InTheWoods Journal

I wouldn’t.

Unless the smoke is spectacular… haha. Just kidding, I wouldn’t either way, no sense risking it, but I’m extra-cautious with shit like herms. Or anything that might require a little extra work on my part.

Do it. They’re super-easy and if a power outage ever occurs, you don’t have to worry about remembering to reset them. Or whatever it is you do with analog timers haha…

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Good morning and Happy Fourth of July OG! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Yea probably will toss the clones.

Yea that’s a major selling point for me. I had to reset the analogs three times already since due to outages. the peace of mind would be worth it.

Hope youre kickin ass at your new job brotha!


Good morning :sun_with_face: & Happy 4th Of July, @InTheWoods and all of OG! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

IMG_5690 IMG_5687


Right. I’ve seen people on this site forget to reset them after an outage and it fucks everything up.

I’m thinking about quitting haha, probably will once I pay the IRS the money I owe them.


Day 64F

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325
The problem child. Woody/Leathery scents off her.


#3 Very frosty big calyxes.

Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Malawi Gold @Tejas


#1 - MH x DE


Main cola shots



Lemon cheese haze @HolyAngel
Day 58 Veg.
I haven’t topped them yet. Still waiting on full confirmation of sex. Offset leaf sets are developing with age. under 18/6 lighting. Two days ago I gave them a nice feeding LPF (15ml), Grow big (5ml), and Superthrive (2 drops) in one-gallon mixes.

Some Double serrations on a couple, Hope you had a great trip and 4th brotha! Very stinky in this veg tent.


OOH :heart_eyes:
What’s that one in the back left corner?

The C5SS male is coming through pretty hard in this pack of beans :face_with_monocle:
Be interested in stem rubs once you get genders figured out. I’m sure that’s gonna be a pain :sweat_smile:
Puttin in awesome work over here tho! :muscle: I appreciate you giving them a chance :slight_smile: plus all the pics and stuff too :heart:


This one?

The topped plants are Saltwater Kush from @hoss8455
I found one male in the first 4 since I flipped already. I’ll do an update today on those. Moving those into flowering tent today.

I’m kind of behind my personal schedule but Ill get them sorted and get some stem rubs notes off each. I’d say more worried about the heat when I send you cuts. I will overnight em.

Very appreciative for the opportunity to grow them brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Whispers other side the little one with fat leaves…


Yeah what @DirtySlowToes said ^^
the short fat leaved one on the other side of the one you circled there. That a saltwater kush too?


Yea those in the back left corner are SWK.
TK x GG4 RIL. If I have the genetics right off the top of mind. They threw 9 bladed leafsets before the topping.


Ah yeah it’s TK x RIL D (GG4 RIL x Sowahh). I have a pack of those too ^^
Idk if it’s the same TK I have or not :thinking: Reminds me more of the RB cut tbh.


I just realized I put LCH #8 into flower by accident last week. Thought it was the Moon Cheese Rocks. Fook.

Its a male.

Saltwater Kush @hoss8455
2 Males (#3 and #8).


Two Females (#1 and #4) out of the first 4 to flip. Next 4 plants will be flipped today.




Origins of that cut go back to dookie farms.


Chopped on day 65F

Willie’s myst @Guitarzan @JohnnyPotseed
All three ladies threw nanners mid to very late in flower. I plucked and carried on for one and two. WM #3 was very unruly in week 6 and was chopped early.

Sweet bubblegum scents was the scent theme for all. Stoked on the bubblegum profile.



Hindu Kush x Maruf Red @SF0
Sweet fruit scent, very subtle berry in there.
Stoked to smoke her.


idk who dookiefarms is but those pics look like the cut I have.
Some of the others I found look like that RB cut though. It’s so hard to tell as they look so damn similar to each other. Smells are totally different between the two cuts though.

hmm really poor side branching, no double serrations, bit of leaf overlap, super long petioles :thinking:
Not sure I’d keep that one :thinking: Maybe if the stem rub is super loud and/or he reeks :thinking:

Here’s more pics of the FLC mom from seed

Sadness on the nanners with the Willie’s Myst :confused: Came out surprisingly nuggy tho!? I would’ve expected a way more ‘Sativa’ look out of that :thinking:


Stick a fork in me because I’m cooked after the heat and humidity today. If it wasnt 80+% humidity all day It couldve been a beautiful day. Hope everyone had a great day!

I was hopeful for the sativa leaners with the boys mingling with Willie nelson. Very nuggy and dense. Still worth the run to try them out.

I can check tomorrow when the light go on get a stem rub on him., most likely he will go to the chickens .
I swear I had the MCR in there instead. Maybe Im even more shot than I thought :joy:


I was really tempted to buy Shabud’s 707 kush cut from them for the past few months but never ended up pulling the trigger. My indecisiveness seems to have been a blessing because I just read the other day in the 707 thread that his (shabud’s) 707 cut is infected (unknowingly) and now all dookiefarms is offering is GMO on their site.

Seems like nspecta sourced his zkittles from them as well assuming dookie farms = dookie brothers.


Golden Tarps?

Idk why anyone would want to name themselves or their company that…


I didn’t look closely at the leaves when I was growing those Cheese Hazes, but I think those massive nine-bladers are pretty cool-looking.

I’m assuming that, too, because

I don’t, either haha.

Check out that documentary Murder Mountain on Netflix, Holy. One of the guys from Dookie (I really don’t like typing that word haha) is in it here and there. It’s actually a really well-done movie, albeit sad. The Dookie (aarrgghh haha) guy seems like kind of an idiot, but overall it’s worth a watch. I’ve watched it several times, actually. It’s only six episodes, so…

Other than that docu-series, though, I’ve never, ever heard of that seed company.