InTheWoods Journal

Veg tent update. Day 17

I suck at watering seedlings thru early veg as feel like I over water but when I give it an extra day they look very dried back. I’ll get better eventually. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Here’s some tunes to keep you going thru this rather long update.:coffee: :sunglasses:

Odisha - @Budderton
100% germ rate :sunglasses:
Lights just popped on, All trucking along. Little hiccup with some tacoing on some leaves.
That one indica dominant is really interesting to me.

What do think about this indica dom one Budderton?

LA Affie #9 x Afghan Hashplant - @Budderton

100% germ rate :sunglasses:
Stout but slowly coming along. I like B and C Leaf shapes. Wide, round with deep serrations.





Royal Procession - @darkillusion
Very vigorous growth, all will be topped above the 5th node. No problems with germing or nute burn from running 100% FF OF as the medium. Only wish I could’ve popped more than these 3.




Lazy Lightning




Gorilla Cookie Punch

Steady growth after a weird start to most seedlings where the cotyledon’s wanted to stay together and first leaf set tip were poking out of the sides.





Greenpoint Fems

The Sweets

Purple Cake

Purple Crunch

Germing another Purple Crunch for a cotyledon fun discord challenge that starts today.

The plant that the cotyledon’s last the longest wins. Well, I think this update is long enough for the Veg tent. Time to take some pictures of the flowering tent :joy:


Good morning fam! Hopefully it’s a she, with those lsndraces watch for bumps on leaves, looks like someone pushed a pin in the leaf from the underside but didn’t protrude. All over the leafs, it’s super early trich development and this is where you are liable to find an epic one imo. Also stem rubs , keep checking cuz you may find a stank ass superstar! Btw males and females for the early trichs…. Watch closely brotha


I received that batch of seed from a friend that lives in the region. He collected them out of Herb from guerilla growers last season. I can’t speak to what exactly was being grown but it’s very possible some may have contained hybrid genes. I’m not sure if they are even all from the same batch of Herb. It looks more hybrid then all the way Afghan to me. Sometimes equatorials can start out with broadish leafs and they finish with narrows but that one looks well different.
I have strict seed handling protocol including one thing out at a time, therefore very unlikely a stray bean slipped in from me but I can’t speak on anything before they got to me. I guess time will tell.
Those Affies are looking all the way Afghan though. And typical slow veggers. Talk about different ends of the spectrum, you’ve got quite a selection going @InTheWoods ! Best of luck with this run!!


Thanks for the kind words. I love the variety and only wish I could plant more :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m not doubting your seed handling protocol. Hope It didn’t come off that way. I don’t mind the hybrid genes. I find it really cool that it’s from the region with endless potential of variations from the guerilla style growing.

Thanks again for this chance to grow something from half way around the world.
Hope you have a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Fingers crossed I get some females.

Man I got a lot to learn still. Thanks. Ill keep an eye out and actually do some stem rubs for some stanky one too. I typically just grow but now with the project I need to be more vigilante on the differences.


I too was sent some awesome landrace stuff from this individual, definitely legit as they come! It could just be an extreme outlier…. Who knows but definitely interested to see what it ends up like, just cuz it’s an equatorial sativa doesn’t mean there’s not something special hiding in there.


Pretty awesome of him to share with us huh? And after reading my post it sounds like I’m talking at you? Im not just saying…. I hate how talking in here sometimes misconstrues things


No man, all good. I was just eliminating possibilities. It’s always a mystery when you get a “one of these things is not like the others” Good on you for growing it out! Maybe be able to get a clearer picture once it starts to flower.
I have some Malawi Gold that’s just starting and some of the seedlings have broad leafs so I’m in the same boat.


You bet man. Stoked to make them and spread them around on here. :sunglasses:

Ok I will do that. It won’t be long now. I will up pot the OV before flip but only to slightly larger container until sex is shown.

With these longer flowering Sativa’s should I run 11/13 for flowering or is 12/12 sufficient to make the internal clocks shift?


I think I would start flower on 11/13 and see how that goes. If they don’t start to chunk up after 4 weeks I’d drop to 10.5/13.5 but I think 11_13 should work fine.

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Whipped out the D60 for some trich shots.
Need to find the cable to upload them .

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Thanks! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I’m stoked. Tomorrow morning I’ll chop em :axe::sunglasses:

Guess who else is chopping a bunch tomorrow! Chop brothas :axe:

Haha hell yea, How many you got to chop?

Haven’t checked all trichs but at least 8 possibly 16

Nice!! Do you wet trim or dry before trimming?

Dry first, pull dead leaves that’s it, shoot for 15 days

I used to wet trim back in the day, I liked how my friends turned out by drying first. Ill give that a try this time.