InTheWoods Journal

Indeed, as I said. I’m a lazy ass man :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: My head is filled with sooo much I want to achieve long term. So I’m always looking for shortcuts and ways to make it more efficient. It bites me in the ass now and again :rofl:

Listen to @HolyAngel :blush:

Pz :v:t2:


Idk what’s ‘the way’ yet, just throwing my thoughts out there :sweat_smile:


Hehe, me neither. I have tried both and for regular crossing I will open up with my favorite plants, how many they might be. In the Purple Urkle work I did, I used one male and three females and for the Chem D x GMO Bx3 work I did. I used two males and two females. For me it comes down to open the cross with the plants I think will contribute to the end goal. So it’s not like I’m doing a full open pollination on the first round, but I’m not doing a 1 to 1 pollination either.

Pz :v:t2:


The heat was brutal today. Guess my job and win a coin flip of Dream Drifter F1.
{if you have them already, please sit out :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:}

I don’t feel like your nagging, only proud of what your GG4 BX3 will do to the SBH. I can only imagine what you’ll do to her haha.

Is this why people choose to BX to try to lock down as much of the parents in the initial offspring before taking? @HolyAngel I guess this would a be question you could answer. When you BX the SSDD, did you try to lock what you liked down before going forward in order to avoid the shotgun effect in the beginning?

I forgot to tell you I got the return from my first package too you so If you need more I can send more to look for that BD pheno. I would love to hear your smoke report on them before making the crosses.
Here is #4

Here is the most Haze leaner. Now with more cure the Cheesy BD is more pungent. Forehead sweats with this one, instantly felt in the eyes with that headband around the head feeling. Makes you light on your feet.

That sounds like really good one. I’m salivating over the thought of that cross. I’ve had BB a couple times but those combined would light my fire.

When smoking Malawi Gold did you experience any ceiling? I havent experienced any smoke that had no cap.

Stoked to bend your ear on both. Doesn’t Kilimanjaro remind you of Super Lemon Haze?
The Kilimanjaro x DD cross is kind of what @MNGrower is doing with his BD x SLH project. I’m stoked to see his offspring from his project.

Thanks brotha, I’ll have to search on here and see if anyone has her going now or has in the past. I may have to shell out some cash to get some.

I’m just throwing shit against the wall as best as I can for the smoke I’d enjoy the most. :joy:


Your job :thinking:… is to be the subject of an art project. Are you working with @Hashpants on this?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think I hit the bong recently.


Leg model I’m certain.


Exactly (a sentence)!

Time to do a little house work before Mrs. mota gets home and then make me a hamburger. :yum:

Have a nice evening all you east of the west. :grinning:


I dunno, not even gonna venture a guess, but that’s fucking gross :joy::joy::joy: haha…


You a landscaper? Looks like someone has been mowing and whatnot in the heat.


Generally yes but more usually because there is no male. Clone-only you’d wanna backcross to because you can’t F2. Tho you could S1 I guess but then locked into fems.

Which is what happened here. 3 packs of F1’s and 60 or so F2’s and I had zero males to speak of. Didn’t find anything stable that was like my F2 #1 keeper. At best I found different halves of her in a handful of the F1’s but nothing really in a male. So instead I went with a Starlite male (A5Haze S1 x 89 NL5) as I knew he would keep the high in the same realm and fix the short-coming’s in my keeper’s structure, which he did. I only had a few seeds of that cross though and ended up with just a single male and female to use. So I mainly just used what I had to make the BX1, the StarShine F2’s, and a couple other things before I lost that male. I used the one female to make the F2’s and tossed her, but I would’ve lost her anyways. That male was solid though. Sometimes you get lucky right off the bat and sometimes it takes 100+ beans and years of time to find the right one. Still have some SSDD F2’s left to go through before I give up and make a bx2 :sweat_smile:


That’s pavement from working on the roads?


Beautiful pictures and reviews man. I’ll be starting some Silverbacks on September 1st to go out side this summer for sure.

Looks like you’ve been digging or hoeing some dusty earth in the garden.


Good morning OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Woke up to no likes haha.

I passed out pretty early after eating a beastly burger with some cajun fries from Five Guys since In n Out hasn’t migrated to the east coast yet. Maybe in my lifetime haha.

:rofl: Its the 2025 summer line of hashpant.

Likewise brotha and hope that burger hit the spot like mine did.

It’s better than the days when I weed whack dogshit onto myself haha.

I probably have some pavement in my legs haha. I’ve worked with asphalt before thats hot day everyday. Yesterday would’ve had guys dropping like fly’s

I wish I was instead of working, Sometimes haha.

Thanks brotha,
Thats a hop skip and a jump away. Very interested in how they do outside. In your neck of the woods how is humidity levels usually for the spring/summer?

Are you bringing them right outside to start or veg indoor for a couple leaf sets?



Man that’s a bunch of seeds you already went thru. Fingers crossed you find that pairing in the SSDD Bx1 F2 in the next round.
Thanks for the breakdown brotha.

What’s your preference in structure. When I started back up again, I wanted very stout plants with stacked nodes. The heavy smoke. Now I like a semi lanky plant, with strong branches. I think it’s because I prefer NLD smoke more now a days.


Growing TK, I generally dgaf about structure :joy: It can grow however it wants if it produces the smoke I like :yum: but if I could pick and choose, I tend to like the Christmas tree’s with no more than ~4 inch internode spacing, best. Sturdy branches that don’t need any support. My ssdd f2 #1 is NOT that :joy:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @InTheWoods, & friends hope everyones start to the weekend is kicking :leg: off with hot :hot_face: coffee :coffee: and a good buzz :honeybee:! :beach_umbrella::ocean::fishing_pole_and_fish::sun_with_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:



One man’s Friday is another man’s Monday haha, gonna be sweating my balls off working for the next four days. But that’s a good thing. Any work is a good thing.

Weekends are for amateurs… haha!


It’s Saturday here :crazy_face:

It’s hard to imagine the heat ever returning at the moment, there’s no four seasons here, it’s either just cold and dry or hot and wet. Spring and summer humidity is usually rising, like 70% but it’s bearable, sometimes at Christmas it peaks then again more in February, but when it does it’s brutal. People here go on holiday to the jungles of Vietnam to escape the heat. :grimacing:

The current plan is to start them off for my mate indoors and then up-pot them into big buckets around October with some Bio Diesel cannabis specific living soil so he just has to water them. I might have found someone who can start a few of them off indoors and then we can take cuts of any females. My biggest problem is space, hence why usually starting with fems. I’m hoping to pass my mate an Ak47, a Blue Dream and a Silverback Haze that all just need to be watered. He gets nervous with plant numbers though.

Sorry I’m rambling. Mate your pictures have me prospecting to try growing your Dream Drifter somehow next year. Did you name that one yourself?


Good :pray:t2::blush:

I will definitely write you a smoke report of everything you have given me. I will also spread clones around EU of every keeper I find!!!

None of the Ace Malawi or Malawi Gold got any ceiling. There is very few of the tropical Africans that I’ve tried that impose any ceiling. You can smoke yourself into a full blown panic attack, no matter how much tolerance you have, it’s just a matter how much you smoke. Personally I think that there is a cannabinoid in these that just enhances the effect of THC. Everybody reacts different. My girl were a big smoker and the Malawi made her fall asleep because she got so freaking high from a 3g joint, while I became focused and very energised. Always started to code like a manic.

For me, SLH got that brain fart high where you just get very disoriented and the only thing you can do is sit and stare. I didn’t get this from the Kilimanjaros I grew. It wasn’t as strong as SLH and more bright and euphoric then SLH. This was 8 years ago so I can’t really recall more. I did a few crosses for patients and the only one I remember is the BB3 cross. It was really good daytime and patients with stress issues often picked that one up recurring.

Pz :v:t2:


I used to juice cows in very rainy western Washington state. Once, when a shit tank was filled to over flowing (and the 2’ x 6’ intake/outflow slot was completely submerged with watery cowshit about a foot deep), I stepped directly into the slot. Luckily, I was quick enough to get my elbows out to keep me from becoming completely submerged, but I was still completely covered in manure. Of course, it was 4:30AM, pitch black and I didn’t even have the cows in, and there was no going home to take a shower before finishing milking. It sucked so hard! HA! Well, now, HA! Then it was the biggest oh fuck you can imagine! HA!

Dog shit is worse.