InTheWoods Journal

Clone zone has been up potted and moved into the 3x3 to veg for a couple weeks. While up potting
I noticed balls on the lower nodes after being root bound. It was the only clone to survive but it also was the troublemaker.

I took a good look at the very late cut off the last Dream Drifter I grew. Looks like it’s starting to reveg. Woohoo! Once she gets going, Ill take cuts and run multiple of her again.

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel

Another day and another day I didnt take cuts :joy:

Official Tally 5 Females, 6 Males.

Males are #2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Not much scent off the stem rubs, Mainly woody like.

2 - Sparce Double serrations

3 - Bunch of Double serrations. Nice structure

4 - nothing to write home about.

5 - Bunch of Double serrations, nice node spacing, Branching probably lacked due to stuffing the veg tent.

7 - Similar to #4. Eh.

Based on look and structure, I’d say 3 or 5 would be the most NLD males. What do you think?

The Females

Left to right
#1,10,11,9 (only one with D serrations),

Saltwater Kush @hoss8455
These were flipped on 6/27
The two confirmed females. Last three plants that were staggered by a week should show in a couple days.


Oh nice! Hmm :thinking:
I think I actually like #4 the best :sweat_smile: with #5 being second, #3 third :thinking:

For the females, I think I like #10 and #11 the best, with #6 as a follow up :thinking:

Again, im just looking for stuff like the one I had before. They’re all going to be really good :blush:


So, is it your opinion that double serrated leaves indicate something??


The double serrated leaves come from the c5sensistar f3 #1 male that is the father of the cross. It’s also indicative of Columbian genetics which are part of what makes Haze.


It’s not something I look for usually, only document it in passing. I have been looking for the serrated leaves in these for the likelihood of having a haze leaner.


Pablo two times @Guitarzan

Sweet lemon upfront, Piney undertone.
Going another week before she comes down.


Day 73F

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325




Malawi Gold @Tejas


Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Lambsbread @Upstate
Both colas. Not the happiest but still going.

Lower branch shots



They look pretty cool, anyway. I’ve only grown a few of the Dragon Energy crosses (Mexican Death Sativa and Colombian Gold hybrids, might be forgetting a couple others), but I’m not seeing any influence from the male whatsoever. And that’s a good thing in my book haha.

1 Like

Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

I think #3 has the heavy kush leaner. Tiny nugs, gassy scents. Might be the Biker kush in there coming thru a little bit, I really like #1 and #2. I’ll run all three again but will choose the one I enjoy more.


So much room for activities :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Stretch after flip;
Malawi Gold - 4-5x (It will be the first one to get flipped)
Kilimanjaro - 3x -
MH x DE #1 - 3x
MH x DE #2 - 3x
MH x DE #3 - 2.5x


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and the rest of the gang. So much for the one day relief from the heat. Just got back in and time to get coffee :coffee:, a buzz :honeybee:, and dry the dog :dog::joy::joy::joy:! No rest for the weary :open_mouth:‍:dash:! Have a great day my friends and stay cool! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::pirate_flag::peace_symbol::beach_umbrella:


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Yea the temps seem to be rising over the week, Stay cool!
I’ll try to beat the heat by getting my errands done this morning.

Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!


Good morning everyone! Love all the work you’re putting in with your plants. @InTheWoods I took the summer off from growing anything. Just helping a few different friends with their outdoor stuff I’ve given them. I’ll probably start popping some seeds here in a few weeks for a good fall run. Hope y’all have a wonderful day!


those buds are gonna be fire!


@VAkish Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Nice I bet they are looking great with your green thumb. Looking forward to what you choose to pop when the fall arrives. Hope you have a great week!

@GanjaGladiator Thanks brotha, I’m stoked! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:



New batch of clones and DD #4 revegging, Multiple cuts of each female 5 LCH, 3 SWK.

I also choose Dream Drifter to be the first one to work. 25 seeds germing now.

I will hunt both sides, also looking to pick 3-4 females to bring forward to F2 with the chosen male.

Taste spectrum from the first four ladies; metallic-like suttle BD, blue dream, blue cheese haze.
All great daytime smoke, I can’t stop reaching for it.


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods whats up buddy, been meaning to post in your thread 🪡, but have been very busy in Ocean City for the past few weeks. We went out deep sea fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish: with a friend today and had a blast :boom:. Hope you are well and weathering this heat we are getting, glad i am not at home and at the beach :beach_umbrella: as it has been a little cooler here. :fishing_pole_and_fish::beach_umbrella::parasol_on_ground::sun_with_face::wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Nice, Sounds like a great time! Did you get any Fluke?

Here is the Maruf Red F2 @SF0

Semi sweet Hash earth scent.
Hashy, Earth flavor. Not much sweetness in the taste.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I’ve been reading all of the cultivar descriptions on The Landrace Team’s website the past couple days and just read the one for that Maruf Red yesterday. I dunno if that’s where whoever f2’d the one you grew got the seeds, but here’s what they had to say about it if you’re interested: MARUF RED

Just keep in mind that English is clearly not the first language of whomever’s writing those descriptions haha. I love it when they say things like,”It’s been grown since generations,” haha!