InTheWoods Journal

Hmm I did grab a packet of these

Unsure if that’s the same one baker creek sells tho :thinking:


No worries haha. I’m shot.

I don’t see those on there but favorited the page to refer back to. Thanks for sharing.

You grabbed a pack of these? Nice!

Hopi Turquoise Corn Seeds | RareSeeds

Even these would be fun to grow.
Mini Blue Popcorn Seeds | Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds (


Haha, the #5 plant’s still hanging, haven’t even trimmed her yet. I have tomorrow and Wednesday off, was hoping to get to her then, but I don’t think she’ll be ready. Which is fine. The longer the better.

Uh uh, no, not at all. If it wasn’t for the #4’s overwhelming blueberry smell, it’d be pretty difficult (if not impossible) to tell the flowers from the two apart.


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and the rest of the gang! Have a GR8 day and try to stay cool! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::joy::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Flipped all LCHs yesterday. Cuts will be taking after work today after I clean/wash down the 3x3.

Important correction:
My flowering posts on two plants have been wrong.
The Malawi Gold (bulky) #2 is actually MH x DE #1 @Tejas
Vice versa. I’ll be going back and correcting my posts.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Took a little taster nug of the Hindu Kush x Maruf Red. One more day to finish drying.

Sweet earth scent. Shoots you out of a cannon on the first poke, landing on a couch. I have work so I will switch back to a haze leaning lady to get me back on my feet :grin:

HK x MR @SF0

Willie’s Myst 1 @Guitarzan



Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and all the rest of you guys. Trying to stay cool, but its already in the mid 80s :hot_face:! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


That Willie’s Myst looks killer. Liking your gardening bruh. Good stuff.


hope you are doing well!!?? atm i have so little ttime for OG :frowning: so no worries that iḿ not around i`m doing fine. just alot of reallife stuff to do :-/

:face_with_monocle: yieks that sucks brother hope we will find a decent female in the rest of the batch . otherwise we are going for a bx with the mother. new round new luck. if you want i have a couple of seeds left that i can send you ! just drop me a dm:)


Good morning @OhNo555 @BigMike55 @m0sirys :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everysones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!
The heat is wicked with all this humidity. Another day, another list of lawns. :mechanical_arm:

After work I decided to dust off on my chef hat since its the same price to cook at home than to eat out.

My favorite way to cook a steak; Searing hot pan, 1-1/2 tbsp of butter. Put the steak on top the slab in the pan immediately.
Mini potatoes, red pepper, one sweet onion.
Little olive oil to hold the salt, pepper, Lite paprika and cayenne pepper.

Grass fed NY strip.

Love that sear with the butter. That strip of fat melts in your mouth.

Like Eleanor. Gone in 60 seconds. :grin:

Yea its cooking up here.
Its the name of the game for this time of year! Hope your staying cool and enjoy your day brotha!

Thanks brotha,Likewise!

I’m enjoying the smalls I’ve tried from the WM so far. Sweet bubblegum ,little earthy flavor.
Hope youre having a great week brotha!

Glad to hear brotha you doing well. Take care of what you need to do brotha. We’ll be here when you get it all squared away. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

That special female is in there. Only she is giving us a little run for our money first :joy:
I think I have a couple more seeds of BMR left. Appreciate it the opportunity to run them!

Have are great day,
Hope you have a less hectic remainder of the week and get to relax brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Cleaned the 3x3 but was too beat from the heat to do the up potting and taking cuts yesterday.

On Thursday I should most likely have everything done and back onto cruise control.

Hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, @HolyAngel, @minitiger, @m0sirys, and the rest of you guys stopping by to say hello :wave:! Well here we go again with the heat :hot_face:, it has been so bad I am losing track of how many days it has been in the 90s. The outlook for heat is getting no better as the we head towards next week. I will be at the beach :beach_umbrella: for a few more weeks. Have a great day and stay cool :cool:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::partying_face::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Damn, that’s a nice looking plate you got there! Visually interesting and I’ll just be it was damn delicious! :yum: :+1:


Massively behind around here but I’ll pop in more soon, you have a good one @InTheWoods


Good morning OG :coffee:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Yesterday after work, I took down the Maruf Red F2 yesterday on day 71 of flower and also found another male in the SWKs.

Working in the heat really has zapped my energy lately. Over the weekend I’ll do a better update of everything after I recover.

Saltwater Kush #2was a nice stinky Male. @hoss8455

Maruf Red F2 @SF0
Tiny dense buds, Semi sweet musk, hashy. Nothing foul or decomposition-like scents.
I felt like she didn’t like to get watered, preferred a dryer soil environment.

Flowering tent started the 11th week of flower. The Mawali Gold should see 14 weeks, two of the MH x DE ladies look like they could come down after 11 weeks, one might need 12 or 13 weeks to fully finish. Kilimanjaro looks like a true 16 weeker. Seven or eight weeks after that the Lambsbread should finish.

Once I get the clones up potted Ill veg for a week or two then flip them. I’ll keep one of each for mother plants until I try the smoke and make a decision on them.

Hope everyone stays cool, hydrated, and has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Man that doesnt sound too bad :joy:
Have a great weekend brotha!

Oh yea, figure I’d treat myself to nice meal for once instead of ordering out or making eggs. :grin:
Hope youre having a great week brotha!

Good morning and no worries brotha, Likewise!


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods & friends, just came in off the beach :beach_umbrella: with a very wet, happy Rottweiler with his frisbee. He is getting to be very obnoxious when it is time to depart the beach :desert_island:. Time to get some coffee :coffee:, dry the dog :dog:, get a buzz :honeybee:, and make breakfast :fried_egg: for everyone. Looking :eyes: like rain :cloud_with_rain: today finally on the east coast in MD hooray. Temperatures only in the low 80s :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: going to be a GR8 day. Enjoy :blush: the rain OG family! :star_struck::crazy_face::slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning OG’ers, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood (as old Mr. Rogers used to say)… Wake n bake sess in progress, have a great day everyone. :dash:


Is Seedbay official gone? If so, I’m kind of bummed. I wanted to snap a couple more packs this year.
Especially this one -Silverdog. Glad I took screenshots last year when I did because the webs been wiped of any searches too.


Good morning @InTheWoods and all OG. Looking good there brother, steak and fine cannabis, my two most favourite things. I don’t envy you guys the heat. We’re midwinter here right now and it’s perfect, crystal clear skies, hits 70 at midday and cool nights, it’s like a perfect English summers day. Spring and Autumn are nice and warm but there’s no humidity. But summer is beyond farking brutal, like being in sauna. People here go on holiday to Vietnam for a break from the heat.

This looks beyond perfect, too good for a grinder, I would vape that stem and all.


Good morning @OhNo555 @ManyManySpliffs @Igor and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is delicously smooth and strong!

Nice! I think we are a week away from cooler temps :crossed_fingers:
Hope you guys had a great day with the cooler temps!

Oh yea! I choose some Silverback haze to start my day. Like brotha!

Man, that sounds like a great change of pace from the intense heat your guys get in the summer. Perfect weather to BBQ in. Hope you have many before the heat returns. I can deal with dry heat but its the 80+% humidity up here along with the higher temps on the east coast which makes it feel you breathing in soupy air and instantly soaked once you step outside lol. Only a couple more months before fall arrives. I look forward to the crisp cool air in the mornings and the fall colors on the trees.

Haha Its very tasty without a cure. Funny what a couple days can do to the taste. Less earth, sweeter fruit is more noticeable.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods and friends, strolling down the beach :beach_umbrella: on an overcast day at a comfortable temperature at 75*. Cooper Morgan is sopping ass wet and needs a new frisbee. He likes to chew it :joy::joy::joy:! Heading back to the condo soon to get coffee :coffee:, roll a few joints, and make breakfast :fried_egg:. Have a great day gang ! :ok_hand::facepunch::crazy_face::beach_umbrella::pirate_flag::star_struck::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol: