InTheWoods Journal

We used snow shovels to shovel cow shit water from the run in corral with concrete floors. It was my first job. We would run ad slide for 20 ft. Fall down etc. Always go home covered in cow shit.


These are some brutal jobs being described in here. Haha.


Certainly shitty.


Good Evening OGs :beer: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone had a great week! I’m going to cap off this hot week with some chinese food from my favorite local spot. General Tso extra spicy, well done boneless spare ribs (when well done it’s kind of like burnt ends). :yum:

Stay hydrated brotha while your kickin ass! I had to take a couple minutes to cooldown myself this week. Cold showers after a long day are heavenly haha.

Only way to find out how they do in high humidity environments is to pop em. Very curious how they in that environment.

Sounds a great plan brotha! They might get really big with the indoor start haha stoked to them flourish down under! Nice line up too for your friend to have some variety of smoke.

Yea. Do you have them? I’m shot so I forgot haha

You dont have to go crazy on the reports haha. Micro reports are fine with me. I hope you find some keepers to spread brotha!

Challenge accepted :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’m a heavy smoker (Yada yada yada everyone says this), I’ll try to find that glass ceiling like…

In world of pure imagination

Thanks but what I meant to ask was do you find SLH terp profile similar to SLH. I haven’t grown it but the buds I have smoked of SLH was very close in flavors but ill agree the SLH has that mental foggy-ness.

Man that is a rough start to the day. That day I bet you wished it would rain again but it never did.

When you guys get home trying to shower while trying not to track it around the house. :joy:


Totally. I never liked SLH, never understood how that won three Cannabis Cups in a row.

Holy’s Cheese Haze cross is a definite improvement haha. Even the Blueberry-smelling one that I grew that smokes much heavier than I thought she would is better than SLH haha…


My sister used to date a dairy farmer. He smelled of cow shit all the time. Even when showered and drenched in aftershave, his favourite cologne Givenchy Gentleman still to this day smells like cow shit to me.


He persuaded his missus to let him grow one last year and it was autumn when it started so it never got very big. So now she’s relaxed a bit so I’ll try to persuade him to go for three, not realising that they will be monsters. :sunglasses:

I’ve got some Royally Hazed, and Silverback Haze and Cultivators Choice. I’ve got more beans than I need at the moment, I’ve made a bit of a pig of myself in recent OG fundraisers, plus won Doug Dawson’s giveaway, so I’m fully set for the foreseeable future. But just the name Dream Drifter had them on my future list for sure.


She has no idea haha. Look at @Tracker 's 2023 garden. Monsters I tell ya!

Monster plants like these reminded me of old RIU member called mygirls I used to lurk back in 2010 to learn a bunch. He always had massive outdoor gardens and still make me wish I could grow outdoor in the future.

Here is a quick pic I was able to find of his grow back then

Hope he is doing well.

Haha yea I know what you mean brotha. I cut myself off from 99% of the giveaways since I had too many still to grow. I’m trying to figure out a way to get more seeds popped but I’m out of space haha. When you’re ready Ill send some over.


I have “high” hopes for you! If you don’t get there with the landrace version, take a peak at the Ace Malawi and you’ll definitely get there.

Tbh, I can’t recall the terps at all. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

If you ever find something called Lemon Haze with the lineage Lemon Thai x Super Silver Haze. Snag it ASAP. I promise you that it’s a highly superior version of the Lemon + SSH terps and the high is that bright daytime high that just makes life 200% better in general.

@VerdantGreen got a Lemon Thai x Amnesia Core cut that I’ve been eyeing up for a while now and I think that it might be a good version of the Lemon Haze, but I haven’t tried it yet :blush:

Hehe, the Dutch have no sense of what good cannabis is. They smoked mega boof until neville got into the game. Now we are talking 5% thc dwarf afghan with basement/leather terps… There was one coffee shop in Amsterdam who sold African import only. This was the go to place in dam before the mid 80s. They sold Durban, Congolese, Malawi, Swazi and Moroccan Hash.

Here is a podcast with Karel from SSSC mentioning that time In dams history.

This is definitely something I really want to try! I really liked the terps in FLC.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah where’s that at :eyes:
The normal super lemon haze used Lemon Skunk and that’s why the foggy/confused high :confused:


Hey :wave: @InTheWoods and friends. Good morning bro :sunglasses:! Have a great weekend! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::beach_umbrella::ocean::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sun_with_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 @HolyAngel @LonelyOC and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Woke up and smoked a bowl with my coffee. Almost finished all I had to do today haha. Very clear, incense like taste. Like those incense you smell in a church. It was a nice taste, will be even better with a cure on her.

Ah ha, That would explain that feeling.

Ill keep my eyes peeled for that one and Bangi Haze.

This cross sounds great. I’m a lemon head. You seem to be a fellow lemon head as well haha.

That Amnesia Core cut is a beauty!

(photo from seedfinder of A C cut)

I never heard of this one before. In cups from 2002-2019, Man this Amnesia core cut has some mileage on her haha.
Very interesting that it has nothing to do with Amnesia Haze because that’s what came to mind first. I bet the Lemon Thai really added some extra flare and hopefully some more lemon to the bubblegum candy profile that is described on SF.

I didnt know you found a blueberry one, I’ll have to go back and reread your reports. A blueberry lemon cheese haze is something I’d enjoy.


Malawi Gold #2 @Tejas

Very speedy after a bowl haha


Yeah, hopefully they can be controlled to not be too big. I’m not deliberately trying to upset them, they have close neighbours. There’s not a big difference between winter daylight hours and summer daylight hours here, it’s close to 12/12 all year. So I’m hoping that that will reduce the plant’s idea of “veg” time and limit the flower stretch as there’s no 18 hour days here. It will be interesting.

@Tracker 's plants look amazing. Jeez imagine needing a stepladder!

Very kind of you mate, I really appreciate that, thank you.

All this talk of Lemon cheesecake Haze is giving me the munchies. Bedtime for me, I hope everyone’s having a good weekend.


Thanks for the suggestion, but I am sooooo fucking done buying or even procuring seeds haha. DesertHeart DM’d me a while back about the f2’s of that Apollo 11/Appalachian he made and I took him up on his offer, but that’s absolutely the last thing. No more. No more seeds haha.

Yeah, it’s the #4 plant. I didn’t open those jars for a whiiiiiile, just because I love the #3 so much, but I put together some bags of everything from that round like six or eight weeks ago to give to the chick who cuts my hair. On the drive out to Pasadena, I was like,”What is that? Something in those bags stinks like blueberries…” The whole car reeked. Turned out it was that #4 plant.

The high on her is heavier than I’d like, though, which is unfortunate, just because she smells so good. But she’s still better than Super Lemon Haze! Haha. I actually haven’t blazed any of the #4 in a while, maybe I’ll get back into it soon and see if it’s changed at all.


Did you find a ceiling with the MG or did you tap out before getting there? :grin:


I’m about to smoke a nice joint of MG. Ill let you know if need to roll another one. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


It’s hard to not reach for #3. Maybe the blueberry is more robust now after more time curing. I dont think the effects would change. I dont know haha.

Arent you popping some seeds for the fall soon? Curious whats on the chopping block for this round.


Man those are impressive

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You don’t know because you smoke everything before it’s even been in jars for a month haha.

I think it does, though. In fact, I know it does, just because it’s happened with weed I’ve grown many, many times. I’ll try something out after three or four weeks and dig it or not dig it for whatever reason, then get back into it after three or four months and my mind’ll be completely changed. It’s even happening right now with the #5 Angelica that I just grew. I thought that strength-wise, the #4 Angelica was much stronger, but I blazed some of that #5 a couple nights ago after a day of drinking (which is every day haha) and was like,”Whoa… Holy shit…” She seems a LOT different than she did even just three weeks ago.

Yeah, August 15. Between your current grow and these old-ass seed catalog pdf’s I re-read a couple weeks ago, I was thinking probably Doc’s Malawi Gold x Dragon Energy. Beyond that, though, I have no fucking idea what I’m gonna plant haha, probably start perusing the list in a few days.