InTheWoods Journal

I don’t know why but that used to happen to me too. I never did figure it out either. Now I don’t even need to use the stuff. Not sure why.
Rather than adding anything to the soil perhaps it’s some sort of blockout and an Epsom salt spray would be best for the magnesium


So foreign to me to hear of salmon fishing in the summertime. Our run is in the fall when the water cools and the rains come. I’m guessing the runs on the West Coast are timed to make the best of the springtime snow melt? Good luck! With that dedication you deserve some fish!

My guess would be the concentration of the calcium ends up adding to a blockout and not allowing magnesium uptake to recorrect that issue.

I will pick some up to try out. Ill go very lite to test the waters.


Don’t forget a drop or two of dish soap

That would be my guess too. I like to think of calcium as being very handsy grabsy. It holds on to everything and anything


Is that to help act as a binding agent?
to prevent a hydrophobic medium? { I’ve heard of people using a drop or two to help with a severe dryback}

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The Epsom salts will feed magnesium directly through the leaves. Some people put it right on the soil too but it is a salt so you need to be careful

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Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods & Happy Father’s to all you GR8 OG Daddies on this special day!

IMG_5560 IMG_5554


Good afternoon @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope youre having a great day and Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers!


Hey man I have been down a calcium rabbit hole recently and might be able to contribute a little bit here. I dug this up from an old slownickle thread on ICMag talking about base cation balancing and calcium. I might be way behind on all of this and please let me know, still just trying to figure everything out lol. :grin: :v:

“One of the biggest hurdles with any grower (including me for more than 20 years), is the testicular clamping and withdrawal when one starts talking about taking away the application of magnesium in the form of dolomite or magnesium sulfate. The only source that is recommended that will NOT contribute to structural collapse is sulpomag. Don’t ask me why. Just try it.

The issue with magnesium is another one of those soil science curve balls. The more excess you have, the more you have deficiency in the leaves. This is due to the fact that the roots are dying from too much Mg and they really don’t want to pick up any more. TWANG… no air TWANG… water logging… TWANG rots… all the problems in the world. And what do people do when these see those color photos of magnesium deficiency on their plants? It would be funny if it wasn’t such a sad kick in the ass.

So that is Mg. Now K.”


Heres the link to the thread if you wanna read some more. I’m still working through it and there is lots of really amazing info in there.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope you and your plants are doing well and your coffee is strong and delicious. :slight_smile:
have a good start into the week brotha :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


We get a spring, summer, and fall run. The June hogs were historically the biggest reaching over 100 lbs in the old days. Anything over 40 lbs is considered huge now days. The other night we slept on the rive to get the good spot. Ill tell ya what, it was the most miserable night I’ve ever had. It was 45 and poured rain and we got zero sleep. We toughed it out and gave it our best but the conditions just weren’t right. Typically on our river a good day is catching two fish. I’ve been at ti for 25 years addicted to these things. Weve had a few exceptional years where we’ve really nailed them. Here’s some pics.


Good morning @m0sirys @FishWhistler @Ottafish and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone has a great week!

No worries brotha, I’m still learning as well too. I’ll have to give it a read.

Thanks and likewise brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I turn 31 on Sunday. Time is flying by man. Days are long, Years are short.

Damn thats a big dropoff, Is that due to the number of dams on the river? Or over harvesting.

Thats a great haul brotha!

Hopefully you were able to get good casts and still have a good time after that wicked night of cold hard rain.

What are the other fish out there that your like to go after?


Good morning @InTheWoods & friends. Looks :eyes:like your thread 🪡 is buzzing this morning lots of great pictures, nice to see people having a good time and posting! :sun_with_face::partying_face::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope youre staying cool down there, The heat is inching into our area. By friday it will be sweltering.

Have a great week brotha!


Morning fellas. Brewing coffee as I type this lol :coffee:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Nice! I broke my rule and logged on before having a sip. Now on my third cup :joy:

Hows the strawberries bouncing back?


I gave them some more water yesterday, they had drooped back down. Hopefully they’re still kicking it. Haven’t checked on them yet.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @HomegrownVABudz! :sun_with_face::partying_face::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


They might take a little to fully recover. Since they are in pots, you probably can keep them fruiting for longer or all season.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, & all you guys checking in on this hot :hot_face: ass day! When you walk out side in MD, that humidity hits you right in the face. Going to be another hot :hot_face: one for the east coast. Keep cool all you cool cats :cat2:! :sun_with_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: