InTheWoods Journal

I just realized I’m on the last nugs, I forgot to do a smoke report on a couple.

Sun Ra @syzygy

Scent -Piney, earth, kushy
Flavor - Mostly pine slight earthyness
Compact bud structure
Medium Density bud.
Daytime smoke

Bubblegum Chem F2 1
Scent - pungent chemical scent, like stainless steel polish/cleaner.
Flavor is unique and cant describe it.
Semi Compact bud structure
Medium density. not airy fluffy bud.
Daytime smoke

Bubblegum Chem F2 2
Scent - funky basement meets bitter apples.
Flavor -Slight fruit taste but mainly funky.
Semi Compact structure.
Dense little buds.
Nighttime smoke, Creeper type effects. Hard to keep my eyes open {favorite out of the three}

Bubblegum Chem F2 3

Scent - Sweet funky B.O
Flavor - Taste matches the scent
Compact bud structure
Dense rock like buds
Another creeper for the nighttime.

Deadzone x OGC/Casey Jones 1
Scent - Funky Fruit punch bowl
Flavor - No sweetness. mainly funky
Compact bud structure
Dense buds but like rocks.
Daytime smoke. Not overpowering, good social buds.

Deadzone x OGC/Casey Jones 2

Scent - Lemon/Lime like a can of Sprite.
Flavor - Taste matches the scent. Lemony lime/slight earthy on the backend.
Airy bud structure
Dense buds. Interesting
Daytime smoke
(favorite out of the pair)

Not a bad one in that last run. Thanks again for the opportunity to grow them , Hope youre having a great weekend brothas! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Awesome reports! You’re killing it with the variety. Thanks for sharing!

Just started some ogchem x Casey Jones f2 should be interesting to compare the results with the deadzone cross.


Thanks brotha, Hope you had a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Nice! I’ll be looking forward to seeing how those turn out. If you get a sprite pheno, its flavor is addictingly good.

I wish I vegged it longer as I reach for the last bit of it haha. I have a couple more seeds of that cross, and either the C91 x ssdd #1 or Stone Sour F2 gave me a seed from the DZ x OGC/CJ #2. Should be an interesting offspring with either for smoke.


That sugar mints overview photo looks so gorgeous…. I’m mesmerized. Would ya mind if I print it out?

That does sound good, I love coming across those flavours you just can’t put down. I’ve got a mango HP cut I keep for that reason :slight_smile:

Always the way haha I’ve been running everthing in 5 gals and you’ve got me thinking of dropping to 3 for sheer varieties. Especially after the ssdd reports. It seems like a great way to expand/learn your weed pallette.

Amusingly I just started some of @pharmerfil gunit f2s as well. He’d said he didn’t like the stone sour as much so I’m interested to see how those turned out. One of my favourite plants came out of Tony’s pine tar gush so I have high hopes (waka waka)


The only clone to make it thru my gauntlet I call “cloning”
c91 x ssdd #1 - the one that hermed in the 4th week but the smoke was great. :grin:


Mmm Mango :yum:

Dang 5 gallons, It would be nice when harvest comes for sure.
Variety is the spice of life :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Nice! :mechanical_arm:

I haven’t seen the Gunit f2s in flower yet but I bet they’re frosty great smoke!

The Stone Sour F2 had the same hiccup at probably around 3rd week, end of 4th week is when I noticed a couple under the buds. I didn’t have any problems after being plucked. I had a cold snap right in early flower so It could have been environment.

Although he said didnt care for them and I also don’t know how many females he has tried in the Stone Sour F2. I’ll say that I do think there’s some gems in there. The couple ladies he posted in here looked very nice. The taste on that plant was another addicting one. I will grow out to again for the pungent limey taste.

Thanks for the kind words brotha. If you want too, go for it! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks for the great smoke report on the DZ x OGC/CJ. Glad you enjoyed them. Seems like there’s a bunch of different smells and tastes coming out of that cross. Kinda cool if you like looking at a variety of phenos. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!


Sweet! I’m stoked to see some of these being grown out. I loved the mom of the f2’s. She was an amazing daytime smoke. Made me happy and stoned but clear headed to get stuff done. Hope you find a good 1 or 2 @Kyumonryu


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods, forgot to say good morning buddy! Looks :eyes: like all is going well for you and your plants are looking :eyes: really GR8! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Nice report @InTheWoods.


A good reminder that its all a numbers game and not to jump to quick a conclusion.

Stoked to run them, thanks again. I’ll try to get pictures up on my thread as I go!


Nice journal man. Love the smoke report too! Man most every looks great! What was the high on that SBH? Hazes rock my world a lot of the time. Was it sticky greasy buds?


I also wanted to ask you. What are the top 3 strains you e grown?

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good morning @InTheWoods and OG!!! :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is strong and tastes good this morning. have a great day brotha! :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


Good morning brothas @m0sirys @OhNo555 @VAkish @Tejas @Ottafish @Kyumonryu and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Come on coffee brew faster haha.

No problem brotha, Its the least I can do. Thats a bonus in my eyes because the more the merrier.

Yea brotha, I made that mistake before. Best to look thru em all and actually have cuts as backups for the one that surprises when you smoke her.

Thanks brotha,
Semi greasy, Kind of dry trichromes. Stinky though. I haven’t tried the smoke yet. This was the first one to come down and still drying. The others look like 12 weekers. a couple more weeks to find out. Stoked to try it out.

One Royally hazed looks kind of ready now, the other 3 do not and need more time.
Same thing for the Contango’s, and one Dream Drifter in the second look.
I’m really liking the second dream drifter.

I cant tell if it looks like SSH, Blue dream or neither.

Here are the first round Dream drifters still trucking along on week 14. Day 94

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy and Malawi Gold took super cropping well.

Man thats very hard to say which is the top. They’ll all great in there own way for me. For the heavier smoke I found myself reaching for the LL and C91xSSDD. Then for all day smoke it would be TripSun A, SSDD x OGC/CJ -coffee, SSDD BBS F1s, Stone sour F2, Sugar Belts xPRxBV. I have yet found a haze that rocks my world or as someone said puts you into a fetial position haha. Hopefully I stumbled onto those soon.


Try Ghost Train Haze from rare dankness. I wonder if they’re even the same. I got mine like 15+ years ago. Is assume pretty close anyhow.
I got it because back in the day it won the high times cannabis cup. I’ve grown it a few times. It has a super stinky sprite/like and possibly very faint smell that Jack Herer has. It’s a hard one to describe. I feel like it could smell like apple jolly ranchers slightly.
Anyhow, I only grew it outside and it got huge. The buds are very stinky, super sticky and oily, frosty, and super potent. I made a shitload if wax with it way back then. It’s definitely different than most stuff these days but also better than most. It gets me super high anxiety in the beginning and then it’s like a super mood boost creative high. It made me want to do something.


Man I gave some origional SSDD seeds away to
someone on here. I kinda wish I’d have kept them now. I bought that and Goji way back. Didn’t grow either. A buddy grew some of my Goji seeds. He said it was good but it wasn’t one he kept in the stable.


Good morning @InTheWoods, @Tejas, @LonelyOC, @Ottafish, @HomegrownVABudz, @VAkish, and all the rest of you guys up so early making them journal :notebook: entries on another GR8 day :sun_with_face:! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Shit man… I been staying up way too late! You boys wake up when it’s like 2–3 here. Not tonight dammit!