InTheWoods Journal

Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

@m0sirys One MCR is male. A very nice male too. Nice stinky stem rub. Great structure.

One day shy of 7 weeks (Day 48F)
This Malawi Gold is a beast. @Tejas


Lambsbread @Upstate

The parts of the plant under the LEDs are most effected. While the branches that arent under the direct lighting aren’t showing signs of stress. Is that common for light stress on LB when running indoor?

#1 under the LED

#2 Off to the side not under directly. No signs of hunger or deficiencies.

Branch from same plant but looking deficient/hungry. Interesting.
Also the way this fan grew, pinwheel type blade growth.

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325



Kilimanjaro @Kidete

lower branch

Willie’s Myst @Guitarzan




Maybe the lambsbread don’t like LED
I never used them myself so i couldn’t say.
Nice Malawi and Kilamanjaro. Good to see you growing the landraces😁


Those MG are stacking nicely.


We used to have great sturgeon fishing but the sea lions have been decimating everything and have about wiped them out. They were a lot of fun to catch. We have steelhead, bass, walleye, catfish, all kinds of trout, and many others but that’s mainly what I target in fresh water here. The ocean has a whole lot more. I mainly go after salmon, steelhead, walleye, and bass in fresh water. In the ocean we target salmon, rockfish, halibut, and hopefully soon tuna.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG!

hope your coffee is strong and delicious and you are all doing well.!!
Yes, definitely a nice male :slight_smile: It will certainly make good pollen if you plan to collect it. would love to see that :slight_smile: Everthing else looks great too as always !

I’m a bit behind with everything at the moment. I’m hoping that my new light will arrive soon, so that things will ease up a bit. And I’ll have a bit more space to rearrange everything. There have been a few casualties . But I have a beautiful CJ mom and a beautiful Bam Bam mom so all good :smiley:
Iḿ going to do an update soon. but atm, i have alot other things to do, so iḿ not so much around like normal .

have a gret day my friend :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @InTheWoods, @Ottafish, @m0sirys @HomegrownVABudz, @Tejas, & the rest of the in the woods gang. Dam some of you guys are up early today. Looks like Day #3 of the sweltering heat :hot_face: wave on the east coast. Good day to drink cold beer :beer:, play my guitars :guitar:, stay cool :cool: in the A/C, & watch cartoons! :joy::joy::joy: all you guys be careful if you got to get out there in the heat! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @Upstate @Tejas @Ottafish @m0sirys @OhNo555 @HomegrownVABudz and OGs! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

That could make be it. I move them off to the side to get indirect lighting.

It’s probably a combination of deficiencies and LED lighting. I picked up some Epsom salt but I’m wary of spraying directly on them since they are flowering. I thought foliar spraying really anything in flower is a no go.

I think I will try to top dress very lightly with it as a test on one LB to see how she reacts to the top dressing. :crossed_fingers:

Thanks brotha. I’m stoked on them! Glad to have taken cuts to run them a second time, It looks like the MG cuts need one more week to shed the flower mode and revert to veg. The Kilimanjaro’s have already rooted and started to veg again, so I don’t think they are too far behind.

Thats a bummer to hear about the sturgeon populations. Anyone hunting sea lions anymore?

I hear sturgeon are a lot of fun to catch and even just see the big boys lurk in the waters is a sight to see. The fact that they are from the Jurassic Era and still around is very cool to me. One day I hope to catch one but knowing that they are dwindling. I’d release it back for sure. I bet the seasons are very short in the area with semi healthy populations with probably bag limits set to 1, male only sturgeon, Certain length too.

I hear walleye is good eating. Thats one on my list to try. Thats a nice healthy list of fish to choose to catch. Hope your next trip on is a great one!

Unfortunately he is chopped already. I wish I had another tent to run flower out some males and collect there pollen for later uses. Maybe in the future that will be the next thing to do.

I hear you on that, One day passes and I fall two days behind somehow. Hope that light arrives today for ya brotha to get you back into cruise control.

Looking forward to the update and hope you have a great week brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Got to work in this heat today. Trying to beat the heat as best as I can. Looking forward to being out of work and resting. Have a great day brotha!


Good morning everyone! Hope y’all have a wonderful day! The wife and I are both off today. We decided to go visit some friends that live on the river about 30 minutes from us. They own nice sandy private beach and are smoker friendly. I’ll try to take some pics of all the shit my boys will catch down there with their seine net. It’s right where the saltwater and freshwater species start to hang out together. Not really brackish water but there hasn’t been much rain so the saltwater starts to come up the river from the Chesapeake Bay


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thats sounds a great day, Hope you guys have an awesome time!

Starting my day with a little bud off the cola of SSDD F2 Bx1 x OGC/CJ - Coffee pheno which is last bud of it. Smoking it sparingly to keep it around a little longer haha.
Month + cure on her. Sweet berry scent and taste. Very enjoyable smoke.


I chopped some plants yesterday on Day 80F
2 SBH , 2 RH , 1 DD remain to finish off more. They need 7- 10 days more. Probably could pull them down now but I want to see them go a tad further.

Contango [round 2]
Hashy, slight fruit, slight citrus spectrum from them. I plan on doing a smoke report on the first round soon. All dry trichs except #4, which had more oily trichs.



Side by Side of 1 and 2



Side by side of 3 and 4

Royally Hazed #2
Cant place the smell. Definetly hashy. no sour scents. dry trichs

Silverback Haze #2
Hashy nothing sweet from her, little funky. Dry trichs


There’s really no season anymore the numbers have dropped so low. It used to be 1 per day 42-60” and I think it was 10 per year. You’d catch constant small ones every 5 minutes or so. Now you can’t even catch the small ones hardly. They’re just too easy of prey for the seal lions. They’re finally culling them but they waited too long due to the seals being protected in 1970’s. It’s insaine how many we have now. They also are wiping out the salmon and other fish.
We have some really big walleye here. My biggest was a 11.8 spawned out female.



Those are massive brotha! Epic memories for sure!

Man, those sea lions need to go. If the Salmon population were healthier too the Orcas could do some work on them too, but I just read about how since the decline in salmon has also led to a decline in Orcas. I guess Humans are the only other option since no one wasnt great whites around more.

Thats a real nice fatty!

Another very cool dino fish are the Alligator Gars down south.
They can get massive. This one was 42in round and 92in length. 270lb. 70-80 year old. It’s crazy to think it was alive during WW2.

[Not my picture but for reference]


Good morning @InTheWoods, @Ottafish, @VAkish, and the rest of you guys! GR8 barrage of pictures from you guys, always something interesting going on in your thread 🪡! I remember @Ottafish catching tarpon in Titusville, Florida near the Cape when I was working on the space shuttle launch :rocket: pad project as an electrical engineer :construction_worker_man:‍♂. Those were some big fish :fishing_pole_and_fish: they gave you a hell of a fight. Plants 🪴 looking :eyes: good @InTheWoods, almost choppy choppy time! Have a great day brothers! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone has a great day. Fortunate to not be working in the heat today.

Had to look up Tarpon, Those look like a ton of fun catching those fish! Kinda similar sizes to striper bass.
That job sounds like a sweet job. If heights were involved count me out haha. I’m not good with heights. My mind goes to the extreme outcomes and then I’m useless.

Thanks brotha, Im getting antsy to chop but what’s another week at this point haha.


A glance into the clone zone


Good morning everyone! I’m dragging ass a little bit this morning. Yesterday was a long one hanging out on the river. Lots of cold beers and plenty of good smoke(burned a nice cone of some Sour Serenade to start the day). My boys had a blast. Hope y’all have a wonderful day!


It’s okay to do it in the first quarter of flowering and when something goes 23 weeks I think you could probably do it until the halfway point( with Epsom salt. )
I don’t know that that topic has come up yet though. Pretty sure it only applies with oil based sprays


I scrolled up thru your pics and thought it was Sacandaga Lake in NY’s Adirondack Park
…til seeing the sharks teeth. What river?


nice family outing brother.

very nice …


Haha I wish we had the temperatures that are in the Adirondacks. It’s been a hot start to the summer around here. We were on the James River in Virginia. My friends place is about half way between the Chesapeake Bay and Richmond. It’s a really cool area with tons of history. Hope you are having a great day! @Upstate