InTheWoods Journal

In the middle of Germany near Düsseldorf ::slight_smile: Oh Oregan nice :slight_smile:

I just got used to the forum time :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I figured about half way around the world. What’s the top strains over there?

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That’s difficult to say here. Every type of Haze is still very popular around here. Since our legalization only took place in April, the variety of strains has not yet arrived here. ( for most, of course, not for the German OG members)

i personally like all species and varieties. :slight_smile:


Yeah I’d be more interested in what you guys have before legalization. After it became legal here many of the most special strains were lost because everyone jumps on the hype strains and the best in my opinion are lost. The best stuff I ever had was pre legalization. Smell, taste, and effect wise. Everyone here wants it at dispensary’s based off the look and THC numbers. So a lot of the good stinky stuff has gone away.


Anyhow night man. Time to go to sleep.


have a good rest! gn8

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It’s day for me! How are you guys?

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Oh ok from that point of view I would say Amnesia Haze, some Skunk strains whose crosses ect. were always represented here the last 10-15 years.

The problem we have here in Germany is that many people don’t really know what kind of strain they have. And as you say, the hype has hit us here too, all the Cali varieties have been hyped here and people have paid enormous sums for an 1/8 oz. unbelievable… and then try to explain to them that most (not all) of the stuff that comes to us in colorful cans comes from spain and the uk. nobody wants to hear that.
A good strain or clone is not just about the name and the look. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: it is sad that long-established strains are disappearing under all the hype.


good morning @KeyFinger iḿ fine thnaks !

hope you áre too?! have a nice day

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Good morning @m0sirys @Ottafish @KeyFinger :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth!

70-80 days for Contango, Although I bet there could be some that go 90-100.
The Dream drifters are on day 90. 100 days of flower looks probable on most of these. The mutant finished early in 70. The second round female seems to be finishing a tad faster than the first round.

Here is the Mutant DD. Very nice daytime smoke. Airy buds with a faint blue dream taste/scent.


looks tasty :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

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Oh yea, I think youd enjoy this one too. Hows the SSH treating you? I bet its one you reach for all day!

I still have a lot of testing too do. I’ll probably chop the Dream drifters on 14 weeks. (7 days from now).

I need convert the 3x3 from a drying tent back into a veg tent and get the Moon Cheese Rocks, Saltwater Kush,Lemon Cheese Haze into the one gallon poly bags soon.


i`ll bet i would do! :slight_smile: Everything is fine, I really like the SSh! Unfortunately it’s so good that the stock is dwindling rapidly! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The tent looks great! I like the healthy green color, :smiley: This looks like it’s going to be great. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out!


Sam’s real name is David Paul Watson aka Dave Watson.

If you ever visit Stockholm, I would love to meet and show you around.

I’ll definitely bother @Ottafish in the future :sweat_smile: Got plans set for the upcoming year atm.

Pz :v:t2:


They look better today for sure. I caved and gave them 7ml of grow big in a one gallon mix two days ago. They’re close to being root bound at 23 days. I was looking at the tall slim pots to allow the tap root more room for veg and more medium for rooted clones before getting put into the 1 gallon bags for flower.

They are 4in x 12.5in tall. I may try them out in the future.

Haha it was worth every week of flower!

Oh yea I forgot. I’m shot haha.

You bet, It would be nice to get over to that side of the world before I get too old.

No problem brotha, I know your very busy with your own projects. Stoked to see them come to fruition!


I’m actually going to the use Silverback Haze you sent me on a GG4 BX4 project I’m going to do. That one was a no brainer.

The SK/Hz is going to be used a lot in my continues Chem Sativa project.

Pz :v:t2:


Morning OGs :coffee: I’m having a joint and some coffee to get my day going.

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Nice! I enjoyed Gorialla glue back in the day, not sure if the #4. Hope you find a real nice lady, if you don’t find one in the pack that fits and need more SBH. Reach out and I can send more. :grin:

Mmm chemmy sativas. Daytime Funk smoke sounds great. The ODIN from @stanknugzz77 I grew a while back was very funky and strong. If I remember right, it was Dogwalker OG cross. Would be cool to see what the sk/hz does on the offspring of those. I have too much already planned as is lol. Stoked to see you find!

The C91 x SSDD I just grew reminded me of the ODIN. I have to check his latest newsletter, I believe he may have gone down this path already with something else, maybe A5 or something like that.

I do have one clone of the c91 x ssdd but it’s the one that hermed. I found some seeds in the majority of the last flower run of SSDD. [ SSDD BBS f1, SSDD x OGC/CJ coffee,berry, all others] x [ C91 x SSDD. Or Stone Sour F2]. Those will just be for fun runs to see what happens with the offspring.

I wouldnt want to make beans with her, but glad to experience some c91 crosses.

Good morning brotha :coffee:
What a great start to the day!
Last night, I rolled a blunt of the lazy lightning. It’s been very long since I rolled one, I’m a spliff type of guy. Around 7 I made the mistake of sparking it up. I got half way thru it realized I probably should’ve of waited for the chickens went in first. I was fighting to stay awake. :joy: Come on ladies get in the coop haha.


I really only roll blunts when I have friends over. I’ll roll a joint for myself lol


First Silverback Haze to be chopped.
65F ( 9 weeks 2 days) .Water only. She could have seen another week or so but decide just to chop it for peace of mind.

An interesting plant overall. She grew buds on some Petioles, Double headed cola. Not sure what side she leaned.
I looked over the other SBHs that need more time, nothing on them. Probably another 2-3 weeks to finish for the other SBHs along with C,RH,DD.

The scent profile is Very Hashy, almost diesel like. the slightest sweetness to it. Stinky.
Pretty Dense flowers.

When looking her over I found a singular male part tucked under the main cola.