to take them out a month earlier but got sidetracked. Going with the flow it, ill pop more seeds.

I have not brotha but after ready your report on how smooth and delicious it is. i’ll try to pick some up if I see it around.

“Come on Coop, You better have that coffee brewed or I need at least another 30 mins” haha.

Hope youre off to a great start to your day brotha!


See if you can get a good deal. Makes it that much better lol.


Good morning everyone! Hope y’all have a wonderful Friday and weekend. We’ve been super busy around my house with our boys and work. I’m actually glad I don’t have anything growing right now except a bunch of autos that I’m starting for friends to put outdoors. It’s going to be nice not having to take care of any plants till I start back up in a few months


Don’t fret @InTheWoods with not getting to those clones fast enough 🫤! I think :thought_balloon: when we all get stoned we dream ambiguously with the list in are heads of things we are going to get done and thats ok. Soon or late :alarm_clock: unfortunately time and reality kicks :leg: in and we do fall short from time to time. Without dreams where would we be. :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

I’m glad to hear you and the family are doing well. I hear yah on the work front, busy busy.
Sounds like you’re having a nice break already!

Have a great weekend brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Timing, oh that fickle… :joy:


Aw that sucks :cry:
Which SSDD clones did ya lose?

I’m hopefully getting my cut back here by end of next week or so :pray: Will have to get her rooted and whatnot, but she’s tested clean. Soon as I can I’m gonna try sending her out to as many people as possible. Almost lost this girl 3 times already :see_no_evil:

Anyways, any action on the new beans yet? :eyes:


Unfortunately it easier to list which survived;
C91 SKVA x SSDD #1,
SSDD f2Bx1 OG/CJ - Coffee #1, Berry pheno

Hell yea brotha! I bet that is a breath of fresh air. Depending on where my gardens at that time, I’d give her a shot. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

As for the Lemon Cheese Haze, 10 for 10 and above ground :partying_face:
8 for 8 on the Saltwater Kush @hoss8455
4 for 5 for the Moon Cheese Rocks @m0sirys ( 5th should rise in a day or two)


I’ve used standard timers for 20 something years and last year switched to digital. Many have internal batteries that hold the time like an alarm clock. It’s been tested many times sadly because power outages are common here and it works great. Never going back haha…

Sorry to hear about your cuts but on the bright side you have seeds going already so I’m sure you’ll find more quality plants!


Nice, I’m an analog type of guy. I may switch in the future if power outages are persistent. Fortunately it’s not a common occurrence unless a big powerful storm rips thru. If I didn’t catch it after work that day, I really could have messed up my flowering tent.

Live and learn. (hopefully I learn this time ):joy:

Yea it also gives me another reason to pop more TS A in a round or two.

I’ll do the smoke reports on her and the others that I’ve been slacking on today.


Thats good news you can get your cut back!


:partying_face::partying_face: That’s exciting!
Definitely wanna look for the most narrow bladed plants in those LCH. If you find a male like that I’d probably be interested in keeping him even if you don’t if that can be a thing. I think crossing that line back to one of these C5SS girls might be a good idea :thinking: Definitely need to find the narrow leaf girl in those too though. Make F2’s with that pair. I mean all the pheno’s are good, but that’s the one I want :sweat_smile: I’m planning to pop some of those myself this fall and search for that specifically.

Interested to see those Saltwater Kush and the Moon Cheese Rocks too! I have a pack of each of those but you’re beating me to em. Gonna live vicariously through you for awhile here :sweat_smile:


I was big fan of the cheese back in the day, I hope to find one of each on opposite sides of the spectrum.
Another reason why I put the Moon Cheese Rocks in there as well to increase the odds of a cheesy girl.

Yea I can send you cuts from all if you’d like brotha. It could help save time in the search to make those F2s if any narrow leaf girl catches your eye.

I would say it’s worth it, but my knowledge is kind of limited on lines. It’s one of the reasons why I’m going for variety in the gardens to get a baseline across the spectrums. Along the way picking certain crosses that I have an idea to make crosses with.

I’d say my next seed endeavor to increase my Sour Serenades stock. I messed up and only have like 7 maybe 10 seeds left of that cross. I like the ladies its throwing. OP seems like the best way to go about retaining most of the sour serenades gene pool in the f1s with the limited number of seeds. :crossed_fingers:

Hunt in the F2s to select for F3s. When that time comes to bring to F3s I’ll hopefully have found those special ladies out from C, RH, DD, SBH to make those crosses. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Hell yeah I can respect that. I love Cheese too! The Cheese leaners in there throw the most weight. Usually fatter blades then the more hazy phenos if i remember right too :thinking:

Sounds good and like a plan on the rest :sunglasses:


Cheese is good! :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

IMG_5079 IMG_4963 IMG_4962


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods and friends, it was getting late and was wondering where you were. I know that i usually see you up early :joy::joy::joy:, sleeping :sleeping: in today. Cloudy :sun_behind_large_cloud: with only a little sun :sun_with_face: on the East coast this morning. Hope you enjoy your coffee :coffee: and find something good to smoke :dash: this morning! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


good morning @InTheWoods , @OhNo555 and everybody else of course! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning @OhNo555 @m0sirys and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

I was up early getting the morning chores done. I lost track of time to do the smoke report last night. Par for the course when you get into this mega blend bubble hash :joy: