InTheWoods Journal

Good morning everyone! Hope y’all have a great day!


I had a few small plants but they were probably a decade old and had been mistreated so they produced very small to no berries at all. I also blame the lack of bees. :joy:

I’d certainly find a spot for them near where the beehives will go. I have a ton of stuff I want to plant just for them.


@VAkish Good Morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Hope youre having a great week!

Look up the local varieties and plant some wildflowers around the yard/ corners of the garden/etc.
I just planted some Yarrow yesterday to help with summer flowers as it seems we lack that diversity in the yard.

Ill dig em out over the weekend and reach out then for your info to ship on monday to ensure quick travels. I think you should be able to get some fruit from them this season too if they settle in without much stress.


Appreciate it broski! I’ve been up early pretty much every day the past few weeks watching the yard to see what gets the best early morning sun coverage. I think I’ve got it figured out now


I feel ya! Sometimes trimming super stinky stuff it makes me nauseous so I get it.


I want a new drug
One that won’t spill
One that don’t cost too much
Or come in a pill

I want a new drug
One that won’t go away
One that won’t keep me up all night
One that won’t make me sleep all day
:sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Last Call for the Server Auction! Below are the crosses that are available.

I tried to be a little more described with each. So many scents my nose is cooked. I hope everyone is having a great week and Thank you to all that have participated in any of the OG auctions!

Only water no added nutrients.
Dream Drifter - First Round.
One day shy of 13 weeks. First one close up shot looks like theyre a week out. :crossed_fingers:

Dream Drifter - blue dream scents.
Second round, unfortunately one female in this round. Catching my eye early.

Contango -Round 2
Spectrum of scents - lemony, hashy, slight burnt rubber.

Silverback Haze - Round 1
One mutant in the bunch.
Spectrum of scents - Grapey in one plant, Semi sweet scents.

Royally Hazed - Round 1

Sweet profiles, Earthy on the Kush leaner.


They look wicked my friend! Awesome work as usual :fire::fire::fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


@LonelyOC Thanks brotha! I’m trying to decide which of your work will get popped first. Usually when this happens they all get popped haha.

Hope youre having a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


If you are still looking for crazy sativas, I think Perk 29(M29 Malawi-Afghani x Purple Urkle BX1 F2) should be right up you alley. Else if you are longing for some Chem sativaish, Dragon Core is a good choice.

I got 19 mature seeds from the M29 plant and you got 12 of them. I plan to use my 7 seeds to make something I call “Punk 29”, it’s a cross of Perk 29 to my Funk 29(M29 Malawi-Afghani x (Chem D x GMO Bx3)), my hope is to find some crazy sativa hybrids in those!

Hehe yeah, grunting away at work but yet I find peace and happiness in the small things, you now. It’s a really good week. I hope you’re having one aswell! :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Really?! Man, I wish you reversed that. I would have been more than happy with even 5. I feel bad now with those numbers. Its where I’m at with the Sour serenades { I like the ladies I saw but I feel I’m cutting it close with anything under 10 to work with]. Only 7 mature looking seeds left to bring those F2.

That sounds great! I bet you will brotha, I look forward to your tester thread going wild with beautiful plants!


I have very limited space, it’s better that the plants will be enjoyed to the fullest! And… I kinda wanted to give you something special since you’re so awesome :sweat_smile: I know it isn’t much but I figured that you would get to them some day and hopefully find something worth while.

Pz :v:t2:


Sucks to be out of likes for two hours.

I understand I’ll make sure they get popped brotha, Thank you again!

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Haha, you are so humble! I’m the one to thank you! The SK/Hz from Dave is something I wanted to try for yeeeeeears and you just sent me almost a hundred of them from your reproduction, not counting all the other crosses you hooked me up with! Even marking every pack which plant it came from and which is leaning where.

It’s unusual to “meet” a man like you, you know.

And you helped me come up with good names for some of my crosses!:fire:

Don’t feel any pressure, you’ll get to them when you get to them. I bet you have a ton of seeds lining up. I’m just happy they are in you hands.

Pz :v:t2:


This is the first time hearing the name, I thought it was Sam S. I imagine he received it from someone else but I haven’t went that far.

If I’m ever in your neck of the woods, Id share a pint and fat joint with you anytime brotha! :beer: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I do have a good amount of seeds still to run haha.One of goals is to run everyone cross I received off OG at least once and maybe learn a thing or two in the process about expressions. I was pretty close and crossed half off my list but @Ottafish added 2-3 runs with his care package of crosses alone. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you havent tried his gear yet, I’d recommend you giving them a try in the future. To be honest, I havent had a bad cross off OG. Sure some smoke isn’t my cup of tea but every plant was pleasure to grow and got me to where I want to be.


good morning @InTheWoods all coffee lovers and OG!!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is strong and delicious!

plants are looking nice as always brotha! nothing else expected!!

have a relaxing friday :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


What was the flower times? Are they landraces basically?

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Damn!!! It’s 1am here lol what time is it there. I really need to go to bed…


10 o clock on my side of the pond :smiley: already on my feet for 4 hours or so :rofl:

i`m a little early today ::smiley:


I’m very grateful your growing them! I only use what I consider the best. I am very interested in crossing some landrace type sativas though… That Jaze would be cool crossed to a Pure Indica to improve the Bud structure. That’s where it’s at to create extraordinary plants. Find your smell in the Sativas and cross it to the indicas for looks, flower time, and a better structure.


Damn, where are you at? I’m in Oregon, USA.