InTheWoods Journal

:eyes: Well that just sounds and looks exciting! Wonder how the spread is on the phenos tho :thinking:


I dunno, but there are definitely some things on their website that have me wondering,”Shit… Am I gonna have to buy a few of these?” haha. I was actually thinking about asking y’all if anybody has any experience with their seeds on my log, but I guess I can ask it here, too.

Does anybody have any experience with The Landrace Team’s stuff? Haha…


I didn’t ask @SF0 about where they came from. He mentioned Irrazinig but I’m not familiar with that name to associate it with a company. When he offered them up, this is what he said about them.

I sent the remainder of the MR f2s seeds to @Bronek89 for his own project to find some rotten profiles. Hopefully he has better luck than us.

The Malawi Gold I have going was from @Tejas. I believe its from TLT if I remember correctly.


Ah, okay, I know them. I actually follow them on IG.

But I never log on to IG haha!

They all do.

Sweet. There are definitely some things on their website that piqued my interest, but the fact that a lot of the descriptions are like,”She smells great in veg,” with zero descriptions or pictures of the finished product makes me a little leery.

Still… I find myself wanting to get further and further away from “hybrids” and “modern genetics” and whatever. I doubt I’ll actually order anything from them, probably just grow the most “exotic” stuff I can find in my fridge, but TLT is definitely on my radar if I ever do order anything else, if for no other reason than to push the limits haha…


They are a reproduction of TLT beans.


Good evening @InTheWoods and friends. Had another fun :star_struck: filled day! We are getting ready to eat supper. Hope you all had a good day! :ok_hand::beach_umbrella::sun_with_face::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good to see you’re still hauling ass!! Nice sativas, bro!!!

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Lovely looking ladies you got there, you definitely have a love for those sativas. You’re more patient than I am, that’s for sure :joy: I don’t ever wanna grow another Jamaican landrace strain again, after this season. Nah I’m just playing, I probably will but still want to give away most of these seeds to you guys once all the materials required arrive. You all love sativas more than me, that I can admit. Maybe my love for them might change after this season, I didn’t come across them often when I was back in the states (grow wise). Now it’s all I’m seeing. Keep up the awesome work :+1:t5:
K++ I’m outta likes!


I got them direct from Irrazinig. I got them for the couple of hours he offered individual packs, along with some Arghandab Black, which I have not grown yet. @GrownAtHighAltitude has the same thing, only he bought the whole catalogue. They are bland. They aren’t at all my favorite indicas. There is some gasoline to be found, and some mint, but those are not the only flavors in there. Lots of fruity crap too. I genuinely believe the growers in these Central Asian areas do not at all select for anything. I think they just throw the seeds out, harvest the plants, mix and repeat. I posted pictures and all that on RIU’s skunk thread a while before I gave out seeds. Preservation, you know, even if it isn’t at all what Irrazinig described. I stand by my Iranian line for the foul meat smells, and prefer its high to the Afghans I’ve grow also. But, you know, it’s always good to keep these unworked lines around, no matter what. They will never be as potent as modern genetics just because they ARE mostly unworked, and for skunk, what the hell does Irrazinig know about American Skunk? Everyone’s a salesman. That’s just how it is. But it’s still something unique and in that sense, also valuable. There IS gasoline in there though… not fart gas, but gas pump, almost salty gas. I hope others with this line will search and maybe give more f2s out in order to better isolate it. I only had a 10pk, so… that’s how it goes, you know? :man_shrugging:.


I dunno about THAT. It’s my understanding that they’ve absolutely selected for the best hash-makers over centuries, if not millennia; the plants that produce the largest resin glands (or whatever), the ones that produced the most hash-making material, are the ones that they kept and furthered.

Maybe they didn’t select for Flavor or whatever, but there’s definitely been a selection process.


Yeah, that’s what I meant, was for flavor and smell and all that. Even with the hash though, I mean, they are growing hundreds if not thousands of plants, and they supposedly don’t smoke much flower, only the beaten down black hash, so do they really go through each plant though? I mean anymore. I know they have----- supposedly Balochistan was where the old old old royal gardens that were for the Persian Empire, (which by the way, was the greatest empire that no schools ever teach about), were… For sure they have to have selected for the most productive and resinous plants back then, no question, but do these guys today care? From the videos I’ve seen, they kind of just lump it all together and beat the shit out of it. do they just let seeds from plants that aren’t the top go to waste? I’d imagine they really do just mix it all together and spread it out like birdseed. I could definitely be wrong though, I mean I don’t know, I’ve never been there… I’m just thinking how people usually are, and what the majority in that situation would likely do.


My solution was to have a bunch of varieties of smoke helps keep the burn out away for me.

August is right around the corner and I bet your fridge is full of great options. I’m enjoying the Doc D MH X DE. I believe you have a couple of packs from him. Viet black x something. I’d try those to get into the later flowering plants.

Thanks brotha, 3ish weeks away from the MG :axe:
Hope you’re having a great week!

Good evening and glad to hear it brotha! :vulcan_salute:

Pedal to the metal! :sunglasses: :metal:

Thanks brotha, the lambsbread are having a rough go. My green thumb when pale for a week. I’ll limp them to the finish line. only 10 more weeks left :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hope you’re doing well, having fun and kicking ass this summer!

I’m not the most patient person haha. I’m only able to do it because I learned to put shorter flowering plants in with them like normal run. 10-11 weeks. Perpetual harvesting helped me too. I was running out of smoke too quick before my next crop. Very cool of you to offer those seeds brotha. I’d give them a go at some point. Hope you have a great night brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I’m not 100% but I heard that only the women smoke flower, men smoke hash over there. It would make sense that it’s not on their checklist for a keeper with hash being the main priority out of the plant and flavor would take a back seat in them.



Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods and friends. Drinking coffee :coffee: watching the sun :sunny: come up over the ocean :ocean:. I need to roll a few joints and take the dog :dog: for a walk soon. Him and the wife are sleeping :sleeping: in today. First morning I was up before they were. Have a great day gang! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::beach_umbrella::fishing_pole_and_fish::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::star_struck::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 and OG! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

Man that spot on the beach sounds like paradise. What’s the choice of smoke this morning? I’m packing up some RH #3. Nice morning smoke to start the day.


Doing some lemon :lemon: cherry :cherries: gelato :shaved_ice: and drinking coffee :coffee:! :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

stoned sun


New batch of RIR Laying hens in the chicken tractor. Tonight they will be put into the coop with the others.

This hen had grown a spur after I got rid of the rooster a couple year ago. She mounts like a rooster too. I think it’s like 1 in 10k chance of a laying hen turning rooster.

Spur of the moment photo.


I still have not run more than a couple of testers a few years ago. I wound up collecting too many clones and had to start making my own seeds with them to try and preserve a bit so that I can kill some of them off.

I hope to circle back to the Afghans at some point. I liked the leaves I saw on the Marufs I started, they just turned out to be males at the wrong time, when I was not ready for such.


Yeah, for sure. I always try to plant a variety of stuff, NLD and BLD, “Indica” and “Sativa,” whatever you wanna call them.

Haha, yeah, just a couple :wink:.

Ummmm, I do have a few S1 seeds of the Vietnam Black 164 or 174, whatever it is, that Doc included as a freebie with one of my orders, but I’m not in any particular rush to grow those. I’m more interested in the Central/South American stuff, got plenty of those, too.

That’s fucking bizarre haha.




Good morning @InTheWoods @ManyManySpliffs and all OG. Photos looking amazing as ever since my last visit, you’re killing it mate.

I’ve got more maintenance unwanted “visitors” again next week so I’m going to have to chop my last grapefruit about a week early. I can fit the rest in the car while they’re poking about. Got a couple of AK47’s with 6 weeks left to go and a Cherry Zoap cut from the grow shop owner that I’m excited about, probably my best looking plant at the moment. Going to help my mate chop his grapefruit that I had going spare, he’s been growing it outdoors and it’s done it’s best trying to flower in mid winter. He’s got a nice west facing slope that we’re planning to get some of your Royally Hazed and cultivators choice going outdoors in the spring. I’m hoping to get some cuts of any girls and run them indoors. Also got a couple of fem Blue Dream beans to get done start to finish before stopping for a break over the summer.
Mate’s outdoor grapefruit

Indoor grapefruit

Cherry Zoap