InTheWoods Journal

That’s exactly what I was thinking of haha.

1 Like

When it comes time to clean the coop. :joy:

Good afternoon @Igor :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Thats a bummer to hear about the unwanted visitors. That Grapefruit looks like she’ll be a nice smoke even a little early. Hope it holds you over until those ak’s and the Cherry Zoap finish.
Beautiful plants brotha! Frosty rails on both, hope the trim party is full of scissor hash! :yum:

Fook yah! Im stoked to hear this. The few I saw were nice and the good spectrum across the four. They need more work since 2 of the 4 threw late stage nanners. Please let your friend know about this before. I don’t want them to ruin an outdoor crop on him. I’ll get it squared away in the future after the DD f2 project. RH is the following project. Those CC H/sk1 should get massive out there. I’m looking forward to seeing them under the sun.

Dream Drifter #4 Reveg was a success. 1 out of 4 ladies I’d to hunt for before taking each to F2.


Pablo Two Times @Guitarzan :axe: on 78F

Sweet lemon upfront, Piney undertone

Had a sweet tooth this afternoon. :yum:


Plants look great!!! Always enjoy updates in here. Pastries making me hungry too. :green_heart:


Loving the updates, hope everyone is having a great day. Woke with a huge headache and been sleeping til 1:45pm. About to catch up on here and then find something to eat myself. Enjoying all this rain I’m finally getting. Happy growing everyone.


@Jpaul Thanks brotha. I devoured those haha.

@ManyManySpliffs Thanks and likewise brotha. Hope you feel better brotha and get some pep back in your step. Glad to hear your getting some rain, the plants are probably loving it.

Whats the pink pistil plant in your garden?


A Jamaican bagseed, some sorta landrace strain. @InTheWoods


Thanks brother, I’ll be sure to remember that, the occasional seed is often a bonus though. I can’t wait to see them in the strong sun too. I’ve been throwing away all my trim up to now but I’m going to keep and freeze as much of the sugar leaves as I can off that grapefruit and try to make some hash.


Malawi Gold @Tejas
Day 79F


Kilimanjaro @Kidete

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325



Quicksilver @Elpolloloco

Lambsbread @Upstate



Saltwater Kush @hoss8455
Day 22F


Day 15F

Lemon Cheese Haze @HolyAngel
Day 11F






48hrs later and the Dream Drifters seeds are planted, 95% germed. the couple that didn’t open yet, I planted those as well. Let the hunt begin! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Clone zone.


This man’s in full gear. Can’t stop the train! :steam_locomotive:

Love to see them tents full!


@ManyManySpliffs Nice! Very appeasing to the eye. I always wonder where that trait came from and
what did the plant get out of it by changing the pistils colors. If its able to be coaxed into other colors.etc.

@Igor I hear you on the occasional seed but I wanted to be sure to mention it. Is it spring yet down there? haha. Nice to hear your saving the trim now. Nothing a like a nice bubble hash blend or if you have enough off a plant, a single batch. I was only able to do that with sugar belts. That reminds me I need to deep clean my bubble bags, or just get a new 90u bag.

I always wanted to do a LR/Sativa only bubble hash. I bet the MG or the Kilimanjaro would make some epic hash and probably would hit me like…

Thats the jumpstart I need in the morning :joy:

@HomegrownVABudz Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

One foot on the brake and one on the gas!


Where we’re going we don’t need brakes :smiling_imp:

Only :fuelpump:


Quicksilver Chopped on Day 80

Metal Haze x Dragon Energy 1 and 3 , left 2 until I finish trimming. @boatbum325

1 Lemony earth

3 The gassy lemon one. Tiny nugs but the flavor will probably be intense.

I’ll top, clone the clones, flip them after a week or two of recovery.

Most Dream Drifters above the soil.

Time to get trimming. Hope everyone is having a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I wish! It’s still midwinter, spring starts 1st September. Indoor temps are the same as outdoor temps, I can see my breath indoors and I’m wearing snowboarding gear to bed. I’m sure I’ll be moaning about the heat again soon enough. :rofl:

That Quicksilver looks amazing, and not too much work to trim. Enjoy your harvest brother.


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is delicously smooth and strong!

Lately time has been flying for me so September feels like a hop skip and jump away. Hope spring arrives a couple weeks early for you brotha to be more comfortable before going to the other extreme.

Thanks brotha, it was a very stinky timming her up. Like a dumpster funk meets citrus.
All of these have been very minimal effort in trimming with mh x de #1 left to trim this morning. I may take down the last MH x DE today. Hope you have great day!

Trich shots of MH x De #1

MH x DE #2
Looks like it could go longer but trichs say otherwise. Would you guys take her?


Metal haze x Dragon Energy #1 @boatbum325

Many thanks again for offering them up in the last years auction. Stoked to try them out!
If you want any cuts, I’m willing to send you a couple of each brotha!

Strings of buds.


Glad you enjoyed them . St. Judes auction that @Oldjoints sponsored ? Doc’s DE male is a stretchy thing in its own right . Add the 2 Colombians satys in the Metal Haze & we’re on 4-5X land . That # 1 looks straight-up rocket fuel . The DE line produces some potent offspring . Terp profile IMHO screams Chem or Sour to compliment the fuely OG . Also seems that the more equatorial crosses like high light levels ( 1400 / umols ) & drought stress ( 20% drybacks ) to really fill out & the OG / Chems crosses like just the opposite almost to puff up ( 750 - 800 umols , 10% drybacks . Appreciate your kind offer , but I’m steadily divesting . At 75 it’s time to enjoy what I’ve been blessed with & to be realistic / pragmatic enough to pass on what I probably won’t get to . St. Judes is always in need & an a most worthy one . This old Marine can’t get through one of their commercials w/o tearing up .


Yes, that auction last year.

The commercials are truly heartbreaking to watch.

I understand brotha. I’ll keep the offer open indefinitely so if you do get the itch to try something in my garden in future. Reach out and I’ll get it whichever you’d like out to yea. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Man, this is great insight. Thank you! The 4-5x land is where I want to be now a days. Beam me up scotty! haha.
I don’t have the tool to measure the PPFD but I could tell #1 loved being directly under the light. I had #2 and #3 in between the lights getting indirect light. I kind of unintentionally had them in those ranges.

Have you grown out any of these before? or other DE offspring?
What one did you enjoy the most?


Have done the Black Triangle , Dragonfruit Thai , Sour D & White Haze crosses . They’re a little tricky to get dailed in . Get them well rooted before you push them . Overwatering enhances the viney , floppy growth . The Black Triangle was the outlier it wanted to be run like an OG / Chem ie moderate light , wetter media . Ran with high light & drought stress like the others , buds were stringy , foxtailed . Back off the light & water / feed more often & they puffed up big time .


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods and friends, hope everyone got to enjoy this nice day we had! :beach_umbrella::star_struck::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: