InTheWoods Journal

good morrning @InTheWoods and all people wandering around the OG woods ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee tastes great this morning
I am sorry you lost the mother plants, but the other plants look great and I am glad the MCR is still there! You have so many things going on, make it fun to watch and read!

have a great day :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is smooth and delicious!

I can’t keep up with all them haha. I gave packs to my neighbors because I don’t want them to go bad.
My sister stopped by and gave some to her. She made some jam and dropped some off yesterday. So dang good!

I was looking at his creations over the years on seedfinder. Venom OG, Jenny Kush are two that peaked my interest from him when I was looking at the GTH pack last year.

Interesting. Different strokes for different folks :grin:
Did you ever try it again after that. I wonder a bad batch that was sitting on the shelf for too long before you got it.
Was it still when growers could sell still show up with their gear to the dispo’s?
Before all the testing/etc.

Shit happens haha.
The non super cropped Malawi’s Gold is bulky lady already. I’ll take a pic when the lights come on.
I think she will really fill out if she is a 14 -16 weeker. Both have potential for sure!

Haha one of my favorite movies. It popped into my head when I was transplanting them.

Thats the one I heard about.

I loved Afgoo/Afgoey (however it was spelt) buds back then, I’d grow that in heartbeat.
Have you had that one? It had a slight limey earthy hashy taste. Lime green buds too.

Thanks brotha, I hope to have new mothers from these runs now.

Haha I want to pop more seeds but I’m restraining myself since I took those cuts and out of room at the moment. I still want to take cuts from both LBs, Im not sure I can on the Quicksilver. Would be cool to see her grow larger in a second run since she is small compared to the others.

Hope everyone has a great day :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


got you on that. i also should have waited to pop one of the strains… my migro light needs another 3 weeks till delivery. Now im puzzling everything every day. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
but you know what is like. sometimes you just can´t resist and pop some seeds :innocent:

1 Like

Dang well I hope the light gets fast tracked to you and arrives earlier than expected! :crossed_fingers:

All too well brotha haha.

I think the next seeds to get popped will be a bunch of Kush varieties but it all depends on how many females with the plants in veg now.


Morning OGs, hope everyone is doing well.

No coffee for me but I might have some tea.


sounds like a solid plan :smiley: looking forwar to it :slight_smile:

I should have clarified… and I meant to… but I’m stoned haha. I definitely love Indica plants and especially hash plants that taste like bubble hash. 

I’m not sure if I’ve tried Afgoo. I don’t think so but it sounds familiar. But I quite possibly have.
There’s so many different kinds that come from Afghanistan that I wouldn’t label anything by that name anymore. But that’s what it was called way back when. Before things were legal.
I actually love hash plants, they’re one of my favorite flavors. They are probably from there or close to there. It’s actually been awhile since I’ve smoked something that tasted like hash. I used to actually get some Super Silver Haze that I thought tasted just like hash. But that’s a hybrid.


Not sure what happened with the text at the top of the post?

Oh and I forgot… Good morning gentlemen. Seize the day!


good morning @Ottafish :slight_smile:

it comes from " `" and an “l” this i think. forum seems to take it as html somewhat. sometimes


Happy Hump Day! Hope y’all have a great one!


Royally hazed
The one that looks close to being down first.

Malawi Gold (bulky) @Tejas

Malawi Gold (Tall)

Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy (tall) @boatbum325


Good morning @InTheWoods, @VAkish, @Ottafish, @HomegrownVABudz, @m0sirys and the rest of you wondering around the journal :notebook: making them early morning entries. Enjoying coffee :coffee: and stuffing a few cones this morning getting ready to get stoned! :joy::joy::joy: :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


He’s definitely a dipshit haha, but I did get an eighth of Starkiller, another Rare Dankness hybrid, from the same dispensary (Buds ‘n’ Roses, such a dumb name for a dispensary… haha) that was very, very good. So good, in fact, that I bought some seeds and grew it myself a few years later. But I got that Starkiller from there like three or four years after I tried their GTH.

I think it was 2012? Pretty sure it was April 20, 2012, just to take advantage of their 4/20 sale. That place has always been ridiculously overpriced, so I figured I’d go there when they weren’t selling eighths for fucking $75. I did also get some Strawberry Cough that was very good on that same trip (that was when I lived in East Hollywood, so going out to the Valley wasn’t really a thing I ever did haha).

So, yeah, 2012. I dunno when RD started doing different versions of the GTH, but maybe you do.

Yeah, I’ve grown the aforementioned Starkiller, which, like I said, was really good and tasty. I’ve also grown their Midas and Moonshine Haze and both of those were really good, too. Planted four seeds of that Ghost of Leeroy a few years ago and they looked promising, but they all turned out male :cry: haha. I also soaked and then planted four or five seeds of that Rugburn OG just a few months ago, but none of them sprouted, makes me a little worried about how all of the RD stuff that I bought was stored before I bought it, because I KNOW it wasn’t on my end. All of my seeds are stored properly.

Anyway, my point is haha that I don’t think their stuff is “bad” at all. It’s all been a pleasure to grow and smoke. I just didn’t like that GTH, but maybe if I’d have grown it myself I’d be singing a different tune.

I didn’t.

That’s definitely possible, especially because I got it on their 4/20 sale. I could see them putting out all of the bullshit for that, for sure. Scumbags… haha!

It was. Like I said, that was 2012. Prop 64 didn’t pass until 2018, so… And just as an aside, I fucking HATE Prop 64, voted against it even though I think weed should absolutely be legal. It was such an obvious power play to squeeze out every single small- and medium-sized grower and consolidate the market into the hands of the very few who could afford the tens of thousands of dollars that it costs to be a licensed grower/vendor post-Prop 64.

It used to cost me $130 a year to be a legal vendor. Now? I haven’t even bothered looking because I know I can’t afford it haha! It wouldn’t even be worth it, I don’t grow that much. Prop 64 definitely took the fun out of everything, though. There used to be soooooo much variety on dispensary menus, it was actually kind of fun to check out the menus online every day, just because there’d be the most random and interesting stuff that’d make an appearance for a few days or a week and then you’d never see it again.

Now it’s just the same nine things everywhere. Not that I’d even go to a dispensary anymore, I’m just sayin’…

Anyway, sorry to ramble. This post definitely got longer than I was planning haha…


Can’t agree more, watched a couple of podcasts with him and it’s very clear that he knows nothing about growing, breeding or cannabis in general. He’s definitely just some sort of pr machine or trying to brand himself, and he’s not even good at that.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Strawberry Cough somehow got in his hands and he’s capitalise on it.

Pz :v:t2:


That is pretty much exactly what happened if I recall correctly. Strawberry Cough basically fell into kyle kushman’s hands and he capitalized on it 100%. I don’t think it’s even that good personally. Pretty midsy every time I’ve ever had it. No real strawberry. Definitely cough tho :sweat_smile:


Yeah, like Holy said, that’s what happened. I don’t remember the exact story, but I know he didn’t breed that one himself.

I’ve actually liked every batch of Strawberry Cough I’ve ever tried, but I haven’t smoked any in over a decade. I got that one “vegan grown” haha batch from Kushman’s dispensary and multiple batches from my old fav dispensary in Echo Park years and years ago. It was always good.

Who knows about the clones of that one floating around now, though? I’m not interested, but not because I didn’t like it. I just don’t fuck with clones haha.


Dream Drifter is SSH x Blue Dream? Damn that sounds :fire:


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

All of those sounds great. Midas popped up on my radar when going RDs list. I wish I had a pack of that one. Sounds and looked great in the picture.

Yea man I remember. Very sad because it was where Kilimanjaro was the introduced to me. I smoked from the Venice Dispo when I first landed. I was blown away by the variety back then. I also remember this bud I got call Silver Velvet. Literally looked silver. Had a dark green bud color and covering in trichs. Incredible contrast. I wish I took a pic of that bud. I would typically do that.

I would just look all morning every day on weedmaps. Figuring out which one we would hit then go skate for the day. Sometimes park on the PCH and smoke during the epic sunsets out there. Cruise Topanga canyon back out to the desert instead of taking the 405.

Also remember when Viper Oils first hit the market too before C02 extraction or Purging was a thing.
Pre shatter, waxes. Wild west back then, but it made the trips that much better.

I just now I checked the dispo I went to a couple times to see what’s on the menu today.
Very interesting choices now since they switched to an Employee owned business model.

Right now they have:
Chocolope (DNA),
Deep Line Alchemy #4 (bodhi)
The One Bc1 (MOB)
Star Kush (Topdawg)
Golden Tiger (Ace) - (In house pheno hunt I believe)
Jack Herer ( Idk if its legit)
White Durban (Idk if its legit)

Then the Cake, Dosido, Z crosses.

If I was in the area again for the weekend. I would try one or two of the upper list to switch it up.

No its Blue dream x Haze/Sk1. It has a SSH look in my opinion.
I need to grow SSH to get a better grasp on her profiles and plant/bud structures. I tried early but the two plants hermed on the 3rd week unfortunately. I believe @m0sirys grew the same seeds without any hiccups so I think it was me and my environment.

I have some friends try the Dream Drifter Mutant and one friend said it smelt like blueberry haze. another said it smelt like Jack Herer. Interesting to hear and see in real time how everyone’s nose picks up something different. To me I get the blueberry hint, not much jack though. When I think of Jack I think of Pine.


Good morning @InTheWoods, @Ottafish, @m0sirys, @VAkish, @VAhomegrown, @minitiger, & the rest of the gang! Drinking coffee :coffee: and looking :eyes: for some good weed to smoke :dash:. Just checking out the news :newspaper: looking :eyes: at all the storm :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: damage from a tornado :tornado: and high winds that hit northern MD last night.:ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’ve got that Chocolope Cut dna uses. Via cannabis by corey. Just running it for the first time for seed.