InTheWoods Journal

Good morning brotha and hope you get some great sleep! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Morning everyone :coffee: hope y’all are chillin to the max


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope youre doing well and kicking ass!

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Kicking so much ass and winning awards while doing it :rofl::rofl:

Been fantastic. Stressful past few weeks. Had to work hard to keep my mouth shut :rofl::rofl:


Ebbs n flows, Life on a sine curve.

Sitting here stoned off of some Pablos two times. Wondering if any has crossed a landrace from each continent yet and call it Pangaea.

I don’t think Europe, and Australia don’t have LRs, possibly heirlooms though.

North America (most likely a Mexican LR)
x South America (LR, Columbian, Does Chili, Peru or Paraguay have known landraces? )
x Asia (LR, bunch of options due to the vastness of the continent)
x Africa (Kilimanjaro, Mawali gold, etc)
x Europe (heirloom most likely only on this continent)
x Australia (heirloom most likely only on this continent. Is ABC considered an Heirloom?)

Something like that.


You cross all of the others first, and then you make it auto :rofl:


Maybe would have to start there and work outward to un auto it :grin:

I like the optionality of being able to veg it longer although due to the extremely short/wet growing seasons over there I can understand that it’s a useful trait.


Or just toss it in some where to make a “fast” version lol

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If the auto traits weren’t in it. It would probably end up somewhere between 16-24 weeks flowering offspring. I guess that could work to allow for faster flowering ladies. I have zero experience with autos but one day Ill pop some.


I have one that made it through from a group that didn’t.

Gonna grow it in a quart container with grow dots and see what happens

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Hey :wave: @InTheWoods & friends. I see :eyes: you are all keeping busy. :sun_with_face::beach_umbrella::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::blush::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @InTheWoods, @HomegrownVABudz, @Ottafish, @Tejas, & all the rest of you guys that are up soooo early drinking coffee :coffee: and getting stoned. Looks like another 7 days of heat :hot_face: in the 90s. We really need some rain :cloud_with_rain:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Just got stoned! Going to bed soon. I made some hash with some Tropical Fuel I grew outside last year and crossed to Long Bottom Leaf. I actually got a decent amount of seeds, which is good because I didn’t think I was going to get any. It’s pretty tasty. 96 here tomorrow! It’s going to be a hot one!


Stay cool :cool: bro :sunglasses: and enjoy your buzz :honeybee:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Good morning @OhNo555 @Ottafish and OGs :coffee:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

That hash sounds like some great smoke, especially to help get some great sleep.

Oof, I don’t like that forecast. Stay cool brotha!

It’s going to feel like 98 with the humidity, basically mowing lawns in a sauna :grin:

I took some long overdue photos of Contangos round 2 and Silverback Haze.

Contangos R2

Micro report
Citrus (lemony), hashy, slight earth. Little haze undertone
Pleasant daytime smoke that won’t make you procrastinate.

#2 was an outlier in flavor. Had a grapey hash flavor

Silverback Haze
Floral (lavender) notes with hashy earth undertones.
All in the head type effects, not much body. Daytime smoke.

Mutant lady.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Nice report and bud pictures! :crazy_face::slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand::+1::sun_with_face::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



Amazing review as always! :fire:

Contangos sounds awesome and looks really fire!
The Silverback Haze is definitely going to meet my GG4 BX3. I think it’s going to be a good hybrid high and should plump those buds up!

Pz :v:t2:


@OhNo555 @LonelyOC Thanks brothas. I’m kind of lackluster with the reports, I need to get better at them or maybe need a new nose haha.

I’m stoked to see what you get out of them! I have your seeds on the short list when I get back to popping more seeds when some space opens back up. I’m thinking at end of September I can all of the Perk 29 F1s popped. My bad that it’s taking that long to get them popped brotha.

Between flowering runs, I just started the hunt after really enjoying the DD. Even though I’m very pleased with all 4 ladies, I’d like to get a bigger look to see what’s the most dominant pheno in them first before making F2s. I really like the Dream Drifter #4 lady I re vegged, but I also want to see if anything else really stands out. Ideally, I can find 2 more phenos to brings to F2.

First one would be a very robust cheesy haze, BD undertone, second would be a very robust blue dream with metallic hints, third is a combination of both. DD #4 has this combination. If I find a better lady in this hunt, she will get the replaced as the third. Trying to not have to go backwards when reaching the next generation by taking the best ones with me forward.

After looking thru the males, the selected male will hit the Kilimanjaro, Malawi Gold, MH x DE #1 for fun.

Hope you are doing well and having a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


You are too kind :pray:t2: I don’t want you to feel stressed or obligated to grow any of my work. I know I’ve said it before but it’s important to me, people will get to it when fate align. I’ll not nag anymore about it :sweat_smile:

That’s super smart and definitely a good way to think about it. Also remember that the majority of the traits you are observing are polygenic and some of them are hard to predict when it’s recombining to F2. Choosing a male that’s a pheno of the combination of the two can also lead to a higher grade of segregation in the F2s. Think of it like the same phenomenon that happens in a lot of S1 seeds, the progeny looks like the parents or grandparents of P1 and not copies of P1. It’s impossible to know without trying first. Personally I like the shotgun approach when moving from F1 to F2 and then concentrate the selection in F3 and beyond. This is because genetics have a tendency to align after the first recombination and I’m to lazy to try multiple males to get to the result I’m looking for.

I have already put down DD on my list of things to cross. In the end of next year I will begin my fruits and berries crosses and DD is going to be paired with a Blue Papa(Blue Digi Berry x (GDP x Purple Urkle BX1 F2)), I’m definitely going to aim for the BD pheno! My hope is that it help balance the Indica leaning Blue Digi Berry Cross while keep the berry terps.

These two I got a lot of experience with. The Malawi Gold is the African queen of cannabis. There isn’t any other African cultivar coming close to be as good as this one. Both Malawi gold and the refined Ace Malawi is world class sativas and I have yet to try anything better.
Many years ago I did a Kilimanjaro x Bruce Banner #3 S1 that I remember was really nice. The berry terps played really nice with it and I think the DD is a good choice.
Btw if you enjoy Kilimanjaro, take a look at Bangi Haze, they have similar high, but Bangi have those unique terps that’s to die for.

Pz :v:t2:


I’ve really been leaning towards the opposite lately :thinking: SUPER selective at the F1/F2 and then more OP like at the F3+. Figure lock in everything important up front and then can be more open on the back end as they should all be similar. As opposed to opening it up quite a bit up front and then trying to select out of that later :thinking: More than one way to get there tho that’s for sure :sweat_smile: