InTheWoods Journal

Starting to have that problem myself tbch used to have to turn people down a few years back, now everyone has something else to do or they are just too lazy , few just outright sold everything and quit. :man_facepalming:t2: well you got an open invite to fish with me out here @Thats_bank

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Outta likes already. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The banana fruit cake is really coming along. If I had to rank them it would be Tahoe and Sundae tie for 1st, 2nd BFC, 3rd Sugar Mints and last is Gelazzi.

My friend’s banana fruit cake tastes like grape now n laterz candy. I know it should be some great tasty smoke.


You and me both

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Its still pedal to the medal for the tahoe and banana. Sundae is really finishing off along with the Gelazzi. Sugar mints is still packing too.

I really love the Tahoe bud structure. I stare at those lower buds in awe. :joy:

When I dropped that bag seed yesterday my eye got stuck on that pack of BFC…almost did I was soooo close lol

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Haha I would recommend running it in the future if you have a pack of BFC. Really enjoyable to grow. No fuss. except I went crazy in week 3 or 4 of flowering with defoliation and stressed some balls out of her. plucked all off whish were only 2 or 3. Ever since no nanners I had to fight off.

I’m trying my hardest to keep them going :joy: I don’t want to cut myself short here at day 70.

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Well well well look what I found on the Sundae Batter. :joy:

It’s most likely from the BFC balls it threw in week 3 or 4 of flowering. I imagine a couple more in there then just one loner. I wouldn’t mind trying to grow it out for fun.

Banana Fruit Cake x Sundae Batter does sounds pretty good for an accident :yum:

Is this seed close to being mature?


Getting there., hard to tell exactly but I’d say it’s not too far off seems to be just starting to darken

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Nice thanks. It’s a got a week to finish. Its mostly green still, slight browning on the visible side but very lite shade of it.

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That’s what I thought, hopefully it’s a killer bonus :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Now I’m trying to imagine what it would be like. :joy:

Next year if it germs it could be some wild thang.

Good Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

It’s going to be a hazy one today as the smoke is moving down from Canada.


Morning! :coffee: Can it travel really far? it was really hazy yesterday here too. I was wondering what was up.

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Good Morning! The haze has been so bad here it’s getting people sick etc. crazy I’m getting constant pop ups reminding that the AQI is TERRIBLE.

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:coffee: yea air quality alerts all in effect today from it.


Damn, all along the highway were signs talking about it. I was wondering if we were on fire or something too.

:coffee: Man that’s terrible. I hear the jet stream should help push it out this coming week. Fingers crossed for you guys up there. Its unimaginable for it be so prolonged.

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Great looking room.

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Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior :sunglasses:

Before harvest I’ll try to get a better shot of the plants with lights out.

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