InTheWoods Journal

Good morning OG’ers, as Mr. Rogers would say, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” Happy growing all…


I did that for the current grow, just because I wanted to squeeze in one more before it gets insanely hot here, but usually I start them in little three-inch pots, then move them into half-gallons after about four weeks and veg them in those until (most of them) start to show sex. And then transplant into the flower pots.

It’s the lights. I’m pretty certain of that. Pretty much every single thing I’ve ever grown has been all compact and bushy until I flip. I’m not complaining haha, I like it, keeps the plants manageable all the way through from veg to chop.


Are you running high humidity and temp? I usually run higher humidity than most but one run we accidentally ran the humidity super high. Probably at 90% lol. It made the most compact growth and fattest blades on leaves I’ve ever seen. I’m thinking the bigger leaves help the plant breath.


Temps aren’t ever an issue except in the summertime, hence the reason I’m done flowering in July-September anymore haha. And humidity levels are usually lower than I’d like most of the time, but that doesn’t happen until I turn on the big Apache. In veg, under the AT200’s, humidity levels are fine, no matter what time of year.

It’s the lights, gawddamn it! I’m telling you! Haha. It really is a good thing, I think. I’d rather have a five-inch plant with six nodes than a six-node plant that’s like a foot tall.


I’ll have to check out the light you have. Do you know what makes it work so good for you? More blue spectrum? What parameters are you running your veg and flower if you don’t mind. I assume pretty hot with the explosive growth? I’ve had great results with the HLG 600 spec. But honestly buddies kill it with the Fluence, over the gavitas. Those are nice because of the perfect 4x4 spacing and the plants can grow all the way to the lights. The downside to the HLG with a tent is it needs 24-30”.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is strong and delicious!!!

It’s nice to see that the MCR is doing well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The one I have also seems to have a tendency to grow tall. It will be interesting to see how she develops! Everything else looks good as always and it’s fun to look at the pictures. Have a great day my friend! :slight_smile:


Good morning @m0sirys and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Just started the coffee, is it ready yet? haha

I will flip the MCR soon, Hopeful for two females. I dont expect them to get too big after flip but anything’s possible.

Thanks again brotha and hope you have a great week!


this is something, you dont know till the 3 flowering week is finsished. i`ll push my thumbs for 2 femals and a not to big plant :slight_smile:

have agreta week too!


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @Ottafish, & all the rest of you guys that are up. Drinking coffee and getting stoned. It’s another GR8 day in MD. The sun :sunny: is shining and the temperature is good rate now. Have a good day OG! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning all, I’ve just harvested my grapefruit plant, 12 weeks from seed under constant 12/12. There’s about 15oz wet so hopefully still a couple once dry. Just about to vape a bowl of those big single calyxes that are at the nodes. Only my second ever plant grown in the southern hemisphere. Had a tidy up in my wardrobe-of-shame, still two more grapefruit left in there, all the wet buds in paper grocery bags and a 4wk old AK47.


This is the main light I use in flower: AT 600 – Apache Tech Inc

Back when I ordered it, it didn’t have “color” options for the lenses (or whatever haha); the one I use is 3:2 white/red. I thought it was the other way around, 3:2 red/white, but I don’t see that option listed, so it must be the former. And I don’t know what that 14/50 degree option for the lenses means, no idea what mine are.

I don’t know what you mean by “parameters.” But no, I don’t run it hot if I can help it. I like to keep it in the mid-70’s if I can, with humidity around 50% in flower, but I’m pretty much at the mercy of the elements here. To keep it cool, I run everything at night and just open a window with a box fan in front of it and it works fine, for the most part. I’ve run the lights in the daytime during summer before, with the window closed and the AC cranking the entire time the lights are on and it’s been futile, temps between 88 and 91, humidity at 32% even with five humidifiers running, which is why I’m done flowering between July and September. Between the lights, the humidifiers, the AC running constantly and our pool pump, our power bill gets ridiculous. I think the plants suffer, too.

I also have one of these in the flower tent and one in the veg tent, too: AT 200 – Apache Tech Inc

Those lights put out zero heat. The AT600 really isn’t too bad, either, it just gets sooooo hot and dry here in the summer.

Same with the Apaches. I mean, I try to keep at least a foot between the tops and the lights, but I’ve grown some stuff where it just wasn’t gonna happen, even with the lights raised as far as they’d go in a seven-foot tall tent. Didn’t seem to hurt the weed at all, though.

Anyway, sorry, InTheWoods, but ottafish asked, so… haha.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Yeah I just grow seeds in the summer for sure. It’s hard to get the quality when it’s hot and u refuse to use AC. I’d rather grow outside anyhow at that time.
By parameters I was asking the target temps and humidity for veg and flower. You answered it pretty much.


Good morning @m0sirys @OhNo555 @Igor @Ottafish and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Yesterday while watering and looking over the plants I found the tiniest singular nanner poking out of the calyx on the stem on the Tall MH x DE.(6th week of flower). Kind of a bummer but is what it is.I know it’s not light leaks now since getting new tent earlier this year.

Fingers crossed it’s a tiny bump in the journey. Hopefully if I can get those cuts rooted, maybe it wont occur in clone form. It does take it off the list of potential plants to work with down the road. Ill just enjoy the smoke.

Nice Happy harvest brotha! A couple oz dry from a 12/12 run is great haul. Were they autos?

Hell yea! Thats awesome, I haven’t made it passed the equator yet. One day I will haha.
Any noticeable differences between the growths on either side of the hemisphere?

Hope you enjoyed that bowl and have a great day brotha!

Kinda the reason I choose sativas for the summer run, but cant say that fully because SWKs and MCRs are getting flipped soon.

Sweet christmas thats a unit!


Good morning bud! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Getting hot as hell around here. Have a wonderful day!


Good morning :sun_with_face::hot_face: @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @VAkish, @minitiger, @Ottafish, @Igor, and the rest of the OG early risers club! Getting a hot :hot_face: one today in MD! :ok_hand::sun_with_face::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @InTheWoods @OhNo555 and all OG.

Sorry to hear about your nanner discovery @InTheWoods hopefully you caught it early enough, or maybe you’ll just get a bonus seed or two if you want them.

The grapefruit are all feminised photo, I’m in a small wardrobe so I plant one seed per month, which works well, they veg and flower at the same time and end up about 1m tall which I can cope with. If you ever make it down this way I’ll show you around for sure.

In the UK I used to grow using a 10 pod version of this system 8 Pod HydroPod™ Flood and Drain System
With flood and drain and hydroton the growth was phenomenal, but it was a fair bit of work and hard to get to the back plants once they got bigger as everything is fixed. I was using a 600w HPS light. Then I switched to growing in planter pots full of Rockwell croutons and got similar yield with less work. I tried coco once and it wasn’t great. Here, down under, coco is popular and also dwc bubblers with water coolers and also Autopots. I’m doing coco now and trying to master that before trying anything else but I think I’ll stick with it. The girls seem happy.


Good morning @VAkish @OhNo555 @Igor and OGs :coffee:

Todays the day the heat/humidity gets turned up and continues. Summer is finally here after a long spring it seemed. I’ll take it haha. Hope you and the family have a great weekend brotha!

It would be cool to visit the land down under. Appreciate the offer brotha!

Very cool setup, Bet you had monster harvest out those systems. Especially under 600w HPS.

I have an old 400w HPS setup from way back when I first started to grow. I would use it but I think its a fire hazard more now than a benefit to the plants. Plus you know how much heat those HPS throw haha.
A member from RIU back in the day say my ad in the WTB section of the classified. Real cool dude from Michigan messaged me saying he had a free 400w ballast he converter and the made a hood with reflector. Chickengutz was his name over there.
When the light arrived, I opened it to find he also hooked me up some Apollo x Aurora indica clones. I Reached back out to him when I came back to growing but no response. I hope he is doing well and still growing.

I haven’t ventured out of soil. I hear great things about DWC or Coco. Especially when your dialed. All preference, I like the lighter workload using soil.{for the most part} haha

Interesting as I would’ve thought soil would be the go to over there. Only due to the temps and cost of electricity for the water coolers to the roots cool when running DWC.


Good morning everyone! Hope y’all have a wonderful Friday and weekend.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @VAkish, @Ottafish, @m0sirys, @Igor, & the rest of the best OG’s! Looks :eyes: like we are going to get a hot :hot_face: one :point_up: on the east coast today on MD, going to be chilling in the AC with coffee :coffee:, buds, my guitar’s :guitar:, and of course the dog :dog:! Stay cool :sunglasses: brothers and sisters! :blush::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: