InTheWoods Journal

Man so hard to tell on these, so much of that c5ss male is showing up :face_with_monocle:

I like the #4 male :thinking: definitely leaning towards the FLC mom with the spread out blades and no double serrations. The #7 male is definitely leaning to the c5sensistar with the closer blades and all the double serrations. The #5 male seems to be a hybrid of the two :thinking:

Totally unsure on the girls :thinking:
For flc stuff I like the #10 Female. And maybe the #6 :thinking:
It’s a case where I’d probably just clone everything and flip to find out where the keepers are. Should know by 3-5 weeks into flower. I just haven’t seen enough of these ran to really know which traits are truly tied to that foxtail pheno.


Sounds like a plan, Ill take cuts off each tomorrow and flip em. I’m stoked to see them in flower.

No worries brotha, We’ll find out soon! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


This was my favorite LCH


Shes looks very nice! How many FLC did you see to find her?
Is the foxtailing pheno a common one?


I found her in the first pack I ran. I had 5 girls from that pack.
Two were cheese/skunk leaning with big fat buds. The other 3 were varyingly haze with one of them being huge. I ran them 12/12 from seed and all of them were under ~2.5ft save for that huge one that went over 5ft. That #3 I pictured was the best one hands down though. One of the best haze/sativa smoke I’ve ever had. Its not racy, doesn’t put you to sleep, just soaring functional daytime high. I miss that plant a lot. It was a bitch to clone which is why I didn’t keep her. She’d be gone by now anyways tho with all the resets over the last few years.


The back left one in these two pics is that #3 I pictured.

I think the front two were cheese/skunk leaning :thinking:
And this was the huge one that I’d rank 2nd for high


Lately I’ve that all I want. I find myself reaching for the haze leaning buds in Royally Hazed more now.

RH - So far all are nice daytime smoke, but they need more work to rid the instability in them.





DD - Kind of obsessed with this plant. :joy:


Don’t tell me that because I’m still an apprentice cloner haha. One day Ill become journeyman in cloning.


Ooh those look nice! :drooling_face:

To be fair, I took the clone like 5 weeks into flower. It did root but the flower molded and killed it. Cloning in veg should save that issue :slightly_smiling_face:


How come? Some of them are probably gonna get pretty tall, but if you’re not worried about height… I was gonna say,”Then yeah, don’t top them,” but two of the three I grew stretched a decent amount. It wasn’t anything crazy, but it might’ve been had I not topped them.

Exactly. Never know what’s gonna happen until then. Although you may not even know until you’re smoking it, just because the #3 and #4 plant I grew looked so similar, but they smoke sooooooo differently.

The #3 and the #4 both foxtailed, so two out of the three I’ve grown so far exhibited that trait. But again, they aren’t anything alike as far as the high is concerned, so I dunno if that’s necessarily a “marker.”

That’s exactly how my #3 plant ended up. And I agree, it’s one of my favorites ever. Very, very “clear,” but still high as shit. No raciness, no rushiness to speak of. I love that one.


Good morning OG :coffee:

Hope your coffee is deliciously smooth and strong to start the week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thanks brotha, More work needed on them. I’d say there is potential in them if I can stabilize them.
Contagnos are clear and the DD are clear. Only the SBH and RH need shoring up in the F2s.
Great smoke from all but don’t want to the ruin people’s gardens with unstable seeds.

I’m currently waiting on a DD cut I took very later cut. Week 7 or 8 I think. I didnt think about molding, but Ill keep my eye on it. Its been about 2 weeks. Maybe in a two more weeks, I’ll see her start to revert.:crossed_fingers:

Lately I been enjoying the non topped plants with one main cola and I can fit more plants in my flowering tents that way too.
So long as they don’t 4-5x I should been able to keep them at bay. If they do run to the ceiling, Ill just bend them over :grin:

I guess its a potential marker, but a full cycle is necessary for thorough selection. I’ll find out eventually the smoke side of the equation.

I’m looking forward to the Mountain Temples you took down not too long ago.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and has an awesome week!


I think the #4 was just a :pinching_hand: little bit denser than the #3 was? Mine was pretty damn airy. Calyxs on a stick and lots of sticks :sweat_smile: I’ll get pics in a bit.


Out of likes, but beautiful flowers…than you and everyone else for sharing photos of your plants and flowers


Clone Zone
I fried all the SWK, Taking new cuts off the all the confirmed females in a week or two.

That very late DD cut I’m attempting to reveg.

My Outdoor garden has been neglected but I will manage to get some stuff.
The Crooked necked Squash, Gray Zucchinis, Corn varieties are doing the best. Most other veggies are behind.
@Hotrods_and_hounds a couple Dixie Queens are in there too. In the two beds on the right, in front of the squash. I noticed yesterday that the flowers were pollenated. Stoked to have homegrown watermelon. Thank again brotha!

I need to get back to the watering schedule in order to get some watermelons. Corn suffered from the lack of watering. Although most is knee high by July, They started producing cobs pretty young.
Picked these Gray Zucchini’s after letting the birds out. A little late but they will still be good.

Free the birds!


Ooh what kind of corn are you running? Yours look a bit farther along than mine are :thinking: I have 24 or so Golden Bantam x Painted Mountain Corn F2s that I made last year that are maybe as big as your smallest right now. Not seeing any cobs being made yet thankfully. Definitely started them late. I’d like to get at least two cobs per plant but we’ll see.

Next year I’m going straight in the ground, early. And a lot of kernels all over the patch instead of 3 kernels every 6-8 inches in two rows a foot apart :confused:



Good morning y’all! Hope everyone is having a great start to the week. Hopefully get some rain around here


Very cool you made your own. I havent even thought about that haha. Is it pretty simple with tassle to other variety , dry cob and shucked the kernal to plant next year?

4 Varieties of Sweet Corn. Art Verrell’s Sweet , Buhl Sweet from Baker Creek, Peaches n Cream hybird from Ferry moose , Bi-licious hybird from Burpee’s These last two were planted later but had crappy germ rates.

I hope to get a similar return but also overplanted due to deer and squirrels loving my corn in the past years.

I have planted in rows for the first couple years. Each year I would have to stake them due to most of them getting knocked over from the storms rolling thru, If I hilled them too good it would end up snapping the whole plant in half. I talked to a farmer about it and was told to try to plant a 3x3 or 4 x4 patch of all corn.

He said planting bunches helps protect from wind damage throughout the season. Most outer corn in the patch buffer the wind. If predators are an issue, In theory it also allows the inner corn cobs to stay untouched while the most outer row in the patch is the sacrifice lol.

Damn that looks good. I really hope to find something similar in structure. If I do, I’d put her in to get hit when I do the DD f2s. Would be very interesting to see what the profiles would be.

Beam me up scotty! :yum:

@VAkish Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Likewise and hope you had a great holiday weekend!


100% easy AF and damn near exactly! Shake the tassle’s onto the hairs of the other plant(s) and wait :grin:

Ooh nice variety! I was just looking at those bi-licious on Saturday but haven’t picked them up yet. I actually tried starting a few different sweet corn varieties this year but the only kernels popping lately have been the f2s I made :thinking:

I have these in the fridge:
G90 Hybrid - Ferry-Morse
Golden Cross Bantam Hybrid - Ferry-Morse
Orange Heirloom -
Peaches & Cream Hybrid - Ferry-Morse
Silver Queen Hybrid - Ferry-Morse
Triple Crown White Hybrid - Burpee

I ran the g90 and the bantam last year along with the PMC but ants devoured everything, especially the PMC, save for two cobs of the bantam I managed to save. The PMC is apparently a flour and/or snacking corn so I’m hoping to make a colorful sweet corn variety instead but we’ll see what happens. Definitely been some of my favorite plants to have in the garden though. Easy AF.


I probably missed the window to create intentionally. I will try it out next year for sure.

Nice line up! If I can get some Peaches and cream hybirds to try I’ll let you know how they taste. (if you didnt get to try a couple cobs) Ants havent been too much of any issue for me this year with the corn. Mainly they have been going after the eggplant.

The Peaches and Cream? I didn’t know that. I normally just soak and grill them. A colorful sweet corn would be cool to grow, The sweet taste would be the bonus. I was going to get some of the blue corn, I dont know the variety name off the top of my head but they are in the baker creek catalog.


Ah my bad, PMC = painted mountain corn.
The peaches and cream should be a general sweet corn variety :thinking: