InTheWoods Journal

Man, Welcome back to growing!
I’m shot and forgot you got some of the crosses. :joy:
Hope you find some gems in the them brotha!

Nice! Ill look into those and compare to others.

I like to DIY too, Although for growing I tend to just pay up. One thing I do need is the High CFM kit so the tent walls don’t continue to suck in. The 5x5 says the 6in inline fans are preferred for exhaust, I just used my 4in. If I had that I think the negative pressure alone would collapse the tent at max haha. Thats my next purchase probably this week.

In the future I may try the autopots, They seem to be a very easy to run and the plants really thrive in them.


yeah those cfm kits are neat! out of likes for 22 hours so here are some :heart: :heart: :heart:
For the exhaust air, I usually go by cm³/h and then decide whether I need a larger diameter with less air pressure or vice versa. Of course, more factors play a role here! Where does the supply air come from, where does the exhaust air go ect ect. But I don’t think you do it any differently :=)


If you’re wanting to make money you better go all in now because the prices will start to plummet. Especially if it goes legal.


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods, missed you this morning on my rounds had a rough night! :facepunch::+1::ok_hand::wink::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @Ottafish, @m0sirys, & the rest of you guys making them morning rounds! :facepunch::ok_hand::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


What’s up @FishWhistler? Good morning :sun_with_face: to you as well! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smoooth and strong!


Good morning @OhNo555 , @InTheWoods and gang!! :v: :sunglasses:

Can’t wait to get off work and smoke :rofl: , hope everyone’s day is going a little faster. Might fire up the smoker tonight :yum:


Catching up on threads after a hectic few days… Plants are looking epic as ever @InTheWoods :heart_eyes:

I had a house “visitor” that I couldn’t put off today so had to break everything down to look normal for a morning. I had plants halfway through flowering hidden in the boot of the car, it was a bit of a fiasco. Anyway, they came, they went and it’s all back together again now and the girls seem none the worse for it. I harvested another grapefruit plant, I only started up in February and I’m only starting one new plant per month but I’ve got more than I know what to do with now. Or rather I’ve got enough that I can cure it properly and not be force drying immature popcorn buds like I was in April. Congrats on getting legal @m0sirys I’m not sure it will happen here, they’ve normalised medical cannabis here but it’s big business yet they still import 90% from overseas so I doubt they’ll give it up to allow people to grow their own.

I was going to pop a couple of those Silverback Haze beans but I snapped the top off my AK47 and replanted that and also got given a Cherry Zoap clone so my cupboard-of-shame is full again.


Good morning @FishWhistler and Good evening @Igor :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Sounds like a great plan! It’s been too long since I had some smoked meats. Now I hungry thinking about it haha. Hope your day flys by for you brotha!

@Ottafish Ever smoke some of that salmon you guys would catch. I hear its great when it smoked.

Thanks brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Dang at least you had some heads up to take care of everything and I’m glad to hear everything went smooth.

Nice!! Happy harvest brotha! It feels nice to have plenty and to let it properly cure. I will say I still try the quick dried smaller buds for an idea of what’s it like. I try my hardest to keep my hands off until at least a month of curing but I somehow always find a way to get into them earlier than a month.

No rush to pop them brotha, Whenever you get to them is fine with me. Nothing wrong with more Ak47 smoke, one of the old favorites of mine.

Nice gift! I haven’t tried any zoaps but if the cherry is robust in it. I bet it’s going to be great smoke.
Lol the cupboard of shame, More like the cupboard of dank!

Hope you guys have a great week!


I’m out of likes… But, great journal and great pics… Thanks for sharing your journey


I love your choice of strains… Looking fantastic


Good morning and thanks brotha! :coffee:

It’s always hard to choose what to pop next so I just refer back to the list of what hasn’t been popped yet from whomever sent me them from OG. My current side quest is to grow out each of them at least once. In a couple more runs and I’ll have it completed. Variety is the spice of life.

Hope you have a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


You know it! I’ve smoked it many ways and canned it too. It’s super good! I’ve done about anything you can do to it.


Yes, that’s right! Unfortunately, I don’t think i can make a living from it here Germany! Our legalization is not as successful as in the USA (some states) or Canada no shops ect atm, but for the home growers it is at least better than it was before. i think others are already in the starting blocks to take over the business. People who invest a lot of money ect ect. I’m happy that I don’t have to hide anymore and that I can exchange experiences with you here on OG.


good morning @InTheWoods and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope your coffee is smooth and delcious :slight_smile: have a great day ya all :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @m0sirys and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones having a great week so far and the coffee is deliciously smooth to start your day!

It’s another busy one right out the gate. Unfortunately yesterday On the Tall Metal haze x DE #1, I found a couple nanners. Its end of week 9 today.
It’s the second time I found them on her.
First time was in the 4th week of flower, a singular one out of the pre calyx flower under node. Now at week 9 a couple on the buds.

I will pluck and continue till harvest which could in a week or two. She is finishing off much faster than the other two that are less NLD.

Debating with myself if I show run the clones. TBD. I’m wondering if my timers are not correct. I’m using analog ones, maybe it’s time to transition to the digital ones. Old dog new tricks


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @m0sirys, @Ottafish, @percyryan66, & the rest of you guys making them rounds today. :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::partying_face::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’m out of likes already… But good morning to you @OhNo555 and @InTheWoods and… all you other OG’RS


I am out of likes already too! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


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