InTheWoods Journal

Sad to hear that Washington is in disarray and not safe. One regret I have is not going to Rolling Thunder while my grandfather was alive. My father had gone down 3-4 times and were able to ride at the front of the pack since my grandfather was working for Rolling Thunder. If I remember correctly technically you can’t be the absolute front as I believe its reserved for the Secret service riders.

Sour Serenade
Royal Procession (@darkillusion) x Chocolate Diesel F3 pollen (@AzSeaindooin420)

Chopped all a couple days ago on Day 73.
Stoked to try them out.

Only plant with purple on leaves and buds.
Threw a single nanner on the very last week.

#2 No nanners.

Threw nanners on main, then more on the lowers.

No nanners

No nanners

No nanners

No nanners


Wow that thing is all buds. Nice and chunky too!


Thanks brotha, I would’ve been more descriptive on each by my nose is blind by the time I trimmed up all of them.
I figure I’d just do it on the smoke report. They were all pretty easy to trim.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


I haven’t taken cuts off them yet, when I the #16 Cloning powder arrives Ill jump right on it.

Day 28F

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325
She is a beast! Almost 6ft tall. Towers of the Mawali Gold and Lambsbread. The other two are shorter and not included in these.


#2 Half the size of number one

#3 Half the size of number one, Similar size as number two.

Malawi Gold @Tejas

Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Lambsbread @Upstate

Willys Myst @Guitarzan



Pablo Two Times @Guitarzan
Slower lady but coming along.

QuickSilver @Elpolloloco

Hindu Kush x Maruf Red @SF0
Double serrations

Maruf Red F2 @SF0
Took a while to show female. Interesting plant.

Under Canopy of MHxDE, LB, MG.


Guten morgen bruder :coffee: Ich hoffe, Sie haben einen schönen Tag :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Danke mein Freund! ! Ich wünsche dir auch einen tollen Tag :slight_smile:


Day 88F

Dream Drifters
I’m getting antsy with them. Finish off ladies you can do it!


Good morning @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, and to all the rest of you making your rounds today! :ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Dude, those are some fine looking buds!

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Looking good, man!


Goood morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

@HydroHero77 @ResinReaper Thanks brothas, Welcome to the woods!

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Are all of those plants on day 28? They look like they’re gonna take a whiiiiiiile haha. And that’s a good thing haha!

I’m curious, how long did you veg them before you flipped? I only ask because I vegged the current grow for between 32 days (Mountain Temples) and 40 days (the other plants), usually veg for eight weeks minimum. It seems like they’re all gonna take a little bit longer than I was anticipating, which is fine, I’ve got time haha, but that’s something I’ve noticed during this grow.

It’s almost like a shorter veg makes no difference at all and doesn’t mean that you’re really gonna get finished flower a month quicker just because you shaved a month off of the veg time.


Yea I flipped all of them on 5/1. I knew they would take some time to finish, I popped the MR and HKx MR to have something finish in the 10-11 week timeframe but they look like late to the party. Willy myst looks like the first ones that will finish, early still to really tell.

I planted on 3/26, vegged for a little over a month.

I’d say it goes back to the genetics and what your running. I imagine I could the get Saltwater Kushes cycle done in 100 days, I don’t think I could do it with the Lemon Cheese Hazes due to the genetics in them.

I know the Lambbreads 23rd of flower would be October 3rd. Malawi Gold goes between 14-16 weeks. Kilimanjaro I’m not 100% on.(10-14 weeks). Metal Haze x DE could be 12-14 weekers too depending on how they fall. The tallest lady I’d imagine will take the longest to finish in the trio.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great day :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @m0sirys and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!


Nice first haul from the strawberry patch. I wish I could remember what the two varieties in the patch are.


Morning OGs :coffee:

Some yummy looking strawberries you got there :yum:


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

They are very sweet and delicious, this patch was started with only 10 crowns, 5 each of variety from a semi local friends farm (20miles away from us).

Three seasons later its full and have runners starting to run outside the patch. If you don’t have any strawberries, I could dig some out and send you some crowns if you want.